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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. http://wiki.ss13.co/Chemistry Or, you could look at /tg/'s current chem. I'm not the best person to fully explain goonchem. Compare it to our current chemistry (Star trek chem): http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Chemistry Well, this has had some discussion as of late, on the OOC, IRC, and even a little bit on the TS. It's a pretty huge change, and as such, I think we should talk about this before a PR of it even goes up. My opinion? I think it's vastly overpowered, for our standards. That's only an opinion, though.
  2. This doesn't look like a costume, it looks like a species. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty neat.
  3. Spacemanspark


    Now we just need a picture of Kei and that other Cargo Tech welding you into that goat crate.
  4. I've killed you before...
  5. Nomzy I really wanna cut off that tongue.
  6. Just some normal end of round shenanigans.
  7. EVA gear sprites were ported from /tg/.
  8. Yes please.
  9. Ahahahahahahaha no.
  10. Oooooohhh, Metastation.
  11. Color the floor with crayons.
  12. That was actually my point. I was meaning they could use the clothing machines to get the colored clothing, if they really want it. It's kind of annoying to see a wave of rainbow flying at you. The reason this change was made in the first place, according to /tg/, was to prevent assistants from becoming their own department, in a way. It didn't accomplish this purpose here. Most of them don't really care if they spawn with grey or random colors, so it wouldn't be an issue to change it back in the first place.
  13. Nobody said they couldn't use the clothing machines.
  14. When we hit 70+ players, it turns into NSS psychedelic. Revert please.
  15. Awwwww yaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  16. Pretty sure the coders are about to remove the mask and port in /tg/ cult.
  17. We need someone who knows how to and is willing to create a PR. I have no idea how, otherwise I'd have tried this months ago.
  18. I agree, let others speak the languages. It's pretty hilarious.
  19. I really doubt we'd have too many gang issues.
  20. We have so many instastun devices, electro packs, sec bots, etc.. Sec doesn't need annnnnnnny more buffs.
  21. Bumping yet again. We have the camo pants. Normal /tg/code ported all three of these (Or, well, at least the bandana and camo pants, not sure about the military jacket.), and made bandanas a head item or a mask item, depending on which form it's in.
  22. Officers abuse it by getting to decide what is radio abuse. The law does, yes, say what is abuse, but no officer actually reads it, which irritates the shit out of me.
  23. Uh... ok. Anywhom, this is pretty great. Thanks, Mark.
  24. This is why you don't ask CC for what you should do if you find a syndicate. Most admins will just say to kill them.
  25. https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-station/pull/6490
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