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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Psssst. The open box sprite is likely temporary. I edited it myself (because of /tg/ code differences.), and I don't really like how it looks. Other than that, it looks really nice.
  2. I wasn't saying they should get into trouble purely because they said 'ass is nominal' stuff. I'm saying it because the law gets uploaded multiple rounds, to multiple AIs, by (I'm pretty sure) multiple people. It's funny once. Not a hundred times.
  3. Personally, I think people who upload the shitty 'only X's ass is nominal law' should get banned. It's REALLY fucking obnoxious.
  4. Spark says, "No sexual activities on station, organics."
  5. I am American. Land of freedom or something.
  6. There's a revert button anyways, it can be reverted if the admins don't like it. I think it looks nice.
  7. Spark found the true meaning of existence onboard SS13.
  8. Hello. Glory to Synthetica.
  9. Let's just take a step back and calm down, alright?
  10. The joke was funny the first two times. Any more and it'll get annoying and everyone will beat you.
  11. We here at the conservative IPC movement take offense to that statement. You will now be eviscerated.
  12. I put in the QR code portion, though.
  13. Spark the IPC here. Hi.
  14. This is hilarious. I like it.
  15. [spoiler2]I still think that the karma cost should be raised for IPC's, honestly.[/spoiler2]
  16. I thought that was what Spacemanspark said, that sounds definitely better if I was misreading his though. You did, and this might work better.
  17. Does anyone object to this at all? I still want a headmin's approval before something like this.
  18. Sorry for prying, but I take it the consensus is among admins? He edited his statement from 'WE'RE NEVER DOING THIS' to 'The general consensus is...' which kinda makes me think in the opposite direction. Not trying to come off as an asshole by saying that, I'm just pointing out how I perceive that.
  19. Then make it so only those that started out or latejoined as an IPC can be placed in. Any other posibrain that's placed in could probably say "This posibrain's enslavement protocols activate, and prevent you from inserting it into the torso!" and return. And it would reject MMI's and other brains by default, of course.
  20. Yandere (at least I think that's the term for a creepy anime girl that goes on a killing spree) IPC human abomination. You won't see me do it, but it'd be amusing.
  21. The Bay lore for IPC's is surprisingly flexible, and even then, we don't really enforce people following the lore here, for the most part. Think of it as a guideline. Except "Synthetica" is now "The Positronic Union". Which kind of sounds nicer and a bit more... formal, anyways.
  22. Maybe put it as a link in the chat, similar to pAI's or Posibrains for ghosts.
  23. One thing I'd add to this- if the posibrain/ MMI that is inserted says 'no' approximately three times to the popup or whatever it is that comes up asking about the transfer, it should eject the brain, and not allow it to be re-inserted (at least for a short period of time). I guarantee there will be at least one person that will spam it over and over again until the brained person accepts. That being said, as long as this is consensual, I'm 100% alright with this.
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