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Spacemanspark last won the day on January 12

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About Spacemanspark

  • Birthday 08/10/1997

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NT Navy Officer

NT Navy Officer (33/37)



  1. There is no escape from this game. There is no escape from this game. There is no escape from this game.
  2. I'm also an arch user. Sadly it's not possible to run ss13 on Linux at this stage. Even if you were to get in game, wine doesn't have support for ie11, which various game features (most notably the chat) rely on. Even servers without that dependancy (bay, for example) have frequent crash issues. You'd be best off using a Windows VM with a gpu passthrough if you don't want windows running bare metal on your PC. I personally use a dual boot configuration, but I look forward to the day I can remove windows for good.
  3. Perhaps as an assistant alt title.
  4. This is Cali. Almost ten years old, yet as small as a large kitten. You wouldn't know it by how much fur she sheds though, my poor computer setup is in constant war against cat hair.
  5. I think Aurora station has this exact feature. Click click.
  6. Not quite. Guiding on game mechanics is one thing, and Paradise has allowed many people use voice chat and other methods to do just that over the years. However, let's say that in the midst of building said droid, an antagonist runs in and abducts you into maintenance--you and the other party would not be permitted to share details of that incident with each other. IE where they took you, their name, what they're doing, etc.. Those are all in character events presently happening in round, and sharing those details/ acting on OOC information ruins the round for everyone around you. If you plan to have someone guide you through basic mechanics ingame through OOC means (voice or text chats on discord or other out of game communication services), you need to press f1 and file an adminhelp to get permission from currently online admins to proceed. That said, if you already have the basic grasp of the easiest game mechanics (walking, talking, interacting with objects and the inventory HUD, the intent system, etc.) I might suggest doing as most other players do and use more common resources to learn, as using OOC voice chats can still be a bit of a dangerous slope that I'd recommend avoiding. Either asking ICly for assistance, pressing F1 and filing a mentor help, or looking through the wiki can often be enough for a wide variety of tasks. Your question of constructing an android is very well covered on the wiki, for example. This isn't to say that there aren't daunting game mechanics a newer player will be worried about interacting with; the supermatter engine would definitely have something to say about that. But even in those cases, there are either alternatives (setting up the solar arrays, for example) or other nearby players who will gladly walk you through the process in-game when asked. Part of the game's charm to many is the learning curve, and even veterans of the game learn new things about it nearly every day due to new features being put in at a semi regular rate.
  7. I'm going to be real; this might work on tg, but I imagine it might lead to some very uncomfortable interactions for people on paradise. Obsessed is also a little too similar to traitor regardless, albeit with some rather amusing side objectives laced in.
  8. another reason to remove automenders how difficult would it be to actually code that behavior?
  9. how bout you code some bitches huh bet you never done thought of that yeah, you ain't ever had any (Also the functionality could probably just be ported from another server that has it)
  10. I personally don't understand why the MODsuit can't be powered and lower it's helmet at the same time. Other servers just disable the usage of most modules while the helmet or other pieces are reeled in.
  11. You have elected to be the next victim of cyborgification, I see
  12. Back in 2021 I agreed that the implementation of such a system would result in a lot of trolling and unwanted behavior. I still think that may happen--but times do change. I think it's time Paradise gave it a whirl, and provided proper representation for its enby playerbase. Many ss13 servers have implemented their own system for non-binary users and pronoun preferences, and have held onto it for some time. It'll likely require a bit more admin action to smack down the trolls, but hopefully with time that issue will fade after a bit.
  13. Tinted windows. The old robotics layout had them for the surgery area. I'm unsure if they had full window variants, but some form of them did exist.
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