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  1. I request we add Matter Overdrive, 'A mod that dwells within matter and energy.' That is all.
  2. ...You've read my mind, Soman
  3. I like the idea, though as MarsMond mentioned, this could be difficult to implement.. I don't have too much coding knowledge, but I'd assume it's possible to have a script that picks random words out when attempting to translate, and randomizes those words (simulating misinterpretation), possibly adding an indicator to the linguist's (or the poor soul listening to the linguist)'s chat as well; such as italicizing aforementioned randomized words.
  4. I love the concept and some of the ideas listed, and I'd certainly like to see this feature, or something like it, added to Paradise. My only concern is with some of the more unique modifications, specifically: To me, these effects in particular seem a bit too powerful, especially for something that can integrated into someone's clothing; however this could likely be justified with: -Additional negative effects associated with these materials. (ie: constant radiation/toxin damage from uranium mix) -The materials were expensive, and/or time-consuming to create and integrate into clothing. (Possibly also requiring restricted access to specialized tools, such as an advanced sewing machine as you mentioned). -The materials quickly wore down as their effects are activated, and/or as the wearer of the modified clothing takes damage; breaking and becoming unusable after a certain point (possibly even creating more negative effects for the wearer if kept on while broken).
  5. Personally, I wouldn't have this enabled, but many others might prefer to have it. Again, I don't really see a problem with this feature as long as it's optional.
  6. Here's a few ideas: -BSA: It needs to be constructed to destroy a large meteor/chunk of space debris heading for the station, if it isn't constructed towards the end of the round, the station is impacted and heavily damaged. -DNA Vault: Constructing it will automatically (or manually with a multitool or something) sync all DNA samples in the vault to the cloning bay on station. These changes would also add a motive for antags to hinder or disrupt the completion of these station goals, as they could take advantage of the chaos caused by the failure to construct them and their construction could end up making their own objectives harder.
  7. The only problem I see with this is that the screen could easily become cluttered in areas with high population density, such as the emergency shuttle, and as Flattest said: Otherwise, if it became an optional setting that could easily be turned on and off, I don't see any further issues with it.
  8. That's the thing, I'm trying to find ways to improve the current 1v1 combat system. In regards to anti-stuns, those may sometimes be difficult to obtain, especially if you're say.. an IPC, which already have major combat disabilities.
  9. If this were something that was easy to accomplish, it likely would have been done ages ago, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Also, I know it's likely that not all of these ideas will be implemented, but I'd still like to see atleast a few of them added in. In regards to stun weapons, they should have a chance, when attempting to disarm them while unarmed, to stun the attacker.
  10. After discussing the current combat system with a few players, it's clear that some changes should be made to it, mainly due to the fact that it is often viewed to be heavily based around being the first to stun/push your opponent over. Following is a list of ideas for possible changes to the combat system which should make disarming much less powerful and the system as a whole slightly more skill-based. I would love to see one, if not all, of these ideas implemented in some form, and encourage people to comment their opinions on these ideas, describe possible changes to these ideas, or add in their own ideas to this list. •Changing Disarming -(This is an idea for a complete re-work of the disarming system. Any time I use the term 'attack' here, I mean clicking on someone using the harm/disarm intent.) -Instead of disarming having a straight chance to push someone down, have to chance to make them 'unstable' -Someone that attempts to attack while 'unstable' has a high chance of becoming 'off-balance' -Disarming someone that is 'unstable' has a moderate chance to make them 'off-balance' and a low chance to make yourself 'unstable' -Disarming someone that is 'off-balance' has a high chance to push them over -Attempting to attack someone while you are 'off-balance' has a high chance to make yourself fall over and a low chance to make both you and your target fall over if you were attempting to disarm -Attempting to grab someone while 'unstable' or 'off-balance' has a moderate chance to remove the status effect from you and apply it to them -The 'unstable' and 'off-balance' status effects wear off after a few seconds of not attacking/being disarmed or after another person uses the help intent on you to help you regain your balance •Disarming Weapons -Attempting to disarm someone that has a sharp melee weapon, such as an energy sword, while you are unarmed has a much lower chance of causing them to drop it, and a moderate chance to cause damage to the unarmed person attempting to disarm -Attempting to disarm someone that has a sharp melee weapon while you also have a sharp melee weapon in hand still has the normal chances of causing them to drop it -Disarming an object has a chance to send it flying 1-2 or very rarely 3 tiles away from the target •Combat Changes -Grabbing/harming/disarming someone has different results depending on the current intent of the target -For example, have a chance to miss a grab on someone who has harm intent selected, but not on someone who has the help intent selected
  11. I agree with this, I feel like you've identified the major problem here: people assuming that the IAA is only responsible for dealing with security. I actually had assumed that myself. Perhaps we need to make it more obvious that the IAA is responsible for checking all departments; rather than just checking security and dispensing legal justice.
  12. Remember, the whole concept here is increasing the differentiation of the species we already have, not introducing new species. I like the ideas, though this is probably not the topic for them.
  13. Or we could not take the easy way out and actually attempt to code in mobs with 4 legs and other unique species properties. Of course it will be difficult as hell, but that doesn't mean it should be ignored entirely. This whole concept is going to take a lot of time to be done properly, requiring an enormous amount of brain-storming, coding, balancing, lore-writing, etc, but I feel like the end result will be more than worth it. Even after changes are implemented, there are going to be disagreements, re-balancing, adjustments to be made, etc, but again; Why avoid such an amazing idea simply because it would take a lot of work to make a reality? +1 I'm in full support of this.
  14. Ah, this is true; I suppose this forum topic wouldn't exist if the nice approach was effective at all. 'Tis a sad day when one prioritizes a tiny bit of humor over the happiness of those around them.
  15. See that's the problem exactly, some of us don't just want to avoid offensive names, we want to avoid references to people/characters of real life. I feel like the rule should be something along the lines of: You can base your character's personality off of something IRL, but don't literally copy their name/personality word for word. For example, I'd be much more accepting of a Diona named Root instead of Groot; or something along those lines. On the other hand, maybe we don't even need a set rule, I feel like if the community as a whole constantly and strongly recommended players to not copy IRL characters (In the actual OOC, not just salting in Discord); maybe those players would actually consider changing.
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