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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. Ahhh the cheap shuttle. Classic. We once got that shuttle, filled with chickens, while mostly everyone was effected by the berserker virus. Most of us didn't survive the ride.
  2. If you think I didn't point our anything Streaky failed to mention then you clearly didn't take the time to read my entire post. I even left some stuff out but nobody wants to hear that anyways since what I wrote was apparently already too long. That all being said, I don't actually care of they get buffed, and am also fine if they remain the same, so my presence here is unnecessary. I severely apologize that I already enjoy IPCs as they are.
  3. I play both an IPC and human so I experience this from both sides. Also taking into account that for most of my human's existence they've had a mechanical heart so also die to EMP. Let me tell you the noticeable benefits when I play my IPC. I don't suffer slowness from being in pain. I never need to wait in line at medbay for a surgery room to be freed up. The surgery time for my IPC vs my human when either are severely injured is about 1/3-1/4 the time (the human taking longer). No internal bleeding, which I deal with far more frequently than EMP. Never need to wait for cloning. Cannot put enough emphasis on waiting for a surgery room, especially when something big happened and there's lots of people who need it. Being able to be rebuilt on any table anywhere is a huge plus. Not to mention, aside from really murder boney antags, I have zero reason to fear vamps or clings. I've frequently had vamp and cling rounds where I'll run into one in maint as my paramedic IPC and they completly ignore me because I'm useless to them. Yes dying instantly from EMP sucks. So does wordlessly being stunned and killed. Not quite as fast, both are still awful. Any fast kill tactics people use feel like crap. Maybe I've just died so many times and so frequently that it doesn't bother me as much. Whereas players who rarely die are more devastated when they are dispatched as quickly as EMP does the job. EMPing my mechanical heart used to allow me to function for a few seconds before passing out till they changed it. Giving me enough time to say "My heart!" before collapsing. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that implemented for both IPCs and mechanical hearts, but other than that I don't feel any change is needed. I feel like most IPC complaints probably come from players who only play IPC because if they played organics, they'd notice the benefits I do. Having a mechanical heart gives me zero gameplay benefits. It part of my fluff and sometimes leads to interesting situations. Watching confused players try to figure out what's wrong with me. Dying to a hijacker because I'm the last one on the shuttle, I've tased and cuffed them, but they have an EMP implant (Ohhh the SALT in deadchat cuz I allowed that antag to win REEEEEEEE!!) So have my differences as an IPC. I've never had my humans limbless torso brought to the shuttle and central, still being able to talk the whole way.
  4. This is like...Foghorn Leghorn the Vox. Voxhorn Leghorn? "Is says, Is says" Does anyone understand this reference? Am I old AF? *mutters something about loud music and hooligans, continues playing BINGO*
  5. I'm okay with them not starting with either. Both are easily obtained if you need em. Having both would pretty much be the equivalent of organics starting with a white medkit
  6. This is what happens when you have 3 cloning pods, 1 cloning computer, and auto processing on. Triplets Tetras! Had to make sure we were all dressed properly. Polly helped me cart them,me,which is it? us around. Complained to the captain that I needed a raise cuz smoking for 3 is expensive. As @DarkPyrolord stated. The ERT! Emergency Response Tetras! Even though all three both of them were braindead and a mess, I still loved them.
  7. ZN23X

    Prison time.

    Don't break the law? Battery is 5 minutes. Battery, plus resisting, plus being uncooperative should be 12.5 minutes but some people will round up or down to the nearest 5. Judging by the tone in your original post I imagine you aren't being cooperative and calm while being brigged. They can even add more time if you try to push them over or punch them after they take the cuffs off in the cell. Plenty of people play on the station all day every day n enjoy themselves without being brigged. Maybe find a form of entertainment that doesn't break laws. If you are only entertained by doing things that breaks laws (which tend to be things that are disruptive to other players) then accept the consequences when you are punished for it. Also, if you are cooperative and not screaming your head off like an angry child being punished by thier parents, some security crews will give you reduced sentences or even just let you off with a warning. If you make security miserable, they will return the favor. In space law, at the discretion of the warden or HOS, a warning may be issued for minor and medium offenses. I'll frequently let people off with a warning if they aren't being a peice of shit. And after all that if you really truly cannot be entertained without breaking laws, and you cannot bring yourself to being calm n cooperative, and dont want to be brigged, maybe go find a LRP server that is looser about such behavior.
  8. CMO and RD simultaneously say "TETRA NO!" The only thing missing from this screenshot is a short while later the Captian said "Save one for me", having zero care for the fact that their geneticist just released a bunch of hulks on the station.
  9. This is what can happen when you combine fastmos with a crazy bomb on the shuttle once it docks. I got so many messages of people being hit so quickly that I wasn't even able to see round end results because it scrolled out of existence.
  10. I haven't played a fighting game since Super Smash Bros for GameCube and several titles for SNES. Mainly Killer Instinct, Pimal Rage, and of COURSE the original Mortal Combat. Also some early version of Guilty Gear for PS2. I know that doesn't help the purposes of this thread but I wanted to be a part of it D:
  11. Reminds me of Cowboy Beebop. Also Dreamy is adorable...as usual. Possibly going to be inquiring about another drawing...or two...in the near future ?
  12. As long as the admins police it I'm good with no karma and think that them having access to all comms except command is an excellent idea. Easier to make sure everyone is doing thier job, which is thier job.
  13. I only worry about greytide+ IAA using the comms access (sounds like maybe to all departments?) to be shitters to every dept instead of just sec. Being a sec main I wouldn't mind them "spreading the love" but maybe make it a karma job just so people need to put SOME effort into unlocking it? Literally like 10-20 karma, nothing huge but it'd at least prevent fresh players from screwing around with all comms access. Same concept as the NT rep and Magistrate.
  14. I think that's the first full body vox I've seen ya do. Fantastic.
  15. New story. One of the most interesting rounds I ever had as the pilot. Also a lesson to be learned here by sec who just wordlessly stun and cuff, and antags who just kill and ditch bodies. I'm the pod pilot. While I'm sweeping the exterior of the station there are several explosions and comms goes down for what feels like longer than usual. I head to tcomms to check it but comms comes back just as I arrive. Been using my GPS to navigate and notice a miner is at the derelict satellite, nowhere near the mining outpost. I go to investigate. Along the way I come across the syndie outpost with it's turrets already disabled so I decide I'm gonna hop out n check that out. While I'm trying to figure out the door a vox miner shows up in a space pod. It's Biki. We chat for a bit. Can't remember word for word but it was like: Biki "Is founds somethings strangies" Me "What?" Biki hands me a bucket Me "A...bucket..." Biki "Yaya at derelicts" I say I'll check the derelict when I'm done here, then Biki apologizes to me and hits me with a compact defib. I immediately go into crit cuz of my mechanical heart. Biki cuffs me and the next 5-10 min consist of them attempting to revive me. Me popping in and out of deadchat. I was dying laughing. After I'm revived I'm cuffed to a chair. Dazed. We chat a bit more and I learn they are syndicate and need to steal the AI. They are taking my gear but leaving me alive. They traded out thier space pod and EVA for mine and left thiers in space right outside the syndie outpost. I don't know if they did this on purpose to give me a chance. Biki leaves. The outpost is dark but I actually have a taser with a flashlight on me that Biki missed cuz it was in my holster. If not for that I would be using a zippo to navigate the outpost. After I get my bearings I decide I'm gonna go for it. I put internals on, put a table in front of the door to avoid being sucked out, and begin releasing pressure from the outpost. Once the pressure is somewhat stable I stumble out of the outpost and retrieve the mining EVA and spacepod. I head into the orbit of the station and begin informing the warden of my situation via PDA. While doing this Biki happens to fly by. I'm flying around trying to avoid Biki shooting me while PDAing the warden to let me in through escape. At some point Biki decides they will have better luck using a jetpack so they leave thier pod. After letting them chase me a bit I try to jump out of my pod and tase them. Success! But they just have had adrenaline cuz they popped right up. AND I forgot my cuffs at the outpost. Frick! We fight a bit out of our pods. They have a gun and hit me a few times, I desperately throw my taser to get away. Start treating myself with my first aid kid but I'm bleeding, broken bones, this won't last long. I float back to the station making security aware of my condition over common comms (I only had an engineer headset at this point). Biki finds me again. In a last ditch effort I rush them with my baton but they take me down with a few more bullets. I'm in crit. They cuff me, stuff me in thier pod, and dump me at the brig outside the podbay. An engineering Borg finds me and starts dragging me to Medbay. IAA sees me being dragged from the brig then grabs me from the borg and starts questioning me. Im woozy. I'm dying and tell them I need a doctor. IAA says "What did they do to you!?" That's all I heard before I passed out. I think the IAA thought I was an engineer that security nearly beat to death. In medbay I'm shoved in a cryotube. That stabilizes me but I've many broken bones and lost alot of blood. I start explaining I'm an officer and an EOC kidnapped me and stole my identity. That I fought with them in space and they shot me several times. Everyone is reacting, shocked. IAA chimes in "Don't worry, I'll sue them for you" They are gonna sue the guy who shot me. LMAO. Memes. I pass out again. Too much blood loss. Internal bleeding. Next I know I'm on an operating table with my chest wide open. I scream. The doctor says "Oh shit maybe I should give them morphine or something. Too late. I pass out due to the pain. Once I'm finally patched up I inform sec over comms that I've spent too much time in space and in surgery so I'm taking the rest of the shift off. Biki is glad to hear I'm alive over comms. Shuttle gets emagged while I'm on board. I don't care. Someone is throwing cigars everywhere but to my dismay all I have is a lighter. Round. Ruined. What's the lesson to be learned? My initial instinct when I saw Biki was to stun and cuff before talking. I assumed they were up to no good BUT decided to see where things went. Had I ended it there none of the other stuff woulda happened. Same goes with if Biki just ended my round and left me there. So for those who do, stop trying so hard, allow something interesting to happen. Because I karma'd the officer who gave me a holster early, I have a list of people I owe karma for this round. Biki. The surgeon, the IAA. I wrote all your names down and you'll be receiving karma in the future. I'd tag Biki in this but I dunno thier username here.
  16. People can spitball ideas of different "objectives" and as long as they are within the bounds of the rules you could do them any round without the game telling you to do it. Just make it happen. Be a drug dealer, or work with another player on some scenario where they owe you money, etc. If you are planning on doing something that possibly treads the line, let the admins know what you are up to so they don't get surprised by it. This is what make Spess great.
  17. The return of the status eyes. And worse. This time I was a bit intoxicated... I swear to space jesus I never do this on purpose -.- PREVIOSULY ON STATUS EYES...
  18. This sounds like the powergamers guide to security. Don't tape your boots, they sound way to cool to silence them. Patrol maint alone at times. Be reckless at times. Give the antags a chance instead of trying as hard as possible constantly. It frequently makes the round more interesting.
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