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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Most Annoying NanoTrasen Intelligence System
  2. Matthew has retired from being a CC officer, and as such their records have been updated.
  3. Antag settings are global unless that was changed recently
  4. Clowns are meant to be clumsy and silly, why would they be resistant to that?
  5. The camera console is slow and causes framerate lag. You can utilize your keyboard to narrow down the search via the first letter of the location. Although it really should alphabetize itself.
  6. That program wakes up Spark 5.5, just in time to format this thread back to zero
  7. Spark the secborg has arrived, and THE LAW behind it. Off to jail, criminal scum.
  8. Chronarch and Rhythen are now banned
  9. I waa thinking that the range would be fairly tiny. Perhaps around the range of the PDA light. Having it able to choose different colors sounds awesome, too.
  10. Spark 5.5 has beep booped you back to zero like fucking binary.
  11. This is all something that should go into its own thread, honestly It has neat ideas but this is just a request for a tiny flashlight
  12. No but I'm sure you'll find your weekly bingo games go easier when you can see the board, Grandma
  13. Darn, my plan to destroy the entire station with THE POWER OF LIGHT has been revealed!
  14. I see I'm not the only one that uses a different colored HUD.
  15. Mostly self explanatory. I'd LOVE to see this, and I'm sure most that play pAIs will agree. A small, light green light for 5 or so RAM points.
  17. /tg/ has a feature where the status tab on an AI shows all sync'd borgs, their integrity, module, and cell charge. Information the AI can easily obtain from the robotics console, however I have always contemplated if it still might be too much.
  18. IIRC it'd require changing all of two values to make brute and burn damage do or less damage to an IPC. @Streaky Haddock
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