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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Pretty much what I've been thinking.
  2. You can't get infected, the xenos can only horribly murder you. No facehuggers.
  3. See viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3471 .
  4. It might encourage more metafriending, sadly.
  5. Personally I think they shouldn't be able to. There are waaay too many people going on expeditions at the moment and sometimes security is left with only half a team. The point of the gateway is for people to go through it. If you're saying only a small team of people should be able to go through and just loot everything, then that entirely takes away the point of the gateway. A team of people who are trained to go through it would be nice, but no, everyone should be allowed through. Also, we have a beach gateway mission, so that kind of proves my point.
  6. Sort of like what Urist McStation has, but with an entrance code? I'd be all for this.
  7. People who still want to go on the Gateway missions still can though, yes?
  8. Hello there.
  9. I was going through my seemingly endless supply of logs this morning...
  10. Fairly self explanatory. Stun Prods are OP as hell, considering the fact that one can have a ghetto stun baton and cable restraints completely ready to go with little worry about resources (The hardest to find being a battery.). Also the fact that you can add plasma to them, run up to somebody, stun them, and the area explodes.
  11. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2767&hilit=safety Nobody ever liked this.
  12. We should probably add more wall barriers.
  13. Sprite a new pig for the hydroponics farm.
  14. Because I don't like old people, obviously. No, uh, because I felt like starting them off at the youngest age possible and then slowly aging once every year. Nick/ Matthew will age on Apr 8. Thomas will age on Aug 10. Kei will age on Feb 13. Those dates aren't random, points to you if you can figure out where I pulled them from. Logically, they've all been trained for what they were going to do for years, more or less on their own, with the exception of Kei... Maybe Matt should get a demotion somewhere in there, but eh.
  15. I have many characters, but I can manage them quite well. I really only just play the IPC character here though, the other characters are mainly from other servers I've played on, and switch to when I want to do something else for a bit.
  16. I personally like the Gulag. The only time I ever see it used is when the prisoner requests it and the warden gives in, though. I say we keep it, but add in a few things to make it seem more usable.
  17. How about they only work inside the cells (They could be in the lockers with the orange jumpsuit and shoes.)?
  18. I wouldn't ban, but just tell the guy to change the name and flavour text. --------------------------------
  19. Y2K?
  20. I like Poly, please keep.
  21. Can't we, while we're porting in /tg/ things, just port in the spiderpet the Head of Security gets?
  22. We already have this, but they go on the backpack slot. They're electropacks. Perhaps, though... a collar would be decent. Though maybe for sentences over ten minutes. Why? A criminal starts breaking the window, the collar auto activates and shocks the prisoner. Prisoner starts hurting themself? Same thing. The collar could deactivate when the sentence is up, and drop to the floor. If someone without a security ID tries to pick it up, it makes a loud beeping sound until placed down. Because, seriously, the greytide that constantly breaks down the window (Or themselves) is irritating to deal with, and even worse when you have 3+ prisoners doing the same thing. For permabrig, however, this wouldn't be necessary. It would feel more like overkill, honestly.
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