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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. You also remove the entire point of the idea behind the lawset.
  2. You can apply handcuffs to shoes to make this.
  3. I'd use this feature. Just have it as a preference toggle.
  4. I'd like it if we lowered the cap before delisting to around 90 or so, similar to what others are saying. Additionally, I also agree with raising the job limits.
  5. The reason it was removed was partially because of HUD issues, on top of how shitty it was to have. I've seen what it can do, it really just gives a vibe of laziness during combat, so to speak. I do enjoy roleplay, but I feel combat should be entirely player based, so to speak. I'd be perfectly fine with having the point system and reticle, but nothing more.
  6. That's what we'd like to get away from, ideally.
  7. Lord of the rings reference, eh?
  8. Borgs are meant to be stronger in some ways, but not having arms is one of those tradeoffs.
  9. Hello, I hate instastun. Having it run off of RNG to not hit is really... ehhhh. And, really, as a nukie all you need to block against that is an eshield/ esword/ adrenal implant.
  10. That's disturbing
  11. Dumbdumn is one of us you nerd two
  12. I suddenly feel much better, doc, I should probably get going
  13. One day I'll climb out of the cage you keep the memetors in and *slap you
  14. A reference to an anime I think
  15. And then a "bwoink" magnet
  16. I'm almost three years old thank you very much
  17. This is almost a year old.
  18. I was moreso saying "It doesn't need any buffs.".
  19. I think it's in a good enough spot as is.
  20. If security is randomly killing thralls without even trying to deconvert, ahelp it. And glare was removed because it was extremely ridiculous when five people would group up and permalock you with no chance of fighting back. You can technically still do that, but with stunprods.
  21. For the first point, that's a bug and should probably be noted on the Github. As for the second point, I'm going to have to disagree. Mist form is already pretty damn powerful and obnoxious in just about every situation. It's fairly easy to get to a place where security won't find you, at least long enough to rip off the cuffs.
  22. I think Shadey has officially lost it.
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