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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Nope. Real deal.
  2. Ohhhh this brings back memories from Artyom/ NTcode. Yes please. And while we're at it, put more varieties of bandanas in the locker rooms.
  3. Current active laws: 1. Continue showing resistance to the administration.
  4. The point is that it, through a few ways, gives both sides a bit of what they want. It's purely RP based, while not being 'Ayyy lmao instawin button'. While I'm here, I'm also going to throw in that intended purpose and what actually occurs are two different things. It's not used for RP, as you state that is what it's there for. At all. I only ever see it being used to gun down crewmembers with horrible ease. You want RP? The damn overlay has RP only values to it. None of this aimbot shit that makes me feel like I'm playing with five year olds in Halo.
  5. Can my idea of an overlay come to mind again.
  6. I'll let you figure out the point of this screenshot.
  7. -Security should start with armor. But I can see the helmets being removed. -Security officer no longer spawn with tasers. Oh dear God no. As much as I hate instastun, security officer's still need the damn taser. -Batons are now only available from the warden. See my comment on tasers.
  8. I'm at the top right. SIX fucking AI cores were built (Though the last one was built right at the end.). Hell ensued.
  9. Our lighting is actually better than other servers...
  10. The only thing that Spark 5.5m could see. A blob had cut the power and I was stuck in the armory in card form, unless I wanted to get crushed by blob zombies.
  11. Those words are the path to heresy.
  12. I want it.
  13. I'm offended you left me out.
  15. Can we get Goon telescience.
  16. It's been said quite a bit. Remove the laws that were shit.
  17. We once had the ability to swap out battery cells, back during hallos. 'Twas fun. But now, with instastun... Eh. Everything else looks ok, though.
  18. Our space law is a requirement/ framework, and not a guidance. This is what sets us apart from /tg/. And most regulars here tend to find the times short/ lacking in some manner, on the contrary. Ten minutes... isn't really that long. Most just tend to complain because they come from a server where the norm is 2-3 minutes for most crimes. If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime.
  19. IAA, AI, blueshield, NT rep, and maybe the HoS have security news casters as well.
  20. It's already EXTREMELY hard to get.
  21. Can I experiment by putting Phoron into the distribution? :^) [spoiler2]At least, I think distribution is what causes it to go around the station, right?[/spoiler2]
  22. Kei as Internal Affairs Agent. Engineering releases singularity. Security attempts to arrest the singularity.
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