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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. @Vargh after admiring the Tetris Vegan collage countless times I JUST realized what I thought was a stun baton is in fact a terrified cigarette. It's more perfect than I thought it was ???
  2. This wouldn't add more types of surgeries but would add more need for surgeries. Possibly add biomechanical organs and distinct plusses and minuses for full organic, bio mechanical, and full mechanical organs. Bio mechanical and mechanical liver better at filtering toxins? Lungs can't pop? All vulnerable to EMP. Spitball. Maybe this needs it's own thead?
  3. That Dreamy IS cute. Tho when isn't she? Also I'm your 300th like n nobody can take that away from me ?
  4. This should all be handled in character. Sometimes criminals just argue thier sentences even if they know exactly why and how long they should be in for. Them argueing or questioning a sentence is just a means to create conflict and dialogue IC. You shouldn't be using LOOC to explain your IC actions. Tell them thier charges and tell them if they have a problem with it tell them to contact internal affairs. You also shouldn't be saying things IC like "Sorry I had the wrong intent set" or "???". THAT is what LOOC is used for, and even then if you accidentally harm intent someone you can find a way to play it off IC like "I was trying to swat a bug flying around your head" or something and instead of saying "???" you can say "I'm confused" or emote that you look confused. I like the thing with having wiki pages pulled up, it is helpful for newer players and I'd also add the Contraband page to that list, but once you are experienced at sec you don't even need the wiki anymore except maybe for a quick refresher if you have a mental lapse or something. This could really be said for any job on the station, and there are plenty of aspects of every job that you will learn through experience that the wiki can never teach you. It's also important for the Warden and HOS to be knowledgeable with all aspects of security. Last night when I was HOS and you were Warden you were under the belief that only the HOS could set arrest records. I was absolutely stunned that someone who plays HOS as frequently as you didn't know anyone with a SEC HUD or access to a security records console could do this. Also when a cloned officer asked you for a mindshield you told them you don't have them. The Warden (and HOS) should know the contents of the armory and when/how to use everything in there. You also asked my approval for brigging several people. While the HOS CAN help with this, it is both the wardens job and they have full authority to handle all of the aspects of processing and brigging criminals without permission. It can help to allow others to play these roles and observe them as one of thier subordinates to see how different people handle the job. I learned more about sec playing Brig Doc than any other role because there are many times you can just sit back and watch without being flooded with all the responsibilities, noise, and stress of more important roles. I really hope you morso view this as a friend trying to help a friend rather than a personal attack but I can understand if you take it that way. Sorry ☹
  5. @Bxil I just experienced CHESSMASTER for the first time ever my last round as HOS and it was hilarious. So the HOS is the queen even if not female? ???
  6. Yea I sorta wanna change mine. My bane is anyone who plays super hard constantly, either on secs side or the antags side. There's too many rounds that end quickly or end up being boring due to this and I'm just sitting there like "Can you take it easy and give the other side a chance for once?" Also antags (or even non antags?) who get a hold of sec comms and just spam it with whatever. It's probably fun from the perspective of the person doing it, it adds nothing to the round for anyone else and just gives sec players a headache. It's the IC equivalent of bragging too much or harassing people OOC, except it's allowed cuz it's IC.
  7. Not that round lol Just the doc
  8. @Holyass and @DayZ Me Trolling...if you make @Pawneax angry then you MIGHT get an intentionally ugly picture of your character. Or maybe I'll get another one of Tetra. I'm not sure which ???
  9. Yikes. I know vox that transform into a sling get a constant N02 warning but don't take any damage from it. Curious if you extinguisher yourself if you'd stay out or reignite. Definitely sounds like a bug, I'd github that.
  10. @Pawneax is my friend n just razzing me. It's all good. I love all the pics lol
  11. Yea sorry I declined your offer. I've had a half dozens borers. Two were nice. The rest made me strip naked and run around like an idiot doing awful things, never giving control back. No thanks.
  12. Wouldn't mind zombies as an antag, I dunno about as a lesser race tho. There a such thing as friendly zombies? They are supposed to be brain dead and only driven by basic primal instincts right? Zombie antag: Taking damage from one causes you to become infected and eventually turn. Make it so anything they attempt to say comes out at nothing groans and grunts. Generally weak but also easy to transfer the virus so they'd rely on numbers over anything. Probably need to make some sort of variant of them that has a means to destroy walls cuz otherwise people will just wall them off (A HULK zombie like a Tank from L4D?)
  13. In other news, water is wet. If you are getting medals for viro, I should be getting medals for smoking ?
  14. The only medals I ever get a broken bones, missing limbs, and mental scars. #seclife
  15. I keep hearing arguments that the healing on this is minimal as if once you have SGS in your systems it negates all other methods of healing. SGS alone is already the equivalent of a weaker changeling fleshmend that never wears off. Add in that people can also already use other healing methods COMBINED with SGS overload. It doesn't help much if it's all you are using and you get stunlocked, most things dont, but find me someone who abuses SGS who also isn't hopped up on meth and whatever else they can think of. If these people have access to a chem station they are making everything they can to make themselves hard to stop. SGS helps alot when you are unable to be kept down by stuns due to meth and are hard to hit cuz you are zipping around. And the people using it KNOW that if they dip in and out of combat they are slowly healing while thier foes are not. Add in antag abilities and items that can already tip the scales in thier favor on thier own and GL to whoever they are fighting. Stop looking at this in the vacuum of just how much it heals per tick. There is more to it than that.
  16. I was the Warden @RiggyMiggy lol Wierd thing is nobody ever informed us that we were getting mechs made for us so we totally freaked out when we saw robotics was full of combat mechs lol Was a very interesting round... Adminbus have me and @alexpkeaton the "Vulp Virus" and turned us into Vulps. That was quite amusing to RP that whole situation lol
  17. This one happened about 2-3 months ago but it's worthy of being told n I completely forgot to. I'll name this "Where's my office?" I spawn as Warden. No HOS. That's fine. Nothing unusual to start. Things are slow. About 15 min in a HOS shows up. His name is John Blennon -.- IC he says "Can I have a taser? Sry I didn't spawn with 1" Oh Lord I'm like "Why don't you take YOUR laser from your office?" Him "Where is my office?" Me (dead inside) "Let me show you..." I escort him to his office, he says "Thk u" I drag my feet back to my quarters. The captain is there. I salute "Greetings captain, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Captain "Hi...is my office around here?" IRL I'm like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Me "Not here...let me show you..." I escort him to the bridge. Inform sec what just happened on sec comms n they are like "Ohhh shit...one of these shifts..." Blueshield greets us at the bridge. While the captain inspecting thier office with the fascination of a young child, I pull the Blueshield aside. Blueshield "You look mighty fine in that skirt and sandals" I whisper "Wanted to give you a heads up, this captain and HOS literally did not know where thier offices were. We've got our work cut out for us...PLEASE keep a close eye on the captain and show them what's what" Blueshield leans in "You. Me. Bar. 12:35." I'm like "I'm busy, tend to the captain!" and stomp back to the brig. I'm dazed. Maya Stewart is there as magistrate. I inform her of the situation. She is like "Oh lord...let me see what I can do" and walks off. I'm starving, go to the sec lobby to grab a cup of chicken soup from the vending and while I'm standing there a nukie walks by in the hallways towards the bridge. I inform sec on comms, open the armory, grab a shotgun, and run towards the bridge. The captain and Blueshield have no idea what happening. I give the captain the disk, the pinpointer to the Blueshield and I'm like "NUKIES!". Blueshield is in the middle of the bridge and is like "Hey there doll, take it easy. You reconsider that date?" immediately after saying that a nukie with dual esword comes up behind him and decaps him. Clueless. I fire off a few shots before my agony is finally ended by the sweet release of death. Don't really remember what happened after that aside from the nukies successfully blowing the station up. I was probably furious and salting in deadchat. Maybe that's why I forgot to post the story. I may have blocked it from my mind until now.
  18. Except for gateway noobs like me I think that's part of the thing here is there is certain players who have seen every gateways dozens of times and no exactly what's in them and where and how to deal with it. Then you have people like me who are new to gateways and pretty much die in any of them you are capable of dying in. The noobs feels like they are too hard cuz they haven't learned how to deal with them yet and may feel they need to be easier cuz of that...but then they'd be even easier for the vets. I don't think they need to be easier, just noting that I am in fact a noob at them. I've literally yet to see the same gateway twice. If you think about it that happens with almost everything in the game. Antags. Jobs. "I'm new at this and it's difficult so it needs to be easier" meanwhile the people who have done it forever make it look easy. Everything just has a steep learning curve.
  19. Lots of good ideas here. I originally THOUGHT this was an old post that was revived but apparently it's a newer one created by Bigfat. Here's a similar suggestion a bit back...just sharing it here cuz there are some decent ideas in this one too. https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/10000-space-werewolves/?tab=comments#comment-83514 Loved the idea of uncontrollable transformations based on the solar cycle. AAAAUUUUUUUU!!!!!
  20. Shameless plug for another thread that deserves to be here. Either share your stories here or there. https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/9716-tales-from-shitcurity/
  21. It heals wicked fast when in a cig. Maybe I'm mistaken. Some periodic healing is better than none. There are things that are stronger but it doesn't make overloading on SG useless. SG is also quite a bit quicker to obtain than earthsblood as well. Plus if you don't want your screen looking wonky from being high.
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