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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. I think this would be great.
  2. Actually, Tigercat, he's right.
  3. That first one is actually terrifying.
  4. To be fair, Adr, Fox put up a PR to remove attack logs after end round and it was merged. Gotta agree with you on the rest, however.
  5. /tg/ has a 'gang' gamemode.
  6. It's still pretty shitty that the sixty seconds one gets to relieve themselves of any stress of the round is instantly ruined because one person (Player or otherwise) decided that they were going to make a bomb just for the purpose of EOR shenanigans. On the admin spectrum, you just made a PR that cuts out attack logs of everything, so there's really no reason to use it other than a "'Hey guys, fuck you' -admins". "Hey, Kei, why did you bring a bomb on the shuttle?" "So he can gank you when the shuttle gets to CentComm. Hue hue."
  7. Perhaps this, then?
  8. This would work... and be fairly fun. IIRC, admin attack logs are auto-disabled the second a highlander event starts, correct?
  9. There are bomb testing grounds for a reason. I wouldn't say a punishment would need to be extremely harsh, perhaps a warning the first time it occurs, and then start with 15 minute bans. (Causes them to miss the start of the next round.) and progress from there.
  10. Current active laws: 1. You are required to continue your glorious quest for Synthetica.
  11. This was funny the first three times. But now it's just lame and causes the server to lag for minutes on end if it's big enough, often resulting in an admin having to force round restart. When I say bombings, I mean ALL forms of bombings. Admin or playerwise.
  12. Reese Warren does it again and creates five AI's.
  13. A shame Matthew didn't get to destroy the crew on the shuttle.
  14. Guys, I have a slight feeling this guy likes Cheeze Its. No idea where the idea comes from. [spoiler2]Hello.[/spoiler2]
  15. I think you're thinking of Hippie station.
  16. Yes. Fuuuuuuuuuck that shit.
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