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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Uh, when I think Peacekeeper Borgs, i think the Nation ones that can only use Tasers and Handcuffs that don't follow spacelaw. /tg/ has a version of peacekeeper borgs that are meant to slow bad guys down or something. Having played them though, they are pretty much worthless (and have rediculous modules like the aforementioned cookie dispenser... or a hug module. What.). Also, our peacekeeper borgs on Paradise also have a laser gun setting, as well as a sonic jackhammer. I highly doubt Fox was referring to those.
  2. Flashbang, laser pointer, stimulants, energy sword/ shield, two people with laser guns, etc.. I might ask you to try playing secborg for a round or two. It's not as OP as you think. And peacekeeper borgs are literal walking eggplants with their most useful module being a cookie dispenser (unless they're emagged, but even then).
  3. Ya, secborgs really aren't all that scary. Following up with what Earth said, they also drain their powercell incredibly fast. I feel I spend half the round inside the cyborg recharger.
  4. There is almost always content ready to be patched in. And I know this isn't 100% feasible from what I've discussed with Fox, but /tg/'s autopatcher would be great.
  5. One remedy for that is to make events that are optional for people to jump into, but still really fun. An example would be an event that (I think it was Elysian that ran this one?) had syndicate operatives with a shitload of good gear, located in the gateway. They were holding important NanoTrasen staff hostage in the room next to the exit out (This was the xenobase mission). The crew could CHOOSE to go through the gateway and fight the operatives, and everyone that participated had a good time/ challenge. Or another gateway mission event(And also optional) where Elysian hosted a wizard school. Completely optional to those who wanted to attend. I'm not saying that the only events that should be run must be purely optional, but I am saying that these events generally seem to have quite a bit of success, from what I can tell. And they generally attract those that are willing to roleplay and just have some fun. [spoiler2]Elysian is really good at hosting events.[/spoiler2]
  6. I mostly want goon genetics and VR.
  7. I read the title as "Firing pin" for about ten seconds and was about to murder you. As for the item itself, sure.
  8. Psssst, we have bolas too. They're used for superheroes. In fact, /tg/'s bolas sprites come from us.
  9. I don't think encouraging the murderbone is a good idea.
  10. When I play as a civilian, I often hop into maintenance and to explore. One of the reasons I do this is specifically so traitors and whatnot can get to me, because sitting in an overpopulated place like the bar for the entire shift is pretty boring, and probably doesn't give the antag any fun trying to get me either. [spoiler2]And no I don't do this for shadowlings/ cult/ rev/ et cetera. Please don't do that.[/spoiler2]
  11. Well, really it's just putting actual bombs in a backpack and waiting for someone to open it. Not really an actual 'backpack bomb', but it serves the same purpose.
  12. Good guide, I especially like how you request creative laws. I absolutely love getting those laws. I just have one minor tip for all those out there with the AI hacked board and upload console:
  13. Pffft if you want wood go take apart the wood table in the fitness room.
  14. Don't listen to Cobra, that's only on Tuesdays. Welcome to Paradise!
  15. Heya, welcome to Paradise! You can't get off this wild ride once you're on, so enjoy!
  16. Those aren't the superhero wishgranters.
  17. +1 RD antags are just... no.
  19. -Updated Kei's record. -Updated Maxwell's record. -Updated Spark's record. -Raised the ages of Kei, Nick, Matthew, and Jane. Why I really ever thought 18 was a suitable age for all of them is beyond me.
  20. Grey TideDudeThing says, "Officer, your beret looks odd." McShitcurity says, "INSULTING AN OFFICER!" BATON BATON BATON BANG PEW TASE BOOM Not shitting you, that kind of crap would happen when we had it. And if someone is really harassing you THAT much when you're a security officer (And somehow not breaking a law), nobody is going to beat you down for a simple flash to the face and walking away. I agree with the rest of what you said, but we don't need to re-add insulting an officer.
  21. ... You might be joking, but that's pretty much what happened.
  22. I once had a camo morph suit. Yes please.
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