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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Don't worry, every nice thing I do will be compensated by fifteen minutes of gibbing Robbie.
  2. I'll put another crack in your monitor and give your heretic kidan a wedgie Don't worry tho I'll give NTSAM a nymph hat to go with it
  3. Mechanic is meant to build and repair space pods. They aren't space explorers, although I don't mind when they go off to do such. Don't really agree that they need a suit roundstart tho
  4. Dating is illegal
  5. Unfortunately, it would just be used to greytide. Security is stressful enough as is; they really don't need things added to that pile. I do agree that, were that not an issue, it would be a neat idea.
  6. Pretzel needs to go into the oven
  7. >Ask the odd being if they've heard voxxy opera, then play some for them at maximum volume.
  8. Quick RISSA, the captain is coming after Maxwell, what's the best way for the AI to destroy them?!
  9. Spark 5.5 approves
  10. Me and my Pokémon riddled mind instantly jumped to 'oh huh a more wholesome Mewtwo story' when I first saw the picture of zeke in an experiment tube.
  11. I can buy you another notebook, silly
  12. >Pray to some God for a vox pizza pie
  13. Since she forgot her password, Dan has requested I post this in her stead for now. She's living at my place for the next month or so and doesn't have her drawing tablet, but she's still damn fine with pen and paper. Glorious She plans to make doodles of other characters, too, if people ask!
  14. Kentucky fried voxxy is a thing
  15. That Unathi looks hungry
  16. Hahaha these nobles have shotguns Come on, foul peasants, wave those broomsticks at me, I dare you
  17. >Do a handstand for the next three commands.
  18. Well no It was 2557 in 2014. 2558 in 2015 2559 in 2016 2560 in 2017 2561 in 2018 2562 in 2019 Thusly, it is 2563 in 2020.
  19. 2563 actually
  20. >Pretend to eat tofu
  21. >Do the skrek dance
  22. I hear slime flavored slushies taste really good this time of year.
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