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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. We actually full on had this feature, years ago. Every round every officer (myself included, shameless admission) would rush tech storage for a better power cell.
  2. When you insert a strange object there's a special little option that pops up on the EXPERIMENTOR for it. Are you selecting that or just using the usual buttons for it? That said, I agree the use of the EXPERIMENTOR is generally pointless at best.
  3. We really don't need to be making IPCs human code-wise. If you want to play those antagonist types, play organic races.
  4. pAIs aren't meant to be little more than talkative companions with a few neat features to go with it. As is they're already fairly useful, especially being a player controlled death alarm.
  5. Capturing the AI is hilariously easy, especially for a syndicate agent. I can give an absurd list of simple ways to capture one from its satellite. If you don't want it blurting everywhere about its presence to borgs, you can always subvert it or fly into space for a time. You also don't have to capture it the moment the round starts either--especially paired with a well made freeform/ hacked law, you have plenty of time to storm the satellite. It's a very rare round that the satellite is so much as given a single door as an upgrade to its meager defenses. The objective isn't meant to be easy in the slightest, as you're stealing a giant station element. This isn't akin to stealing a positronic brain. This isn't even beginning to talk about the ability to create a new AI, which is trivial for roles such as a scientist or engineer.
  6. It necessitates skill. It's not meant to be easy.
  7. Because the AI is vastly more different/ difficult than the posibrain, it's a giant role in the game and taking it away can be a rather big blow.
  8. IPCs have blood in the form of oil now. Vampires still can't go after them for it, but otherwise it's pretty similar to humanoid blood.
  9. The problem with that is that an explosion that would wipe out the entire station like that would actually slow the game down to a crawl while it was processing, taking up several minutes. It would potentially be even more anti climactic, as players would actually be able to run away from the explosion as it crawls towards them (as best they can amidst the lag, anyways). The nuke going off shouldn't take long; the round is over the moment it detonates and players want to move onto the next round. Otherwise, it'd be a neat idea.
  10. Spark is totally your friend but you didn't see that door fly off its hinges. It didn't happen. You saw nothing
  11. He's trying to forget about what he's seen The visions of Zeke and Isthel will forever haunt him.
  12. Terry learned quite a bit yesterday.
  13. The RD thought it was wise to teleport into the AI core unannounced and unprepared.
  14. Oh, I remember you trying to send a fax to CC to enact this yesterday I redirected it to the poor RD instead, being the AI I am That said, I hope this is a joke. It can technically fall under battery, anyways.
  15. And the megafauna who showed them it would have been irrelevant anyways
  16. Guns themselves should never be ID locked at all. I have the same issue with firing pins (which we've thankfully never ported).
  17. I don't really see the need to add a revive method on top of another revive method. Honestly, you're pretty lucky if you even get sharded most of the time, because if you die, you're likely not coming back into the round anyways by that point. (Also 4000 posts oh fuck)
  18. Assuming this isn't a joke, we don't need to try dragging the server standards down into the ground intentionally. If there are players who aren't happy with what we offer, there are several servers that will cater to their styles and preferences of play.
  19. The patron tier that could get fluff items is being removed, but all current fluff items already in place are staying.
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