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Sampaiii last won the day on February 27 2018

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  1. I like this, and also like the idea of splitting it into a new job paired with xenobio It is a little strange that science has several different areas but almost no sub-departmental jobs with specific accesses (or whatever you'd call them) But also I like messing with weird plants moreso than doing normal botany and itd be nice to be able to do that as crew instead of having to look for the terrarium lavaland ghost role
  2. Be CE. Build BSA room. Neglect to fill room with air. Open door to properly pressurized area filled with random equipment. Break every bone by having said equipment thrown at you at light speed. (Addition: Forget your suit sensors. Give the Blueshield a heart attack.)
  3. i wish i had gotten more screencaps of the owo spider....... it was beautiful
  4. @Benjaminfallout my price list is here! @shatterdcoyote thank youuu ;-;7 I'm still glad you like them aaaa
  5. It's been a while since I posted here, so here's a small art dump first, a commission for @Hibiscius of my character STERLING with their character E.R.R.O.R. 404, bein cute and stuff and a 2 part commission for @shatterdcoyote of terry and a younger terry and some pixel art i did for @Darkking1234 of WALASKI and a similar one for @V-Force_Bomber who wanted a picture just like it of ELO and finally, a commission for @Rayford of their character Brenden Singh
  6. I'm not sure.... Worth trying tho
  7. you can dip cigarettes and cigars into chems to fill them with chems... which can make for some interesting times if you use the right stuff :3c I'm sad I never see anyone else use this
  8. Two things: One, I am very proud of this DJ outpost renovation I did (feat. HOTrod, Spark 5.5m, Desmond, and a sleepy Irithyll) Two, Spark is an actual Jedi
  9. and here we have- a picture of the proudest robot on station traitor tried to get to the captain, i caught the fact the AI was subverted before anyone else noticed, PDA'd the CE, and managed to haphazardly hold off the bad guy (while having no cuffs to actually detain him) while they hacked into the bolted room to help u-u the guy got away in the end, but the captain still thought i did good ;-;
  10. I am back with finished commissions woah for @V-Force_Bomber for @Normalyman Aaaand a bonus blueshield sterling! *^*
  11. Aaah, stuff I've drawn lately and forgot to post! A commish for ID107, who i don't think has a forum account... and another picture of ID107, because i'm super proud of how this turned out. sterling the angry robot, complete with esword this started as me just scribbling and somehow became playing around with lighting, i like it though. (slightly related: i just realised i forgot his head accessory thing, aaah...) aaand a proper, full body picture of sterling, because i like how it turned out for some reason i've been drawing sterling a lot lately...
  12. TEENY TINY ROBOTS! (and one slime) it's SAM, STERLING, LUMI, ELO, PATCH, BEER, BT-7274, ID107, and serac ( unrelated: i totally forgot i was going to draw tetra last time i looked at this thread, i am a sham )
  13. i forgot to post this, so it's a bit old, but voxxy got to experience being taller than the average voxxy thanks to slith's growth serum apples :D
  14. For a moment I thought you were going to talk about that round with the changeling that took your stuff yesterday, but this is even more meme I wish I'd been there to see it tho (I play S.A.M.)
  15. I decided to build a mini bar in the maint nook above the HOP office, I didn't get a screencap of the original mini bar, but a nice engineer (zack glover, i think?) decided to help me out by expanding it into the command meeting room above it (as the request of a golem and a xeno queen who said i was Very Important) then the round ended, so, in regular ss13 fashion we blew it up! :D
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