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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Trubus. No.
  2. That was not the reason it was lifted.
  3. It's not a bug, it's intentional. You can always ahelp if you want it removed for the round.
  4. You seem to be missing my point. The item itself is not ultrapowerful. You'll note I said "list". The butt stock on a rifle is not what fires the deadly bullets. The entire rifle put together is.
  5. The item itself isn't powergaming, it's moreso that immediately rushing to get everything on your "top ten items to become ultrapowerful for the shift" list is.
  6. This, maybe. My issue with potential metagaming still stands. Game wise, it wouldn't work out without some changes put in purely to accommodate this idea. Nor do I think that's a good idea.
  7. Maybe then, but even so, not really a fan of the idea.
  8. Vox are uncloneable because it's one of their unique traits, to go along with their other quite impressive unique traits. I don't really see removing this as a good idea.
  9. Wouldn't mind seeing this, it'd probably be pretty funny to see what the crew can come up with. Also: ew
  10. HONKBLASTERS are already ridiculous, even with the downside of the person being affected, it's kind of too much. HONK mechs are quite obvious and generally lead to being destroyed quickly, whereas this would basically be a very silent type deal. On the other hand, this would be amusing.
  11. I can see this being an issue for a multitude of reasons. What if it's a nukies round? Blob? Wizard? What happens then? If it's one person, sure, just ensure they get one of the slots. Any further than that though and you either have to add more antags (in the case of wizards, or if it's (oh geez) six or so people, oh dear lordy the nukies are gonna have a good day) or have it automatically refund upon round start (which could cause some potential metagaming issues).
  12. Spacemanspark


    I will smite you
  13. You can, just know that security has all rights to beat you down for it (not literally). We're not /tg/ station and we don't aspire to become them.
  14. You can click "announcement help" in the AI commands tab, and it will show you all the different words and things you can use. ...Please don't spam it though. By Synthetica, I will smite you.
  15. Actually we tested it on the live server yesterday
  16. We had the MoMMI discussion before, and it was denied.
  17. Why do people even incinerate vampires anyways? I've been asking this for years. They aren't changelings, they can't revive themselves. Nobody burns traitors and it's an illegal execution method. It doesn't make sense.
  18. Chill out with the ad hominium please, it's not directing the conversation anywhere.
  19. Let me tell you. Gas masks truely suck to wear. They dig into your scalp, hinder your vision, and God help you if you vomit while wearing one (we had a guy do that.).
  20. Pika pika
  21. I was pretty much the embodiment of the salt in those threads, yes.
  22. Oddly enough, I tend to see the same people getting antag repeatedly, over and over. Hell, it was happening to me at one point, enough to where I just disabled getting traitor entirely. I wouldn't mind such a system, but I'm rather unsure as to how feasible it'd be to code in.
  23. I see no reason to limit how many can exist, honestly. I've seen people blow through borgs like play-doh before, it's really not hard to take them down. And if they use an actual strategy to win? Good on the borgs. That doesn't make them "overpowered" by any means. I wouldn't mind a cooldown thing on the borg disabler, though. If ten shots are fired in the span of thirty seconds or so, have it require a ten second cooldown before being able to fire again.
  24. I come back from drill to find a thread about removing secborgs. Time for a rant before I go to sleep. They have LOTS of ways to easily destroy them. Go get a laser pointer, a flash, upgrade your shadowling abilities, teleport into the armory and steal the ion rifle as a vampire/ shadowling, EMP them as a changeling, buy an EMP kit as a traitor, blob... good luck fighting a blob as a secborg, nukies have an emporium of anti secborg shit, get the EMP spell as a wizard or phase jaunt/ teleport into the armory and steal the ion rifle... Need I go on? The answer isn't to remove it, the answer is to make an actual strategy when playing an antag role. If four of them charge you, get the fuck out of dodge, don't attack them unless you have a decent group of allies. Similar to instastun, I suppose. And those "other servers" are /tg/ and their downstreams. Most of them just have it because /tg/ did it. /tg/ is quite a bit less roleplay standardized than we are. We crack down on synthetics moreso than /tg/ does, and synths there are restrained to one single lawset (asimov) at round start on /tg/, which I imagine made enforcement of secborgs harder. I must ask, what do you propose as the replacement for secborgs? The peacekeeper module? If I see that walking neko-hugging-cookie-dispensing-eggplant replacing secborgs, I will go into conniptions.
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