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Everything posted by Kluys

  1. I think the explosion erases the singularity, it seems from the code below it that it does the same thing when a singularity hits another singularity EDIT: nevermind i think its del(S) that does it but that could be added too this thing too
  2. That would defeat the entire purpose of it, I want it to be available round start because currently the only way to stop a singularity from what i've heared is to make bags of holding and throw those in which are late in the science tree
  3. So i've taken a look at power generation on the station You can use the power generators which require materials so they arent used all that much You can use the solars, they are the safest option so when there is a really competent engineering team you usually end up with a station run soley on solar power. You can use the supermatter which has a chance to explode and spam the common radio with shitey messages about the delamination percentage but it would warrant a shuttle call when it gets destroyed so an avarage engineering team uses this engine as their power source and then there is the singularity that is most often used when there are new engineers. The singularity is the only engine that, when it goes. causes an almost immidiate shuttle call, Its a round ender. What i would like is an item that a competent engineering team can throw into the singularity, making it dissapear entirely. We already have bags of holding that can do stuff too the singularity from what i understand but those require diamonds and lots of research. I hereby present my idea: an unstable white hole contained in a sort of containment device http://s28.postimg.org/qs0pwcf8p/singul.gif (the image is already available in dmi form so if this idea is used i have it ready, used the circle part of the singularity generator to make it) I would like this thing to be stored in the room where we have the gravity generator or something, secure storage seems a little close too the singularity How it works: it starts of in its room turned off, just the device withouth the orange pulsating stuff on the inside. When the singularity gets released you turn it on and let it be sucked in by the singularity after which both it and the sing will dissapear HOWEVER: to keep it from being turned on round start and put behind a piece of glass next too the singularity (thus making it impossible to release the sing because it would just eat it immidiatly. The device should actually act kinda like a reverse singularity pushing any loose object and person withouth magboots away from it when it is turned on.
  4. Kluys

    Vox dance bar

    Treelike bluespace computer trees are going to look alot more techy, what i mean is that im Nnot going to place one of the random potted plants placed around the station into this room.
  5. Kluys

    Vox dance bar

    extra scrubbers added i will have to sprite up a no oxygen sign plasma windows and grilles added trees dont seem vox like so im going to skip on those + trees in a room withouth oxygen or CO2 just seems weird the boring tile can indeed be replaced but i dont want the light tile there since it would interfere with the vox hologram since they are both blue (I also dont really like the glas lit tiles) N2 storage is there for a reason so the vox can also refill their N2 tanks with those drinks machine does have spare glasses ill see about making it bigger
  6. Kluys

    Vox dance bar

    I am also looking for suggestions for this place I might add them (EDIT: too the idea version i wont add this too the game yet withouth permission) if they are possible and good.
  7. Kluys

    Vox dance bar

    viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1911&p=9674#p9674 please post all your mapping problems here, this thread is meant for the vox dance bar idea.
  8. Kluys

    Vox dance bar

    added too the list
  9. the only problem with this is that most "alchoholic" drinks dont actually contain the chemical ethanol (which is alchohol) the drinks are coding wise entirely difrent substances then ethanol-alchohol and thus "dont contain it"
  10. their job is to regulate atmospherics, which includes said atmospheric gasses being on fire, their hardsuits have a higher level of protection against fire and there are a total of three lockers full of firefighting specific equipment in the far north part of engineering
  11. http://imgur.com/BUcul6v Plastic rocket corgi puppy. http://imgur.com/xLRt1Sl Foam master 9000. http://imgur.com/CQkwDbi Riplai (i know the quality sucks vox ass but i only spent 10 minutes on the entire set)
  12. Kluys

    Vox dance bar

    Belts go in oposite directions and are controlled by the conveyor switches on the best side (going in belt gets going if you use the switch in the hallway, going out belt switch is inside the bar) I could add an external airlock but before i do that i would like to learn how to actually make them (which i am probably going to do since i might do a map bugfix soon if I get permission from ponies (when the code is stable again after some problems last week), one of the items on my list of map bugs that i would like to see and probably can make dissapear is the two non functional airlocks (for as far as i can see those miss their control panel inside the airlock) pointing it at the skipjack is a little hard because its directly north east of it, the best way to reach it would be through an airlock at the north after which you can jump off off the lattice floating near the solar ( http://imgur.com/ai3BDxh )
  13. What I thought of when I read this for some reason was PAI's. Why not let robotics create a little plastic body for them and maybe give them some simple tools that are helpfull too their master but not useable in any large way. Sort of like having a robotic dog under your command some idea's too that may be: A set of dispensable internals. A little internal printer to print out documents. (Imagine a HoP with a litle plastic robot running around and dispensing the job transfer and additional access forms) Devices used for sending things to places (wrapping paper, destination tagger, labeler) A drone like grabber that can grab a food item or paper or things like that to bring it too their master some other obvious things like flashlights maybe a T-Ray a single roll of gauze that gets refilled when it enters a recharge bay Etc Etc as long as it can only be used too assist their master and not to fuck around/hack/build/combat with. Some other ideas might be to let them keep the laws their master gave too them.
  14. so after turning the current dance bar into a vox atmosphered place for the 8th time I thought, why dont these voxes have this as a standard vox room, its never used for anything else for as far as i can tell. I then watched some trailers for hotline miami 2, found this image http://pu.cdn.hub.nl/media/misc/175523.jpg thought of a club and how we already had an unused one in place and then about an hour later I had created this http://imgur.com/hduv4Ml specifications I had to make a weird system with conveyor belts to get in because placing an airlock there would take up alot of space i would have to rip away from another area + i dont know how airlocks would function between two locations with difrent gas mixes. The floor sprite still needs some improving but i want to see how the purple looks with the dance bar equipment turned on before doing anything with it. The female vox hologram in the middle of the room is animated. http://imgur.com/cQ46ia4 The air alarm was switched too mode two which to my understanding sets it to a vox room immidiatly. The room has a simple atmos system that connects the room vent too two connectors with N2 tanks instead of the main distribution system. I know creating a bar JUST for voxes would be a little racially biased towards them but other races that dont react to gasses could use it as well and the races that do can just use their internals. And last but not least, the dance club systems are unchanged and still intact for as far as i can tell.
  15. Kluys

    Bubblish sound

    bubbles.ogg is indeed the chemistry bubbling. The airlock sound isnt here i've heared it a few times now.
  16. I noticed alot of sound was being added, new sounds for doors, dionea chirrups and vox screeching What if slimes have a random sound out of a list of bubbling sounds each time they use their speech I suggest using - bubbles.ogg - bubbles2.ogg (although that one is a bit long) - squelch1.ogg - bubblewrap.ogg - slosh.ogg these sounds are all already in the game and i might look for some extra's later today.
  17. I made a few sprites in the past that i think might be nice additions too the game. Starting things off are two sprites for the fluff colour changer for slimes (which currently uses the t-ray icon) Also included is a sprite for a used colour changer with the plunger pushed in and the screen going red. DMI file download link http://www.sendspace.com/file/zdnrgc
  18. This is one of the main problems with telescience and i'm guessing it was also one of the biggest reasons it was nerfed. I suggest watching telescience a little more to see if someone isn't breaking their IC knowledge. I would not recommend making it less precise or slower since this would also damage the good things you can acomplish using it. not only can you help the medbay by acting like a godly paramedic and helping anyone that is moving predictable enough (or not moving at all) but you can also very precisely deliver cargo, send As an example one of my biggest acomplishment with telescience was teleporting a person out of a burning hallway by guessing where he was going to be and hitting receive at the right moment. as i've said I think the best solution would be making it a karma job and making that job reasonably expensive (50-60 karma maybe?) and maybe add in the rules or wiki guides somewhere how telescience and IC knowledge works. One last thing i would like to add is the fact that i made a new "guide too telescience" and updated it too the library database. someone might want to take a look at that and add it too telescience as an item although i would recommend running a spell checker over it (dyslexia is a bitch), it has some reference points with coordinates mainly the cargo telepad, medbay lobby and security lobby. it's author for easy finding is my usual character cripty.
  19. The current nerf of telescience (removing the freezer, scrubbers and blast doors) has done what it was supposed to do and telescience is harder to use now. This does bring with it the fact that the fire is currently very annoying. The fire itself isnt the problem, if you are competent and know what you are doing you probably placed a procautionary scrubber in there. the problem The problem here is the heat, you cannot see it, the room doesnt have atmospherics or a freezer (that was removed) so the heat will never leave the room and even if you open up the door you will probably kill or severely hurt yourself (not only from the heat but also from the pressure it causes) along with possibly dangerously heating up other places if doors are opened. possible solutions I suggest either putting back the freezer removing the fire in exchange for something else or making telescience a seperate job that requires karma to unlock so the more abusive players who dont roleplay propperly and immidiatly teleport in valueable items are repelled a bit A last more elaborate suggestion would be to add a remote controlled door venting into space and an air canister attatched to a piping system so you can vent out the warm air and add in normal air from the tank. Along with a way too measure the temperature and gas composition. This way you will have to carefully regulate the output of the vent and from time to time you will have to go too atmospherics too refill your air tank so you dont run out. small extra's (edit) There are some small things i would like too suggest too A door between telescience and medbay since its often used to help hurt people. Placing a crew monitor there from the start. Again, making telescience a seperate (karma bought) job. this could be done nicely with the two suggestions mentioned above making it a job somewhere inbetween the research bay and the medbay. Putting a fourth sps in place since its often a hassle when you have two telescientists working. (maybe place it in the RD office and make people request it) I sometimes do this with people where one handles transportation requests while the other watches the crew monitor i usually build too see if there are any emergencies. Adding a little guide booklet like the ones you see near the singularity and the supermatter and in hydroponics with a written tutorial on calibration and a few good reference points with their coordinates (cargobay telepad, medbay reception, brig lobby and other places you might need to send things too) I am not quite sure how the library system with persistant books works but i might start writing this myself if it isn't already there.
  20. In real life most lizards can drop their tail when they feel in danger, what if the unathi could do this too. Give them an ability to drop their tail which drops of as a slippery item so it can possibly stop persuers just like the real life counterpart. Some extra's might include giving the chef a unathi tail dish or something like that.
  21. one word, hamburgers http://i.imgur.com/WbAIPWK.png
  22. yes but for a petty crime an implant is a bit harsh and really hard to remove
  23. well then, copy the code. remove the benefits or disabilities from having one except the not being able to remove it. resprite it into something else like a harness. and we have one of the ideas implemented i think
  24. So i had 2 idea's about slime ventcrawling 1 allow people to ventcrawl but stay inside a vent until they move, it would make it alot more usefull then blindly jumping out a vent. imagine it like looking through the holes in a grate like in spy movies. 2 make an item like an armband or something that is irremovable but doesnt restrain like cuffs. this way you can keep an uncuffed slime in a prison cell or permabrig withouth having to weld all the vents shut.
  25. well i just joined after a long break of ss13. Seems the surgical bay now also has new trauma packs on those tables there making it even harder to grab some of the stuff and i think those extra tables could fix it along with the difrent arrangement.
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