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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. The clowns aren't supposed to be hostile though, they're supposed to be funloving.
  2. Do it do it do it do it do it Please make this a real game mode. Also NTX you're just doing your job when you arrest them when you antagonize something it seems more like you're trying to brutally murder or beat them.
  3. Cruel bastards
  4. Two suggetions on Gamemodes For one the first would be loosely based off of the Singuloth Knight's armor that's a fluff item for a certain special admin It would basically take setting in a Medieval-style game mode where Sec uses Knight armor and swords instead of tasers and stunbatons. That one sounds uncanninly unpolished though. The second is a gamemode for Highlander this one I have more planned out, and the sprites and avalible weapons are made. Basically a select group of (2 People during 14 players, 4 people during 24, 6 people during 40, 8 people during 62, 10 people during 70+.) Are Highlanders and when they stay in the same area together they get "A slight tingling feeling" that signifies another immortal is nearby, You get a Claymore(Which I hope you can put in your backpack) That you can carry around and challenge other Immortals with, Noone is allowed to interrupt these battles and Fighting in the Chapel is not allowed(It's Holy Ground) Also the same rule applies that a Immortal has to cut the others head off in order to kill them. During the final battle between two Immortals the Song "Princes of the Universe" should be triggered (Should be scripted when the final immortals are near eachother and have the quickening) and when the Immortal that wins comes out victorious he is granted God-like powers(From what I know this is canon.) Please tell me if you like either of the Ideas.
  5. We need this in game nao pls
  6. Give me your best 40k sprites, we all love it and know it. (Plus I need a better suit than the Imperium Monk to go around praising the Emperor in.)
  7. Terrorist gamemode when?
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