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  1. Five, no gimmick here, just five.
  2. 5 harmbatons to incapacitate the badmins
  3. Nerd

    1. Cactus2388


      You're just salty im more robust

  4. Make them Thunderdome loser gets 5 mins
  5. One of those "oops accidentally unloaded a full egun into a civi" days.
  6. Pretty sure its murder in this situation. Unless the guy had obvious murdering intents.
  7. ITT: Explain your favorite threat to fight as security and explain why My two favorites are Shadowlings and Wizards. Anything I can robust without worrying about the big bad BWOINK.
  8. Arresting an officer for breaking space law.
  9. They're the most realistic race.
  10. Plasmemes can never be as HOT as my pompadour
  11. Vince Piper - Security Officer Belt: (EXACT ORDER) Flash, Flashbang, Pepperspray, Bola, Stunbaton Armor: No helmet, Security Jacket, Silenced boots. Suit Slot: Hybrid Taser (Set on disabler usually, has seclite) PocketL: Cuffs PocketR: Crew monitor (or internals) Bag: (EXACT ORDER) Box, cuffs, helmet, sec gas mask, box of donuts, Full tool belt for IPC healing and emergency procedures, (Lethal if needed) anything else. Box: Emergency O2 tank, Autoinjector, healing patches, flare. (Anything else)
  12. Sue's coming for you, Nick.
  13. Punching someone's mouth or groin has a chance to *weaken* them knock them down
  14. Make it so you can disarm somebody's mouth to slap them. (Instead of having to type *slap-bloorgadoorg whysmynamesofuckinglongesmq)
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