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Everything posted by Kluys

  1. So, meaty ores happened. Went around the station as the good littke drone that I am fixing holes. I noticed how difficult it can be from the starboard side to get back into the station. I think the addition of 2 airlocks, one port and one starboard sided one would be a good idea.
  2. Maybe make it so science doesn't turn out completed products but frames requiring one or two non science items to complete it Acompanied by a small storage of these exotic items somewhere in science to create a few completed items withouth requiring help. Some examples could include A wormhole generator requiring a non artaficial bluespace crystal to focus its energy. The temperature gun requiring a basilisk core (I am aware this item doesn't exsist yet) And other kinds of items could need medical or engineering assistance. -Make the medbay harvest organs. -Engineering could be given an radiation container that requires some time inside a rad collector (instead of the plasma tank) before it can generate the x-rays needed for he x-ray laser. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!
  3. I would not want to change the current process of how the engine is set up, doubeling the power in the smes units wont last long at all if you want to power the entire station and on low pop rounds this would force a single or maybe 2 or rarely 3 people to work soley on the engine for their entire shift each time. Summarizing all that. I think its not a good idea to force engineers to do work. HOWEVER I am all for making it more possible for engineers to mess around themselves. A CE locked crate with a super matter shard. Extra solar or turbine equipment. The assembly line being emptied, the wooden bars removed and just turning it into an empty unpowered room withouth obstructions so the engineers can work. All of those things can work
  4. Mapped in telescience will not come back. Its to much off a balance issue and the current situation was made because people liked it while others were discussing completely nuking the entire thing. The impact on gameplay it has is simply to great no matter how you twist it. This is made progressively worse by the fact that its completely possible and quite easy for some to create your own calculator. In fact I have my own calculator that I made in excell.
  5. Kluys

    AI play idea

    No, if the AI gets fucked with by normal non antags like that withouth admin permission you ahelp it.
  6. What you guys are forgetting ia that AI vox spam is already a bannable offense. And changing the AI laws to shitty ones like that is as well. After all the person doing so isn't playing the role they've chosen. Thing Is I've never seen complaints about this until now. Report it ingame and we will talk to the player doing it, if they dont stop well then we all know where that is heading.
  7. You know heres the thing, if you want to stay alive, you can. You will just fail the objective. Like I said, don't care about the greentext. I have seen people do some pretty creative stuff with their deaths.
  8. I don't think the objective is going to be removed. For everyone who wants to stay alive they can just not do it, for everyone who wants to be creative its a way for them to do something cool. For gits who think greentext is the most important factor in this game. Get out it isn't, fun is.
  9. 101. I may not tell the crew its safe to go "carp watching". 102. I may not request hulked geneticists to smash. 103. I may not tell the telescience crew the coordinates of hostile outposts under the guise of treasure. 103a. This also applies to zoos, alien hives, the CEO's office and the centers of planetary bodies or stars. 103b. I may not request telescience excursions to these locations either. 104. Altering the station blueprints to put the clown office in the permabrig bedroom is not ok. 104a. The clown commiting a petty crime doesn't make it ok. 105. I may not send the mime when first contact is made with a new intelligent species. 106. Unathi and vulpkanin aren't forced to wear a muzzle. 107. Attempting to tap a slime person because the water cooler is to far away is inapropriate. 107a. The same goes for IPC's and fuel tanks. 108. I may not "help" the station security team by making our packing department unlock weapon crates pre shipping. 109. The morgue is not part of the kitchen. 110. Forcing open airlocks doesn't provide the station with fresh air. 111. I may not tell security officers they are going on a suicide mission even if its true. 112. I may not make our transport team colour our shuttles sindicate red because it looks cooler. 113. I may not use a plasma man to roast marshmallows. 114. Employees are not forced to remove their jumpsuits during an inspection. 114a. Courses on appropriate behavior start next week. 114b. I may not force crewmembers to remove their protective gear in a hostile enviorment during inspections. 115. I may not tell the non exsistant death squad they are going on a mission when they are given a vacation. 116. I may not frame someone for a capital crime when the station is low on cyborgs. 117. I may not announce an NT charity operation when I need to fund my gambling addiction. 118. Giving a high five using a mech suit may result in injury. 118a. The same goes for handshakes and fist bumps. 119. I may not request SE's when my kid has trouble in PE class 120. I may not request UI's to look like my favorite celebrity. 121. Adding small amounts of laughing gas to vox or plasmaman tanks is only funny until they faint during dangerous activities. 122. Sacrificing the janitor to ask god for an army of cleanbots is illigal. 122a. The same goes for security officers and medical doctors. 123. You can't stop a singularity by making it collide with another singularity. 124. Party poppers are not made in toxins research. 125. Changing everyones title to clown is not part of our equal treatment policy. 125a. Neither is releasing kingstons.
  10. Step 1, say anything that would prove you're attempting erp Step 2, be evicerated by a red eyed dark sillouette in the shape of a pandabear. Step 3, have the remaining parts of you pulled into a dark puddle on the floor that even tthough its dark seems to lead to a massivd fire filled hell. Step 4, wait till rapture finally ends your miserable exsistance in panda ruled hell.
  11. Or just you know, THIS IS A FUCKHUEG ROCK IN SPESS AND ITS COMING RIGHT FOR US *makes ptchowwww noise while immitating a person screaming for help*
  12. Right in summary the idea I had was a race that functions mainly on symbiotic relationships with other races in the form of small but noticeable buffs such as very minor healing or even enabling nobreath for a short duration. The summary of their discovery consists of a story about a group of scouts who crashed on an unknown planet. They get nurtured back to health whike their ship is being fixed. As soon as they leave they find out that the planets atmosphere was toxic to them all this time and that the creatures were the ones enabling them to survive. Their biology I imagined resembles a severely thin human with a snake like midsection. Biokinetic abilities. A passive biokinetic barrier that keeps this race from healing eachother. This because they used their biokinetic powers in tribal wars which resulted in the use of these barriers which eventually became a passive genetic trait.
  13. I had an idea for a race exactly like this but withouth the half life reference part. Ill post it later if you'd like.
  14. Calculation speed doesn't equal intensiveness, ZAS wasn't better in any way with its "lets fill up the entirety of the central hallways with plasma because a few doors are open"
  15. yall starting at 2 after an admin said 1, try again.
  16. This is and has always been the way laws work, its why traitor AI boards work and its why ion laws work, it will not be changed. secondly you guys are discussing lawsets here which are all purposefully made with their own good and bad sides, none of them are perfect and limiting us to just one would be rather boring if you ask me. all the basic lawsets require the AI to atleast care for the crews health, so do the rules, so I don't really see any issue with the lawsets being random. If you hate the laws the AI has, get the command staff to change said laws.
  17. disabeling a feature is done by litterally just setting the breaking chance to 0, changing the entire system requires actual coding.
  18. Dont say that and proceed to go off topic :V Anyhow I feel that the feature in its current state is broken seeing the issues it causes and id prefer not only cameras on the sat but also cameras in say... the captains office. To be protected.
  19. 1. this isnt a powercreep since sec doesnt get more power, research (the most overpowered department) just gets less. 2. What you're saying there as a "tactic" is the reason these things should be locked in the first place since this isnt something only antags can do. Just to give a little insight ,I deal with sec hud griefers atleast two times each week these days and due to busyness I only manage to play 1 or 2 shifts a day. 3. Research isnt supposed to have these, why WOULDNT they be in a lockbox.
  20. not to mention the fact that locking away sec huds doesnt give security any more power, it just keeps the security records from being messed with to much sec records are what a -good- security force needs to function and making sec huds available to tons of people would mean destabalizing their entire system.
  21. Like I already said it doesnt matter if the engineers fix the cameras or not because the broken cameras are known by said warden or the AI, say we have 6 rooms and room 1 and 2 have a broken camera at round start, if the AI or warden have begged for this to be fixed they know for a FACT that room 1 and 2 have a broken camera since round start. If 15 minutes into the shift, room 5 has a broken camera its immidiately known that this camera is in fact cut by a person, not a random event. your arguments of it causing validhunting to stop is a bit strange as well seeing how you say that noone ever checks the camera monitor.... this means that any antag doing their work properly (IE disabling a camera withouth setting of the alarm) should remain hidden for quite some time. you could then proceed to fix the validhunting problem by only greying out cameras on the camera monitor which HAVE a set alarm that way the only thing you can do to find out about a non alerted disabled camera is to either see the camera itself, attempt to access the camera via the monitor console which should just show you static or something OR by the AI suddenly noticing one of the areas has gone dark Not to mention the thing I already said about the current implementation of this feature causing major issues like certain areas which should have absolute visibility having a chance of suddenly being dark from round start. I'd say either remove it or disable it until it functions properly and doesn't cause major issues for the AI.
  22. actually i just tested, the camera monitor straight up tells you every single broken round start camera
  23. Yes but currently this is not helped in any way since like I said most AI players who have played AI enough to know about the broken cameras will immidiately search all of those cameras. it doesn't matter if they are repaired or not the player playing the AI at that point KNOWS what cameras are broken and what cameras are hacked later on in the round.
  24. As I've stated I play engineer a lot as well and I can't speak for every single person but walking down a bunch of corridors to repair one camera (which takes no effort mind you since you can just cut and mend everything) isn't fun. Antags can disable cameras where they are by first hacking a camera and seeing what triggers the alarm. following that up by cutting a camera withouth triggering said alarm in the first place, the fact that the AI does or doesn't have broken cameras doesn't play into that.
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