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Posts posted by Bxil

  1. You are the Syndicate Operator, a high ranking Syndicate agent sent to aid operatives! Remember that you were supposed to only influence from the shadows!

    1. Find 3 operatives.
    2. Ensure that each one of them has at least 1 completed objective. 'Die a glorious death' and 'escape alive and free' do not count.
    3. Escape on the shuttle alive and free.


    • Has no uplink.
    • Receives a randomly generated code which he can use to distribute TC.
    • Starts with: agent ID card, chameleon clothes, 2 syndicate encryption keys (reduntant to give one to an operative for free or in case he loses the other one), voice synthetizer, DNA Scrambler.
    • An operative counts 'found' when the Operator sends a single PDA message to the operative's PDA containing a code.
    • This does nothing to a normal PDA other than sending a message.
    • If the PDA has an uplink then it will receive 10 extra TC. This will also alter the message into this: "(Unknown / ?Spam) A Syndicate Operator has found you and gave you 10 TC." The AI does not receive this as spam. The Operator also receives an extra message, saying: "10 TC uploaded to target's uplink!"
    • Cannot send more than 30TC.
    • In order to complete objective no. 1 the operator must send the code to 3 syndicate operatives.
    • While objective 2 sounds weird at first it shows that this character was supposed to aid other Syndicate agents and is not a real traitor himself. For example you are not well armed normally, and your first operative is in permabrig. You must do something to make them have at least one completed objective. Find another agent and in exchange for TC have them free your other operative (if you do not know their objective) OR have them finish his objectives (if you do know his objectives).


    • Like 2
    • fastparrot 1
    • explodyparrot 1
  2. Good evening!

    I am most certain there are some RPers around here who would appreciate the existence of an IC forum area. For example there are several things that happen during the game and would worth becoming canon – thus creating a permanent news feed or something like that. I would also move crew records into it, as they are already mostly written like an IC document.

    There is a lot of potential in it. Maybe it should bear a name like NanoNet.

    yes, let’s see how much time it takes to have someone make a wetskrell.nt topic

    Please discuss.

  3. Please present anything you are proud of that you've built on the Cyberiad (or anywhere else, really). It does not have to look good, it does not have to be perfect - show us literally anything that fits the category.

  4. 7 minutes ago, ProperPants said:

    Say hello to the Greytide Legion. We managed to have about 15 people in this pile before someone slipped us all.

    That was a wonderful shift, with so much wonderful things going on. Including this:


  5. 9 hours ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Considering NT is a company and would probably transfer terrorists/murders/etc from each shift to a Sol Gov prison so as to not have the cost of running a literal on-site penitentiary, I think this would be a bit silly from an IC perspective.

    *cough* Megacorporation *cough*

    NT is literally a state, just like SolGov. And we also know that NT absolutely loves spending money, just look at all that CC bluespace stuff they use in some shifts.

  6. Ok, not this week then, and not the next either, as I won't be able to access my computer at all.

    But it's 70% done. All that's left is engineering, research, security, and command. Including objects and enemies, except for research, as research is the final area - it will use all enemies encountered earlier.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Nayser said:

    I like the prevent from escaping objectives. I read it as kidnap some one. I've done it once, was fun.

    Exactly. Kidnapping is much more fun than killing. Even if I have a kill objective, I just kidnap, RP for the rest of the round in some way then:

    • get caught.


    • grant them an epic death.
  8. Yeah, I totally forgot terrorspiders. They would be a better alternative. Also, what was that AI good for? And I am going to check it whenever we still have them or not. I don't remember anything like that when I was going through the sprites though.

    EDIT: Are these them?


  9. I imagine it would be easy to code a new gamemode where a shuttle crashes into a random area of the station with xenomorphs. It would be good to see souch a round type - we don't see xenomorphs enough nowadays on the server anyways, even though they are really fun to have around.

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