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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. And here I am just playing Gmod in single player, because the multiplayer scared me away long ago.
  2. More amazing art (not biased or anything) via FoS.
  3. That's pretty damn impressive.
  4. Buff it a bit, honestly. Blob rounds just feel kind of underwhelming now. I really just miss how lethal the gamemode was.
  5. I always feel it's kind of underwhelming, the blob win %. I really want that old situation back where most of the station is blob'd, and there are three people or so left making a final stand towards the nuke.
  6. Courtroom got some use. It was great fun.
  7. Then use the disabler mode and you won't have any issues.
  8. Using a baton/ guns should just outright gib you. However, we could also just make it so swords just have NODROP and take up both hands.
  9. I'd rather sec have lethals instead of instastun. Mostly because they have to moderate that shit, or they have IAA or admins on their ass about it. Whereas instastun they can just go "Fuck you and your round"
  10. I'd be willing to try this.
  11. Hence I suggested nerfing it at one point or another, instead of outright removing it if you felt it was overpowered (And if you're saying it was overpowered, why are you saying people were resorting to flashbangs more often? I didn't really see them abused any more than they are now). And no, I had many instances where I was able to fight back even when caught off guard and taken a hit, when we had halloss (keeping in mind that I didn't wear security armor, and instead always leaned towards wearing a dark blue jumpsuit, a waistcoat, and a beret as a sec officer, unless shit REALLY hit the fan). You were not just "out after one hit", you could very well fight back. There's even a thread somewhere on the forums with someone complaining about halloss being ridiculous, claiming they took around 4-5 hits before they went down (this was apparently soon after halloss was ported to Paradise, so I don't know if any major changes were done between then). Not to mention we had the (albeit meh) RNG system that caused you to miss half of your shots, on top of the fact that many people didn't aim for the head (and were even discouraged from doing so). We also had tramadol, which I recall you specifically nerfing heavily/ removing because people were using it to outright cheese getting out of halloss. It was also pretty easy to obtain, and lasted a long time with just a mere 5u. There were ways of fighting against halloss, they were removed, and then the system itself ended up removed. And flashbangs, at the time, also had that terrible, TERRIBLE effect of making literally everyone in range, no matter what gear they had on, freeze in place if they weren't knocked over. It was more detrimental than it was a help to security. This all said, I'm not saying halloss needs to be re-instated, I'm well aware that's not happening anytime soon. We've all been through this song and dance before. Hell, I'm even fine with the melee instastuns. I'm saying we should minimize access to ranged instastun because it, at least for me, makes security gameplay less challenging. It promotes security just boldly rushing at their targets without a second thought, and quite honestly they really can unless said target has a traitor chem, an eshield or a dual-esword. Certain other antags will get utterly destroyed due to instastun, because they can't fight back unless they themselves obtain instastun (Vox traders and vampires are the two that come to mind. I say vampires because the stun they do get is extremely weak and really only good for a single target, otherwise you get swamped. I see many vampires carrying around a stunprod, and for ample reason. Vox raiders, on the other hand, get a twig shooter and a barely useful chem shooter, with limited chemicals. The telebaton doesn't even come close to making up for that). I /do/ agree with Coldflame in that certain antags would need their instastun options reconsidered and whatnot (namely the traitor's ebow comes to mind [which I already have an idea or two for]. Things like nukies or wizards should remain mostly the same. They never really win anyways, unless they just bumrush), but I admit I'm not entirely sure how to do that for all of them. Maybe I'll think about that after I've gotten some sleep. I still stand by this argument.
  12. No they won't. They certainly didn't when we had halloss.
  13. I don't really care about stunbatons/ stunprods. That said, I'd be willing to try out putting those on stamina damage as well. Maybe 2 hits to down? Don't want to nerf those too much.
  14. Slime nerds can be vampires. That said, ya, it's probably best to not let them be vampires.
  15. Xenoarchaology will never die. For it lives inside us all.
  16. I've been here since instastun was re-added to Paradise, and the good old days of halloss ended (And no I'm not looking at this via rose tinted goggles; I very occasionally play on Polaris, where they still have the halloss system.) Let me show you something: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6865&p=52527&hilit=instastun#p52483 viewtopic.php?f=48&t=3672&hilit=instastun#p22027 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3360&p=19546&hilit=instastun#p19456 viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3018&p=17051&hilit=instastun#p17001 http://nanotrasen.se/forum/viewtopic.ph ... 944#p16371 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2983&p=16744&hilit=revert#p16713 https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/1330 https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/90 Put simply? It's not going to happen. No matter how many threads we make, no matter how much I hate the instastun system, no matter how much we discuss it. That said, here's my opinion: Ranged instastun tasers are garbage, and most of the reason I stopped playing as a security officer. It just made it so BORING. There's a reason why I play as a secborg instead. Fuck, even /tg/ has had debates about instastun as a mechanic. They've even tried out different stunning systems in the past: https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/15671 (This was, yes, reverted, but they still tried it out.) Realism != good gameplay.
  17. I'd be fine with de-loyalty implanting sec officers, to make it easier to make them into an antagonist, but I don't think they should be roundstart antagonists.
  18. I don't see why not, honestly.
  19. I asked Regens to remove this one, and it's gone.
  20. We need clockwork cult.
  21. Wasn't there once a suggestion to give service borgs a laser tag gun?
  22. I don't think much can be done outside speeding up LINDA's processes, and the only thing that does is make space wind 10x more tedious and lag the server worse than ZAS ever did.
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