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Everything posted by ContactDenied

  1. CM has this mechanic where if you try to use a taser or stun baton as someone other than an MP, the taser or stun baton will tell you that it is ID locked and administer a non lethal stunning shock to the person that tried to use it. On CM, marines can get actual firearms, and don't have much of a use for tasers and stun batons. On servers like paradise, people would do a lot for something like a taser or stun baton. An officer can pull out their stun baton on a perp, but the problem is that their baton can be easily used on themselves after a lucky disarm or push. Once a taser runs out of charges, someone quick enough can run up to the officer and try to swipe that taser. Stun batons and tasers are powerful things on servers like paradise, and sometimes I've found lightly used tasers on the floor in hallways. Adding ID locks to stun batons and tasers would put the officer at ease of the fact that their two most used items would not be able to be used against them. A trade off would be that if a perp without sec access tried to pull the trigger or change the mode on a taser, it would shock them and floor them for a time equal to a taser's, using up a charge of that taser. Using a baton without sec access would do the same. If the perp had security access though, it would work normally.
  2. What the title says, make the optical meson scanners togglable. I like being able to see the layout of what's around me, but sometimes it's a bit boring to just have mesons on for the whole shift, I don't know why. If I don't want to see the layout of my surroundings, it's a bit weird to just take off your mesons, and it might be hard if you have nowhere to store them.
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