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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Isn't that the head from Doom 2? John Cormac or whatever his name is.
  2. You really need to calm down, this isn't something to be hostile about. "It's been in place for years" isn't an excuse. And I'm not saying to remove it because it doesn't have a use. If that were the case, I'd say remove the entire toxins subdepartment. I'm saying remove it because the only thing it will serve to do is cause issues.
  3. And then the person that gets gibbed gets upset and starts a vicious cycle. There is no purpose to this other than causing issues. It's not really that amusing.
  4. The reason this thread exists is because someone was running around acting like a shit/ abusing it yesterday. There's a fine line between 'silly' (fat people plus mints) and 'haha let's randomly do this thing to ruin someone else's fun time for no reason'.
  5. That's the best reason right there. This.
  6. Only reason it'll ever be used is for trying to be a shitlord, honestly.
  7. Know what I hate? When people do crazy actions they wouldn't normally do, that hurt them and others, knowing that the round will end, should they succeed. People bombing raiders/ sending their shuttle back, bombing blobs, wizards... you see my point. This was an issue on /tg/ as well, but people get in trouble there now if they don't manage to kill the antag.
  8. I do remember this one girl that wore a cow costume, during my last year of High School. Walked up to literally every guy asking if they wanted milk. [spoiler2]And then there was the one kid that said he did and she pulled out a milk carton and gave it to him. I shit you not.[/spoiler2]
  9. Don't forget the Fairy pAI icon from Legend of Zelda.
  10. Fixed that for you.
  11. I still think that we should port in the chameleon kits from Baystation. Best shit ever. Anyways, this would also be nice to have.
  12. Oh god why did you put this here No ERP.
  13. The lag realm calls.
  14. Wirecutters already safely remove posters from walls 100%.
  15. NO FACK U HOSTILITIES ARE HW i LIVE PLZ COMMENT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BYE GUIZE. More seriously, it would be fairly nice if people were more kind to each other. Unfortunately, this is the internet, and people, for some reason, tend to turn into blood thirty spiteful assholes.
  16. I don't want anything to do with FNaF. Seriously, in my opinion, it's an awful franchise [spoiler2]I understand other people have their opinions on it[/spoiler2], and doesn't really have a place here.
  17. Could stick the scichem lab into the research outpost. Now nerds blow it up, and not the station. And it'll take a bit longer to make those SUPER COOLZ DEATH CHEMZ.
  18. Always nice to see one of the less frequently played species getting some attention!
  19. I'd like to point out that not all of us just play on Paradise 100%. I happen to occasionally play on Polaris/ Bay/ Aurora/ etc., which has ZAS. I still know how ZAS feels. I still think ZAS is better than LINDA. As for changing LINDA's speed... heh. I have some interesting [spoiler2]salt covered[/spoiler2] memories of being utterly destroyed by /tg/ space wind after they sped up their stuff. Honestly, almost worse than what people are saying ZAS did in terms of tossing you around. Why? ZAS might have done it a few dozen times, sure. It also broke bones, and death could be relatively fast. LINDA, at an advanced speed, with faster space wind? You won't be able to get out of it without dying VERY SLOWLY/ waiting ten minutes/ having someone help you. It's less difficult than it is frustrating. It's even more antagonizing because it's not exactly throwing you around at the speed of light in a hilarious manner, it's just sucking you in a slower, but still impossible to escape from manner, and it's just feels like a giant 'fuck you' to the face. [/salt][/rant] [spoiler2]Essentially, I'm saying that if space wind doesn't start beating me with a giant stick and laughing at me, I'm fine with such a change.[/spoiler2]
  20. Part of my rant in a small sentence.
  21. Am I allowed to shitpost my usual 999999999 paragraph rant about instastun here, or should I spare everyone.
  22. -Added in a record for PIKACHU [spoiler2]oh God[/spoiler2]. -Updated Spark's record a tiny bit.
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