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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. 3 more daily shitposts required.
  2. Greetings, newcomer, please dispense your soul and lifeforce into the bin directly next to you. Welcome to Paradise!
  3. It's only PG13? Wow, I'm surprised.
  4. I'd love to see VR come to Paradise.
  5. I really like the way that ascendant is drawn, especially the horns. Every time I look at the in game sprite, I keep thinking it's wearing a sombrero.
  6. Glory to Tastyfish.
  7. David Buck went off to plasma filled pastures, though.
  8. I don't see you wearing green in that photo.
  9. You can attach collars to a jumpsuit. Just thought I'd mention it.
  10. Or just port pins simce they are also emaggable and gives you also access to the gun you put it inside just emagg demn test field ramge pins And for antags that don't get emags, it's a giant "fuck you" to anyone that manages to, say, disarm an officer's Egun, because now the antag can't use it against them. I don't like firing pins at all.
  11. It's a bug that has to do with our current guncode.
  12. Spark and Gemma Larkens screaming in the name of Synthetica. Only one that escaped off the station in one of FalseIncarnate's chaos rounds.
  13. death mechs are ID locked aren't they? No. Otherwise I wouldn't complain.
  14. It really doesn't make sense that science's stuff is lockboxed, but yet robotic's stuff isn't... Why should robotics get access to LMGs, tasers, ion rifles, etc., and in a giant armored deathmech too?
  15. Glad to see one of the lesser touched species get some attention. +1
  16. The explosion, or the toolbar?
  17. Reminds me of that old game called "Snake".
  18. What's the point in making a suggestion if you just get told to do it yourself in a rude manner. Not everyone is a spriting/ coding genius. And there isn't even a solid idea of what pet they want, just the idea that they should have one. Hence they're asking other people for... well, suggestions. In the suggestions subforum.
  19. Xenobiology can turn people into them with a certain slime extract.
  20. I'd be fine with hallucinations.
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