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About SideCat

  • Birthday September 7

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  1. It takes me 3 glass of jägermeister to drink to make me drunk
  2. W̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶s̶p̶i̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶ ̶r̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶d̶d̶e̶d̶?̶ But on serious note, will there's be changes about the relations/rules between greytide and security?
  3. I'll EMP Aurora someday, then I'll collect her and put her into PAI. 1.
  4. l6 machine gun is my babe
  5. What kind of unique stuff you could drag from such gateway? Some security equipment from armory perhaps?
  6. Now I'm having a question, why syndicate terrorists dropping guns from "Wild West" gateway, but russians in "Russian Station" don't?
  7. With body on rolling chair trick, it's really easy to deal with those NPCs (except Russians, because you can't get gun from that gateway). Making NPCs having unlimited ammo will make things much easier and there's will be no challenge at all in gateway. Just imagine they're carrying ammo pack with them.
  8. I've noticed that players can easily find the code-word for the rules - all what you've to do is to go and check some accepted ban appeals and because of it, the idea of saying code-word to make administrators sure that you've read the rules is dissapearing. I think making such thing as changing code-word every few days for rules will make that more people will actually re-read the rules. It will also force a little to remember rules for those people, who are quite inattentive (just like me, lol) by fully re-reading rules after getting some kind of a ban. I think that making new idea for code-word is easy - all you do is just pasting in random place some kind of a full name. This idea is kind of raw, so it might have couples of minuses that I couldn't see, plus it might add more load for administration, but at the same time it might reduce number of people breaking the rules. Thank you for reading and this thread was writed during the night... =w=
  9. Yet, I think that Captain should just try to control the station and announce to greytide to get a job or they wont get those free toolboxes and gasmasks from their storages.
  11. SideCat

    Vox Leap

    Space proof must be turned into space resistance, like make less damage from zero pressure.
  12. You've a point, I think adding EVA access will do the best or... put mechanic's hardsuit into the locked locker.
  13. I'm from Estonia, the half slavic and half european country. This country made Skype, blood-sausage and cheap-quality alcohol for some countries. 1\3 of populations are russian speaking people and I'm in that part. Most of those russians know estonian language, but not me. Oh boy. Not me, this language is fucking hard as fuck, everytime when I speak estonian, my friends from other countries thinks that I'm about to summon devil. A lot of annoying teenagers and cute little babies. Weather in here can be.... weird, it can be very cold or quite hot, thunderstorm in winter or 1 meter snow in autumn. The wild is basic, we don't have any mountains, just a bunch of uplands. Aaaand this country is getting bullied by others.
  14. The topic speaks for itself, I would like to offer to add access to EVA or to Engineering, so he could finally stop asking engineers to give him hardsuit for his adventures. Let's be honest, mechanic does need hardsuit and if adding him more access is not a solution for you, then Mechanic's workplace must be added closet with hardsuit. Thank you for reading and please leave your comment under this topic.
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