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Everything posted by Fathuran
Mechanic and Shaft Miner have reached acceptable levels of quality and will be removed from the watchlist. While Shaft Miner is still missing some images for various materials, it is now up to date. Thanks everyone for contributing! The following pages have been added to the watchlist: Syndicate Guide Nuclear Agent Not only are the two above pages identical, but they are outdated according to the headline. I advise that contributors should simply update the Nuclear Agent page to par and then re-purpose the Syndicate Guide to either something else or slate it for deletion, since we already have a Guide to Traitoring. That's all for now. Keep up the good work!
My favorite FPS, Timesplitters: Future Perfect. http://ndrewsemler.com/tsmusicbox/timesplitters3.html - The entire soundtrack is here, including for the previous two games. The the whole thing is wonderful and spans many different time periods and styles, but I'll put up a couple of my personal favorites. Scotland the Brave - The first level's music is fantastic and gets you right in the mood killing baddies in 1924. U Genius, U-Genix - I loved this track when I was younger and I still very much enjoy it today. I feel that this track from 2052 is very appropriate for any biohazard situation on SS13. Machine Wars - This 2243 level and its music draws a lot of inspiration from the terminator series. I listened to this particular track a lot when writing one of my SS13 Characters. Disco a GoGo - How can you not love it?
Awesome work folks. Space Carp, Recruiter, Brig Physician and Psychologist are much improved. I will be taking them off of the watchlist, but I still encourage you to sift your work through a few times to make sure it's objective and satisfactory. Thanks everyone for helping out. I'll be updating the OP with a few new things, but I'll post them here too, they are: Medical Items - This article is literally blank save for a hyperlink to Baystation's wiki page of the same name. If you intend to edit this page and you end up copying text over from the other wiki, please get the images too. We don't need more red image links. Images and cleanup for: Security Items General Items Chemistry Items Clothes and Internals High Risk Items Atmospheric Objects I am requesting the deletion of this article: Category:Station Equipment - It is a redundant article. The Objects page serves this purpose. I'll update the OP in 2-3 days, keep up the great work everyone.
Thank you very much for bringing that up! When Tiger was walking me through the process, the Nearest Neighbor function was explicitly said to make the effort worth it. I will update the OP with what you pointed out, and you have my thanks. This guide is as much mine as it is anyone else's, so efforts to improve it will always be accepted.
Hey fellas, I get a lot of folks asking me about things such as how to upload images to the wiki, especially in-game sprites. So, here goes! First off, you'll need a copy of the server's resources, which you'll find here. Once on that page, go ahead and download the zip. Once your download is complete, go ahead and extract the Paradise-Master folder wherever you please using your preferred extraction software. After that, go ahead and open the Paradise-Master folder and you'll be presented with many other folders and other nonsense. For now, find the icons folder and open that sucker up. [Click the image to enlarge it.] Once in icons, navigate to the mob folder and open it up. Depending on your list settings, you should be presented with a large amount of .dmi files with names such as AI.dmi , Alien.dmi , and so on as well as a few other folders. Accessing any of these .dmi files will open up BYOND's Dream Maker program. Depending on your settings, you may not see the .dmi extension, but it's a matter of preference. For the purposes of this tutorial, access the human.dmi file. Not human_face.dmi , human_dam.dmi, or any of those. Just plain human. When the Dream Maker program has loaded, you'll see a window with all the sprites in human.dmi - Go ahead and follow the image by double clicking on the sprite labeled body_m_s [Click the image to enlarge] Upon clicking the sprite, the window will change to show only your chosen sprite, as well as in its four facing directions. For the purposes of this tutorial, please double click the south facing sprite. After that, you should see what looks to be a simplistic painting program that allows you to edit things by the pixel. This blank human character will be referred to as a paper doll for the rest of this guide. Using the aforementioned side panel in the previous image, we can navigate all the .dmi files in a similar manner to browsing the folder. However, when you access .dmi files in Dream Maker, it will open up a new tab, allowing you to quickly switch between sprites that you are working on. Go ahead and use the side panel to navigate to scroll to human_face.dmi and double click it. Once human_face.dmi is opened, it will switch to that tab automatically. Go ahead and grab something like a hairstyle or a facial feature, or something else if you wish. Go ahead and put skrell tendrils on a human head if you so desire. Remember to use the South facing sprite! [As always, click the image to enlarge.] Once the sprite is selected and the proper facing chosen, you'll have another simple editor for the sprite. Now, in order to place sprites on top of each other, it's a very simple matter of using the CTRL+C copy function, switching back to the paper doll, and pasting with CTRL+V. Keep in mind that sprites WILL overlap each other. Place large articles first. Or else you might have a beard that's tucked into a jumpsuit! Now that you know how to combine sprites. Feel free to browse the rest of the .dmi files and attach whatever you please. Go wild! Place a big bushy beard on an unathi, dress up a sprite, or what have you. Within the mob folder, you'll see things such as feet.dmi , hands.dmi , and so on. These are the sprites of various articles of clothing how they appear ON a character. So, feet.dmi shows all possible footwear in the game as it appears on a character. Icons for inventory sprites are located elsewhere, and you're encouraged to look around the resource. Now then, let's dress up our wonderful paper doll, you go ahead and do it too, however you like. We'll come back in a few minutes! Alright, that was fun! Now. Whether you dressed up a paper doll, or you simply want to take a plain sprite, let's say you want to upload the image to the wiki. That's easy as well, however there's a step we need to take beforehand. We can't upload .dmi files to the wiki, which is fair enough. So, we need to convert the sprite to one of the proper formats, which can be any one of: png, jpg, jpeg, and gif. Here's how you do it. Once you are happy with your sprite, or you find what you want, click the Back Arrow once, so that you are on the page with the four different facings. You will see that your edited southern facing human model still has its new appearance. Go ahead and right click that, and select export. You can then save the model wherever you'd like and in whatever format you prefer. I personally like to have both a copy of the DMI and a PNG on hand. Do NOT save or save as the file! This will edit the sprite you are playing with in the resources, so either reverting or re-extracting them is the way to go if you mess up. If you want to make -new- sprites, then click file, and select the 'New' option. However, if we upload it in its current x32 state, the sprite we have will be terribly blurry line and just won't look good at all. So let's fix that! Open up an appropriate image editing tool that is not Microsoft Paint! Using MS Paint will remove the backround transparency of images, which is a problem of its own. Backgrounds on wiki images should be transparent. The program that has been recommended to me, as well as is my own personal choice, would be Paint.net. Once you have loaded the image in the program, go ahead and choose the resize option, to which you'll be brought to a window where you can edit the dimensions. Be sure to set the resampling to Nearest Neighbor to ensure a reduction of the image artifacts. Now that we have PNG [Or whatever format you chose] file of the desired sprite, let's upload it! Head on over to the Paradise wiki. On the left you will see a 'Tools' dropdown menu. In it, you'll find a link called "Upload File." After following the link, you'll see a pretty basic looking upload page. Click upload file, select your properly formatted image, name it, and so long as the name isn't conflicting, your image is now on the database! However, not many people sift through every single image to see what's there. So it's up to you to take the initiative and fill in the blanks for images! If you uploaded it, then put it in the right place! So, for example, let's go ahead and put this new sprite in an appropriate location. (Don't do as I do. We don't need a bunch of people uploading a ton of test images, only upload relevant or needed items.) In order to place a file on a page, you simply need to place its FULL name onto a page. So, we go ahead and plop it down wherever needed and there we go! You now have an image on a wiki page. I hope this guide was somewhat useful to you. If you didn't know before, I hope now you know how to figure out how to navigate Dream Maker and create/edit sprites and dress paper dolls. Good luck and happy editing! -- Special thanks to Tigercat2000 for educating me on how to upscale a sprite so it's not a blurry mess. Most images should be upscaled to 64 bit, but without a proper editing program, you'll have a very blurry image when you resize it. A program like Paint.net will alleviate any stresses and will make images look much cleaner when uploaded to the wiki, improving the project as a whole. A wonderful thank you to Index for reminding me, as well as all of you, to be sure to select Nearest Neighbor when upscaling a sprite to prevent artifacts. This will ensure you have a clean sprite to upload to the wiki! PS: Stay tuned for another thread which will be Part 2 of this guide, which will go through formatting a wiki page.
Thanks for putting that out there. I'll update the OP to entail that those details are needed on the wiki.
Sounds great, I'll send you a message regarding those topics. Conversely, (And probably better) feel free to let me know what exactly you're having trouble with in regards to formatting and I'll do my best to help you out so you can go ahead and jot the stuff down yourself. Honestly, I'm not the best at wiki nonsense either, and certainly it's not all committed to memory. I can also walk you [And anyone else who is interested] through adding images, especially sprites, since those can be a little wonky.
Hey fellas. I'd like to take the time to put up a big list of essentially 'what needs doing' for the wiki to give people a good idea of what they can do if they are not sure 'what' to do. I'm only human, and just one at that, so I'll need all your guys' help in pointing out what we need to get done. Feel free to post in reply to this thread with stuff that requires updating, as well as simply posting what you're tackling at this point in time. I'll try to keep this first post updated as much as possible so people can simply take a look at the OP instead of sifting through pages. Expect this page to be updated every 1-3 days to reflect any changes. Jobs When the mouse page has more information than a lot of these jobs, we have an issue. Take a look to see what you're knowledgeable in and can contribute to. Magistrate - Mainly putting this here since it's unfinished, however as a project it's currently being handled by Streaky Haddock. Ambassador - This job is completely blank, as well as unreleased. As of right now it's a placeholder, however minor things such as flavor text can clean it up, as it is on the job list. Security Pod Pilot - The page for this job is currently nonexistent. Non-Staff Roles Nuclear Agent - According to the headline, this page is outdated and needs revising. Do what you can. Honk Squad - I'm not really expecting anyone to fill out information for this aside from admins due to how rare these guys come along, but the page is blank and listed on the jobs, which makes things look messy. Like anything else, if you have experience, please contribute what you can. Areas Take a look through the locations page. As you can see, that big old image of the station is a little outdated. In addition you'll see a big list of areas and what have you that are either terrible outdated or somepletely non-existent. I'll try and list a few. Non-Existent Area Pages - Auxiliary Tool Storage - Emergency Storage - Escape Pods - Escape Shuttle Hallways - Primary Tool Storage - Custodial Closet - Waste Disposal - Captain's Quarters - Conference Room - E.V.A. Gateway - Teleporter - Abandoned Satellite - Derelict - Mining Station - Central Command - NanoTrasen Representative's Office - NanoTrasen Recruiter's Office - Equipment Room - Gamma Armory Areas with missing images - Bar - Medbay - Morgue - Page needs area formatting as well. - Singularity Engine - Page is great, but we just need an image of the whole singularity area itself. - Brig - Law Office - We have an image, but it's outdated. - Head of Personnel's Office - Area pages that simply need an update Research Division - This is the page for the entire research wing itself and is essentially blank. Images, descriptions, and formatting needed. Maintenance - Images and formatting needed. As maintenance areas extend through the entire station, images aren't 100% needed but better descriptions would be cool. Guides The following guides could use some updating, mainly in the image department. Starter Guide - Lacks images for [up to date] character set-up, job preferences, and a detailed visual guide to the HUD. General Help - Some hotkeys are outdated. Basic Construction - Due to a lack of images, the page looks a bit messy. Guide to Hydroponics - Mainly missing images. Guide to Toxins - Page is blank. I'm aware that it's policy no toxin mixing guides be given out freely, however if that's the case, this page should either mirror that or be slated for deletion. Guide to Genetics - I haven't looked through it a whole lot, but the headline said that it needs revising, so I'll put it here. Guide to Atmospherics - Some changes were recently made to atmospherics according to this thread which have not yet been put onto the page. Guide to Virology - Like Atmospherics, this page is now somewhat outdated due to recent updates, namely the symptoms are what require looking at. Syndicate Guide - As of right now it's a carbon copy of the nuke squad page. This should either be slated for deletion or be given a complete overhaul. Keep in mind that a Guide to Traitoring already exists. Game Modes Mutiny - It's a good blurb that gives a basic idea. However a proper list of possible directives and more insightful information would be helpful. Other Pages These object pages are missing many sprite images Medical Items Security Items General Items Chemistry Items Clothes and Internals High Risk Items Atmospheric Objects Medical items is the worst offender, it's blank! Regarding Images I've already put on relevent pages that images may be needed here and there. However I'll put this in its own thing. We need images. Images of areas, images of sprites and what have you. If you don't know how to upload a sprite that the game uses, then follow this guide which will walk you through the process. - I'll try to keep this page updated as much as possible. Some of the things here listed are as easy as editing just a line or two, and some of it may take some effort. Feel free to grab anything on this list that you're interested in taking the reigns on and let us know. Good luck!
Yeah, as others have said, a Brig Physician is for all intents and purposes just a Medical Doctor working in a different spot in the station. They have no right to perform actual security duties, including searches. If during a round they are deputized by the Head of Security - maybe the Warden too - during say, a Red Alert, then sure. Internal Affairs should have been on your side in the matter and looked into it. I think there is some misconception about the Brig Physician because they, well, work in the brig. This can lead to some players thinking that they are actually a part of security with all the 'perks' that it entails. Some steps to make their job more clear would be welcome, such as a 'job description' paper like the Rep and Blueshield.
Business cards with clickable "Send PDA Message" link
Fathuran replied to Jaden's topic in Suggestions
Business cards? That sounds fantastic. Like Fj45 said, having some sort of sentence you can print onto your card would make it all the . Perhaps you start out with some and can print more at the library. Possibly include a clip item that acts like a container for them. No matter how it's executed though, I'd love to see it. -
Gamma room already has a durand inside of it, I personally don't think there needs to be modules in there to make it so gygaxes can equip lethals. In my opinion, I personally think that if there was a way to make them able to equip lethal attachments, I'd say E-Magging fits the package. Everything needs to be able to be E-Magged. Anyway, though. I play roboticist somewhat regularly and I have no problem with the nerfed gygaxes. As others in the thread have said, a non-lethal combat mech is a nice idea and differentiates between police and military.
Name: Margarete Keely Age: 39 Gender: Female Species: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Administrative, Engineering and Research (Robotics) Biography: Born in the year 2518 on a colony in the Epsilon Indi system, specifically the planet of Indus Beta, Margarete came into the world with ill prospects. Her father was a terraformer for the colonial government, responsible for shaping the planet however is seen fit. Her mother, a certified master gardener, worked in landscape design, laboring in tandem with her terraformer husband. Unbeknownst to Margarete as she went through childhood, the local government began to slowly change long before she was even born. Aid from the colony's benefactor government back on Earth began to slow for years before stopping altogether under the strain of an over expansive administration and lost in a sea of bureaucracy. Many government officials and representatives began to leave the neglected colony, leaving in their place administrative cyborgs and a central artificial intelligence to manage the colony's efforts. By the year 2532, life on the colony was almost completely managed by synthetic beings as well as forgotten by their Earthling forefathers. Margerete, only a young girl of 14 and working as a gardening hand for her mother, saw a profound change in priorities as the 'new' government established itself. For a time, things worked out as technology tightened its firm grip on an already technological society. Crime had plummeted due to a police force that never sleeps and manual labor worked by massive drones; healthcare was dominated by implants that monitor blood chemistry and synthetic limbs and organs were encouraged to the point where people tended to replace their own working, natural body parts with cybernetic enhancements. By the year 2535, nearly 80% of the population of ninety thousand had at least one permanent artificial enhancement of some form. The occupations of the colonists began to shift focus towards that related to robotics and their upkeep. These encouragements worked their way through the population, as well as Margarete. Her education shifted from agriculture to engineering, finding herself working with a wrench instead of a trowel. For some time, it seemed that Indus Beta would become a unique society; a colony of intellectuals and bright minds in the world of robotics while synthetics managed the day to day routines. However, it's not as simple as that. In a universe where sentient life is as valued as tissue paper, Indus Beta experienced some of the worst human rights atrocities since before earth kissed the stars. Petty crimes were punished with forced cyborgification and mass sterilizations were carried out as a eugenics program was established by the synthetic regime in order decide who was worthy of carrying on their genetic code. Only those carrying genetic traits of interest or those who demonstrate their ability to be a productive member of society according to the automated leadership were were given leave to procreate. In the year 2541, when Margarete reached the age of 22, tensions had come to a breaking point; the human colonists protested the infringement of their natural rights. As expected, however, the synthetic government brutally put down the demonstrations, first with tasers, then with lasers. In light of these events, the human colonists fought back in the best way they could, with their intellect. The automated government had not calculated for an all out rebellion, and so was slow to react to the dissidents. The years of programs focused on mechanical upkeep proved to be the doom of the synthetics, as their opponents knew exactly where to shoot, what wire to cut, and which fail-safe to activate, which gave them only just enough of an advantage to not be immediately decimated by the deadly machines. After five bloody years and nearly a third of the colony's population lost to violence, the Machine War of Epsilon Indi had ended with human victory and independence without acknowledgement or care from Earth. Margarete, a shellshocked veteran of the conflict, carried on as best any of the others could. Her family intact, she continued her work and served as a structural analyst for a society of engineers attempting to rebuild. After several years, the fledgling government slowly began to present itself to the interstellar community, their space faring vessels being hollowed out, jurryrigged structures originally designed for automated intelligence only. Finally, it seems, the people of Epsilon Indi can expect a semblance of normalcy as their citizens now interact on an interplanetary scale, Margarete being one of those citizens that decided to leave her battered home to seek opportunity elsewhere. Qualifications: Employment: Indus Colonial Botanical Nursery - Gardener, 2534-2537 Indus Colonial Mechatronics Refinery - Mechanic, 2537-2541 Indus Provisional Government Mechatronics Refinery - Structural Analyst, 2546-2552 NanoTrasen Corporation - Cybernetic Prosthetist, 2553-2555 NanoTrasen Corporation - Biomechanical Engineer 2555-Present [2557] Military Service Indus Beta Provisional Government, Epsilon Indi Warrant Officer, Supply. Served 2541 to 2546 Education Degrees: Cybernetic Physiology, Masters Mechatronics, Bachelors Certificates: Member of the Brotherhood of Ultra Science Other Training: Basic First Aid Security Records: During her employment to NanoTrasen, Margarete has not recieved any formal warnings or reprimands. Non-Corporate security records are clean, though there is a lack of information due to the destruction of infrastructure during a minor conflict on Indus Beta. Medical Records: As a smoker of cannabis products, Margarete receives regular lung examinations during mandatory physicals. Toxicology screen is clean save for THC-COOH from the aforementioned substances. Margarete also possesses a number of synthetic additions to her body. Her right knee has been replaced with titanium and the rest of the leg below the knee has been replaced by a cybernetic prosthetic. A cybernetic prosthetic has also replaced the entirety of her right arm, along with a synthetic shoulder joint. Personnel Photo: This holographic photo shows Margarete from roughly a year ago. Her dark blond hair extends to just above her shoulders and her blue eyes look directly to the camera with a professional smile on her face. She wears a white labcoat over a black mechbay uniform. Commendations: Reprimands: OOC Notes: I originally wrote this character as a human variant of my skrell character, Qilla Vshen, as evidenced by both of them being members of the Brotherhood of Ultra Science. However as I brainstormed her a bit more, I decided to use an old concept of mine using the planetary system of Epsilon Indi, one of my favorite star systems. The character soon grew into their own as a result of events around them, which led me to write more about the broader events and only touching on her every now and then. It's in addition to my writing more about the events instead of her so that the reader can use their imagination regarding the character's development. I hope it's an enjoyable read.
I love golems. Myself and some of my kids roaming about. I took them out for ID's then we suited up to hit the streets. The Head of Personnel called them Larry, Moe, and Curly. Their job? Stooge. After we got the ID's I took my children out shopping for 'clothes'. We ended up leaving with stunprods. Inexplicably. Funnily enough, there was a griefing video that took place on that same round. I don't condone what was done, but I thought it was interesting since the griefer was also a Xenobio, and I ended up fighting his creations (Gold slime extract) versus my own (Golems). I won't link the video itself because I don't know if that's allowed, but here's an unrelated screenshot I took a while back that pretty much spells it out.
Name: Qilla Vshen Age: 41 Gender: Female Species: Skrell Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Biological sciences and administrative positions. Biography: This skrell, like most, was born on Qerrbalak, which most sentients regard as Jargon IV, the human designation for the damp planet covered by swamp and jungle. As soon as she grew legs, Qilla was prone to wandering away from her home in a highly developed, partially submerged city to explore the nearby marshes, usually coming home with insect bites or some sort of rash from touching strange plants, telltale signs of a child's curiosity. Her education proceeded normally, focusing primarily in alien sciences, such as studying the physiology of other species and their behavioral patterns. Among these, some of the subjects she has had the most vested interest in have been the violent space carp, the reclusive vox, and sloths. Qualifications: Degrees: Animal Physiology, PhD Developmental Biology Epigenics Ethology Certificates: CPR Member of the Brotherhood of Ultra Science Other Training: Basic First Aid Secretarial Employment Records: Space Burger - Cook Achernar Society - Lab Technician Achernar Society - Zoological Researcher Achernar Society - Biological Prospector BioTech Solutions - Biologist U-Genix - Zoological Physiologist NanoTrasen Corporation - Zoological Physiologist NanoTrasen Corporation - Xenophysiological Field Researcher Security Records: Doctor Vshen has not recieved any formal charges or warnings and is noted to be courteous and forthcoming to security personnel when questioned. Medical Records: Doctor Vshen has maintained a clean toxicology screen and is for all intents an purposes a healthy skrell in excellent physical shape. Qilla at times shows the qualities of an eccentric for her work, though this has not proved to be of any detriment. Personnel Photo: This holographic photo reveals what is presumably an average height, healthy looking skrell female. Her opaque skin has a green hue and large black eyes rest where they normally would be. Three long tendrils sprout from her head, hanging limply over her shoulders. Attached to them are various bits of golden jewelry inset with precious stones clasped in intervals along the three tresses. Like most skrell, her nose is nothing more than a slight bump on the middle of her face with two slits vertically parallel of each other. Commendations: Reprimands: Other Notes:
This is one of those times when I really think we don't need a completely separate job for something that is really just one duty for an already existing job. As others have said, Atmos Techs have it down. Once they set things up, and unless they make projects for themselves, fires are really the only things they'll be dealing with for the rest of the shift. People in this thread have already established that notion, not to mention there are already some firefighting closets in the tunnels for people to protect themselves with, so why do we need a highly specific job for situations that arise maybe once every couple of rounds? Yes, I know we like to exaggerate about "OMG PLASMA FIRE", but in my experience, it REALLY doesn't happen all too often outside the occasional crazy murderboner (Which the admins frown upon even for traitors) and malf AI. I've seen a suggestion sometime ago, as well as mentioned in this thread of a job that combined firefighting duties with the paramedic, along with a name change. I'd be for giving the Paramedic some expanded ability such as simply giving them an extinguisher in their closet and making their hardsuit fire resistant on par with an atmospheric tech, but not much more than that. With all this said however, one argument that can be established in favor for a 'fire fighting' job would simply be population. We have such a large population that we CAN have these highly specialized jobs. We have many karma and RP focused jobs (There's some overlap, of course) where the station won't care one way or another if they exist or not. More jobs/job openings, means less civilians. My thoughts in conclusion: - Subjectively, I don't think we need a job that specifically focuses on fighting fires, as it takes away from an atmos techs duty. -Subjectively, I think we would be better off with giving the Paramedic some firefighting ability in the form of an extinguisher of his own and a hardsuit with the same heat resistance as an Atmos Tech. It doesn't make him a firefighter, but it makes him a better rescuer. -Objectively, we have the population to support highly specialized jobs. It will reduce civilian load and simply create more openings for people. One final thought, if a fire fighting specific job was created, I don't want it to be karma based. I know the trend is to make newly added jobs cost karma for the sake of the system and to give people things to spend it on, but making a job that really is just one duty of an atmos tech isn't even worth 5 points.
Flavor text as streaky said is probably the most viable thing to do. Due to current priorities with coding and whatnot, the best thing you can possibly do if you want small aesthetic things like this would be to sprite the options yourself as well as code in the 'tail accessory' character creation option for the tajaran. After this, run it by the administration and see what they think of your work. The reason why I say as a character creation option and not a clothing piece is that I don't know what 'slot' you would put this accessory on, other than making it an item you can add to your jumpsuit. However like I said before, if you do the brunt of the work yourself, then you have much higher chances of small things like this to be implemented.
Hey fellas, I went ahead and copy-pasted what was on the bay wiki for Vox. There was pretty much nothing there on our page except for some game mechanics. If anyone wants to edit the page to better suit Paradise's lore, go ahead. I also think I'm going to start working on Unathi pages. I might work on their physiology somewhat and other various nuances.
Players should be punished for declining anesthesia.
Fathuran replied to esven's topic in Suggestions
Yep, I play surgeon a lot, and I get a bit annoyed OOCly when characters decline anesthetic. For Vox I whip up sleep toxin, but I find people's reasons for declining to be amusing, such as "I've felt worse," "I don't trust any of you," et cetera. Which is hilarious to me, because surgery without anesthetic, whether on purpose or by accident, is a very, very painful experience and can lead to long term psychological issues at times. The ONLY time I ever operate without anesthetic is for alien embryos. There simply isn't any time. Aside from that, I give people who refuse anesthetic a choice, either they accept anesthetic, or they don't consent to surgery. I've had a captain walk around with a ruptured lung and broken ribs because they consistently refused anesthetic. They kept arguing, "I can handle it, I need to be awake in case anything goes wrong." What did our doctors do? Nothing. I and others argued that it's terribly unethical and it goes against our oath as practitioners of medicine to do such a thing, so he kept coming back every 20 or so minutes to see if anyone would operate on him without putting him to sleep. Finally, the CMO said, "Fine, I'll operate on you," and as soon as the captain got on the table, he injected him with chloral hydrate, knocking him right the hell out so we can properly operate on em. -
Observing an alien round. I think this speaks for itself. Wandering alone through some maintenance tunnels to see a faceless greyshirt - on fire. A while back I was playing a vox. Myself and two others decided to convert the dance club into a vox room. Construction complete! WHY.
Exactly what I was thinking of when I typed that. Yeah, a gradual thing would be good. Definitely not a one round event, but more of an arc in an attempt to see machine people recognized as a sentient species. With that said however, there are similar views on the Tajaran, but a lot of people tend to forget that they are a fairly oppressed species in corporate human society (Which has taken over a good portion of their planet) and just play them for the fur. Of course we aren't like some servers where Tajaran are excluded from captaincy due to this story point, but it's nice when at least the notion is acknowledged. EDIT: With that said however, there being a lack of an IPC Embassy for this exact reason is actually kind of nice. Not every species should recieve equal attention. In fact Vox should be even less recognized as in, not at all (I've been under the impression the vox crewmembers are the odd ones out in their society), Mkenner pretty much described IPC relations, and I talked about the Tajaran. Not to mention that humans, and especially NanoTrasen, really don't care that much about equality. Earth is a dystopian craphole in this universe, and people tend to overlook that this setting is somewhat dire. We have planets that are nothing more than toxic waste dumps and space is dominated by ruthless megacorps. Species equality should be a far thing off, especially when human rights themselves aren't exactly the best either. Obviously the existence of embassies may signify a change, but the efforts to even warrant an embassy would be an interesting to explore.
I completely forgot about them, mainly because I find slime people to be a dreadfully bland species, I would also say that they probably shouldn't have embassies either, I agree. Diona I'm 50/50 on. They have their primary gestalt over in Epsilon Ursae Minoris, but they don't have actual representatives to actively talk about their interests. Which is why I further recommend that an embassy should be a general one for the unrepresented peoples, or the diona can use the skrell embassy, since them two get along fairly well. EDIT: An event chain to have IPC's come into their own would be cool. Data trying to find his humanity as well as his legal status was one of the best story arcs in Star Trek in my opinion.
I can understand this sentiment, but I don't necessarily agree. The NanoTrasen Rep looks out for corporate interests, whereas the captain may be loyal, but he might not always be doing what the board wishes. A fax machine in the captain's office allows him to communicate with NanoTrasen on his goings on, but yet still the Rep will more than likely report completely different matters, or at least in a different light, not to mention that there are times when Central Command gives the Rep special obligations to act on. Not only that, but if the captain wanted, he can just go into the rep's or IAA's office and send correspondence if there wasn't one in his own. If anything it's a convenience thing.
The way I see the embassies is that they represent the species' interests when it comes to NanoTrasen. To my understanding, the machine people, though sentient, are constructs of NanoTrasen and its subsidiaries - at least the ones most people are playing, cause I doubt they'd hire on any random machine guy out of paranoia. I'm not sure they'd care enough to put up an embassy for them, especially since the machine people don't really have any representative governments, where every other species does at least have some sort of entity out there thinking about them (Except perhaps Tajaran. While they do have a government, they don't have the tech, and the only reason they're out here and playable is because people stopped by their planet and picked a few up). In fact, I'd argue that a vox embassy shouldn't be a thing either, due to how they really don't have much in the way of formal ties with anyone. However I do understand it for the sentiment of giving Vox a place to breathe freely. If anything, deem a particular embassy the, well, swiss of the cosmos, and their embassy can be a general neutral ground for unrepresented peoples to petition NT. Just my two cents.
Quite honestly, the only thing I want added to the rep's office are the shutters that the blueshield office has. Never know when you need to lock down.
It's a good start, but I went ahead and added on a fair amount and rewrote some of what you had to make it flow better, added damage information, etc. Feel free to check it out and revert things you don't like.