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Posts posted by Cactus2388

  1. Juggle intents well:

    -help intent with a laser gun pointblank does more damage

    -Harm intent to push people around/away from you

    -know when to have the catch intent, stay in front of clowns.

    Just some random tips I thought of:

    -Examine brown shoes you find in maintenance, can be free no-slips

    -Magboots are robust

    -you can disarm while resting, trick people who aren't chain stunning you

    -throw people who have access to a door at a door to access restricted areas in a pickle

    -if nukies ask miners for Kinetic Accelerators

    -Use cable coil for on the go cuff crafting

  2. Hi, spectated the ordeal and am a Security main, I may be stepping over the line posting this here but i'd like to shine some light. As a normal security officer I would have simply been bwoinked. Murdering someone who was handcuffed and trapped in a 1x3 room when having completely non-lethal options on standby (bolting or electrifying) would have gotten me job banned. It's like harmbatoning someone who is already cuffed in the brig, you could have simply gotten a borg/security officer to obtain him. As this admin complaint was made you certainly didn't: Serve the public trust, Protect the Innocent (Mindslaved crew), or Uphold the law (Murdering someone who only needed to be dragged).

    • Like 1
  3. Name of Event: Space Diner

    One Sentence Description: A flying diner stops by the Cyberiad

    Map Changes: Yes

    Will this work with the standard NSS Cyberiad map. Just remember that anything requiring mapping changes is unlikely to be organized any time soon: Yes

    Code Changes: No

    Will this work with the standard Paracode base. Again, anything requiring coding changes is a long way off.

    Suggested Number of Players: Any

    What type of population level would this be best for? Just remember that paradise rarely drops anything below 30, even when invisible. Events for smaller player numbers may not be possible: Any

    Full Description of Event: Before the round edit the meth asteroid into a kitchen, spawn ghosts into chefs designated to make a certain food. Someone works the counter receiving money for set meals served in brown sacks. Make a quantum teleporter in arrivals. maybe make one chef syndicate and make them kill another chef.

  4. Targeting: Where to aim in what situations

    Aim for mouth/groin if you're using unarmed combat for a better knockdown chance.

    Aim for feet if you're trying to escape somebody or you don't want them to escape.

    Aim for hands to have a chance to break them, making them not able to hit you gives you more chance to hit them.

    Also as a side note: Using a stool to hit somebody gives you a chance knock them down while also breaking the stool.

    • toolbox 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Malphystoh said:

    Once again. Metavalid hunts will likely end the Traitor before they even get a chance to interact with the NT agent due to them wearing a tactical turtle neck and combat gloves/ boots. Oh whats that? a Non standard ID? Better take you in on code green and search you Oh look at all this guess well just execute you great 15m minivent.  Image is in reference to my own self. <3




    Just be robust?

  6. You've been assigned as an agent from the NDV Brutus. Your goal is to assassinate a known Syndicate terrorist onboard the station for commiting crimes against humanity. You've been given special tools including: Authorization from General George Schmidt, an Enforcer .45 including a holster (extra ammunition included), a teleshield, Security belt (Filled like an ERT belt), Cuffs, Tactical Turtleneck, Jackboots, ERT headset, Combat gloves, SecHUD

    Your target: Given the objective to stay hidden and escape alive. They start with a syndicate uplink with 30 TC, a normal jumpsuit, Adrenal implant, Freedom implant, and a syndicate encryption key. Facial hair recommended.

    Kill them for their crimes, execution is authorized at all times. Due to previous crimes we recommend you field execute them.

  7. 5 hours ago, Streaky Haddock said:

    Recently, working with the HoS to demote the Captain (as magistrate) and have them brigged for manslaughter after lasering a guy to death after 3-4 civilians bluespace peel'd into the bridge.

    Pretty sure its murder in this situation. Unless the guy had obvious murdering intents.

  8. Vince Piper - Security Officer

    Belt: (EXACT ORDER) Flash, Flashbang, Pepperspray, Bola, Stunbaton

    Armor: No helmet, Security Jacket, Silenced boots.


    Suit Slot: Hybrid Taser (Set on disabler usually, has seclite)


    PocketL: Cuffs


    PocketR: Crew monitor (or internals)

    Bag: (EXACT ORDER) Box, cuffs, helmet, sec gas mask, box of donuts, Full tool belt for IPC healing and emergency procedures,  (Lethal if needed) anything else.

    Box: Emergency O2 tank, Autoinjector, healing patches, flare. (Anything else)

  9. 2 hours ago, FeiH said:

    I don't know if it's in the codebase, but I remember another server having a feature where punching someone in the mouth had a higher chance of knocking them down than punching them in the head.

    Punching someone's mouth or groin has a chance to *weaken* them knock them down

  10. 13 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    Qualifications: Expert Knowledge in the Art of Victory Showers.

    It is an art. Right?



    13 hours ago, bigfatbananacyclops said:

    Does vince have a brother?

    I toyed around in the idea, really doesn't fit the way I see the  character though

  11. Name: Vincent PipeYoung

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: 0-

    General Occupational Role(s): Security

    Biography: Born on Jargon 4 Vince's a pink pompadour spouting security officer for Nanotrasen. Before Vince's first days on the Cyberiad he was an officer on the NSV Icarus, NSS Redemption, NDS Inferno, and even manned an entrance to the NDV Brutus. Currently housed in the Epsilon Eridani system. Married Riley Young at a Space Denny's because Space IHOP was closed. Commissioned to construct a new space station in 2561 and retired shortly after (Oracle station building project cancelled but still being worked on OOCly) Worked a year for Centcomm watching over NSS New Harbour. (Oracle)

    Qualifications: Has manned multiple Nanotrasen bases as an officer. Knowns minimalistic engineering work and pod maintenance

    Employment Records: Engineer, Officer, Mechanic, Security Pod Pilot, Officer. Mining/Bounty Hunting.

    Security Records: Mutiny against incompetent security officials, resulted in promotional offers.

    Medical Records: Use to have mechanical eyes, replaced them with spare human eyes.

    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    Pink Pompadour

    Black jeans, red undershirt.

    Security beret


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:

    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Favorite Food: Tau Ceti salad with Jargon 4 island dressing

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