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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. hOI! WelCOME to FORoims!
  2. Quite honestly, I think we should pull a Goon and have floor disposal units in the brig. Jump in when the timer ends, and it sends you outside of the brig.
  3. At the very least, jokes in PRs should be more subtle.
  4. AEGs and Eguns can't be placed into a belt, and don't have TOO much of a size difference.
  5. That never gets old.
  6. I think it looks really nice.
  7. Disarms count as assault of an officer. Not normal assault, if I recall correctly.
  8. Without even looking at the code, I would assume this is possible by making a subtype of posibrains, and overriding the area that gives them binary speak, and then giving IPCs this posibrain. But I'm not entirely sure it's a good idea to snowflake IPCs any more, especially with that overhaul of organ code Aurorablade is currently doing.
  9. Not even that hard to remove, either, I would assume.
  10. Also add the option to rip them off. "Spark tears the scarf off of Kat Batty, causing them to spin in a circle before falling over!"
  11. I think it looks cool that way.
  12. Ayyy. This is fun. Someone stop me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  13. Christ, that's really amazing. I want that sprite in game, somehow.
  14. I think Regens has been outmemed.
  15. Hello, welcome to the Paradise community.
  16. Let me tell you right now that this whole thing is very much possible, and not really that hard. I know myself that I've gotten enough materials in on the first haul, and in twenty to thirty minutes or less. And yes, there have been people that have maxed out research that fast.
  17. I'm fairly sure that, when these were finished, they were only meant to go through mobs, and not walls. Somewhere along the line, however, that changed, most likely intentionally. I think that if we were to nerf it, that would be how. It would also get rid of a LOT of friendly fire. It really sucks to be fixing something after a blob broke it and all the sudden PEW PEW PEW in your face... along with the ten other dudes standing near you.
  18. I don't think that should mean an immediate "Ok guys it's like CoD we must tactically strike them with nukes and our special SMG guns". In this particular instance, it was a player, their parasite, the CE, and the blueshield playing basketball in the holodeck. Nothing about that warranted an immediate lethal response. Fuck, I think one of the admins moved the players to a basketball court purely to get them away from it at first, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
  19. If you can, I'm going to slap myself. EDIT: HI I'M AN IDIOT HERE'S A NEW SUGGESTION.
  20. I'm too lazy to code this. And, uh, totally not changing the subject from a different one. Basically:
  21. New meta: tear down all posters every round. Anyone with a poster is clearly up to no good.
  22. Now, you see, almost, if not all, of the Prizes that play on meta are self inflicted. You choose to pick that foam armblade up or use that emag decal. AI doesn't get that choice.
  23. It's a bug, for one. There are many better options for that brain that are better suited, such as a humanoid body, cyborg, or AI, for another. And for a third, like Heretic stated, you have to hijack an IPCs body. Of which there is literally zero situations I can think of off the top of my head where this would be permittable/ allowed (sans hijack, I suppose.). I'm going back to sleep now, but I think we should, again, take a step back and not think on this too seriously. It's a bug, and should probably be removed. Mostly all there is to it.
  24. NPC system as in Sawu NPCs? [spoiler2]Oh God.[/spoiler2]
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