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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. Make it attachable to Ian, like the picture above.
  2. >Implying mice are an actual problem on station.
  3. Never seen security give a max sentence either, now that I think of it.
  4. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3392 Why not just use this.
  5. How to be the detective: 1. Spawn as detective. 2. Cry. 3. Commence to throw yourself out the airlock, because you won't ever solve a case.
  6. This is pretty awesome and all. Then I discovered this: https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-station/issues/6919 Bahahahaha.
  7. Please don't tell me you thought Tajaran are based off of mice.
  8. You don't really need the toolbelt. Just head back when you need to make repairs. Here's how I set it up: Jetpack on back, emergency oxygen tank in pocket, handcuffs in pocket, secbelt on the belt slot (With stun baton, handcuffs x1, flash, pepperspray, and one flashbang.),and my taser on the exosuit slot (With maglite attached, of course.). I kind of wish we had portable jetpacks that we could fit into our bags, sort of like nuke ops, but I guess you can't have everything. It would make it so you could carry around a toolbelt and a few spare batteries, though... Er... there should be one in the locker in the pod pilot room?
  9. He probably means that he flushed it, disabled the pump, and hid in it.
  10. [spoiler2] [/spoiler2]It's... t00... 1@t3 f0r th@t, m8.
  11. What if the kernal panics.
  12. Everyone will have them. Only a few can use may may arr0ws t0 b3 L33T.
  13. But there are none that can, only robust l33t quickscopers can.
  14. Law 116 or Corporate policy in general?
  15. Did we have the 'absorb five genomes before having to transform into something else to absorb more genomes' thing for changelings here?
  16. I like everything here except the law 116. I'd be very careful about that. I can see really scary Head of Security's abusing this, or an officer getting upset at another officer and arresting them for this. If written correctly, though, it could be a very good tool in getting rid of shitsec.
  17. It's hidden behind your ear, you don't need any new sprites.
  18. You wot, m8. I'll have you know I MLG quickscope 600 420 360 Illuminati with Doritos and me Mountain Dew at me side all the time on Paradise.
  19. I'm going to tase you, cuff you, and sit you down on a chair. Then I will, slowly and painfully, place the scarf on you. Then I will drag you around, whilst cuffed, for the next ten minutes. EVERYONE. WILL. KNOW.
  20. I will make you wear one.
  21. Wasn't this the guy I ripped the head off o- er, politely disposed of the other day?
  22. Or we could just have a syndicate turret renamed with "Bartender defense system" and have the description say 'AIN'T NO FUCKERS GONNA BE STEALIN' MAH BOOZE NOW!'. Make sure it's connected to the Bartender's ID.
  23. Thought SS13 had macros disabled? I also use WASD, as well.
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