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Posts posted by Bxil

  1. It's not hard to learn the thing. I am learning to become a programmer, and I encourage you to try yourself in it. But BYOND code keeps scaring me. Every time I try to learn it, I get scared away pretty fast.

    • Like 1
  2. Numero one: Always close the shutters when using your computer.
    Numero two: you WILL get bombed if you leave your office even for a minute. I had to find my office emagged multiple times inside with a troubled blueshield trying to disarm a bomb.
    Numero three: They only care about paperwork when you mess up something, or it's about borging.
    Numero four: Don't even bother opening the line if there are no openings. It won't do any good, you will only end up with a mini-mutiny in front of your office.

    I 'main' HoP. It's really fun, I say. Also, you are not there to please people, you are there to make sure they don't get a job.

    • Like 1
  3. The HoP. When I heard you wanted to do an interview I was rather happy, though I apologize for the quality. Even if it appears that I have freetime I am still arguing most of the time on comms over something (I don't know if you've ever played HoP, the background - which the greytide does not see - is always very hectic). I say you should do it more frequently, and maybe record them and upload them as a book.

  4. Alright, opinion on this?

    I just realized that there is a syndicate Power Sink ordered via Uplink. We should make a modified Power Sink which is harder to remove, more powerful, and can be placed by the antagonist(s) with a cooldown. So maybe they can place one every few minutes. If they place them smart then they can remain stealthy until power finally goes out. That would give the crew the option to go and look for the Power Sinks.

  5. Gravity should remain, I assume. And I think it should go out at once. It would be more spooky if it went out from area to area, but I don't know. That would be a dead giveaway that something's not right. But maybe it's good to do it like that, so people can get equipment right away.

  6. Yes, there is certainly some sense in what you are saying. Statues or some modifications of them would probably suffice. How about simply making the statues able to teleport like shadowlings? Also make them get damaged by light.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Travelling Merchant said:

    People in the discord were talking about a cyberman gamemode, "upgrading" everyone. Could be something like that. Or an entirely new alien species. 

    I don't understand. SystemShock and/or abductor style? Elaborate!

  8. 8 hours ago, willior13 said:

    How about to make things more interesting, how about power might flick on in certain areas for about a minute or two, for the entire purpose of moving the crew around and forcing the zombies to hunt for the spots that flick, the flicks might even provide some salvation in the form of some vending machines turning on or a youtool gaining power


    That's an interesting idea, but let's not forget that we want to leave this kind of easy to program. If it's possible to do so, then I am all up for it.

    Also, I just realied we have a bigger problem: the AI. What are we going to do with the AI?

  9. I would like to have a way to restore power somehow. It's of course not something important to have, just a thought. I guess it would be a good motivation for the crew. Maybe enable antags to remove power from repowered areas?

    Also, my original two questions are still there: PDA servers and TeleComms?

  10. 14 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    Balloon Warz

    We need more people who think like you :)

    Thank you! :D

    11 hours ago, HarakoniWarhawk said:

    I was HOS that round, the banter between the HOP and NT rep was hilarious. 

    Someone had the gall to suggest that Sec would brig you for having the Balloons, though having the HOP run about with two of them was fun to see.

    The best part was that I could make the NT rep join my side, haha.

    11 hours ago, Sothangel said:


    Yeah, I did not have an idea about distribution, it's probably a good idea to give it to the clown. Maybe cargo can order more.

  11. So, a little backstory beforehand:
    I was HoP during a round when misteriously a lot of syndicate balloons appeared. Everyone spent their telecrystals on them I guess. I myself was not an antagonist, but I started collecting them. Soon, the NT rep made an announcement to bring all the balloons to his office, so he can destroy them. He would pay for them, of course. Soon after I also made an announcement to bring them to me instead, as I am collecting them. The NT rep wasn't pleased with this, and told me that CentCom is probably going to be very disappointed that someone in command collects syndicate propaganda.
    My answer was:

    "NT should make their own balloons then."

    Or something like that. The NT rep thought it was a brilliant idea, so he faxed CentCom immediatly regarding the matter.

    Now, here I am, proposing the brand new, anti-bursting, collectible NanoTrasen balloons.



    • Like 3
  12. So, whenever and antagonist finishes their objectives, they just quietly enjoy their victory. They will do everything to finish those objectives, because redtext? BAH, that's ugly and useless. As far as I know it's a problem. For all of us. Antagonists a lot of time actually don't go for fun and rp, but for victory. And that is purposeless and is just not fun. How about we don't actually show the results at the end of a round? No green or red wall of text, just the pure objectives.

  13. I've had only positive experiences regarding "boops," but I do understand what you are saying. Once I almost did not arrest a shadowling thrall becuase the situation was so weird. I had the fear that I would get a warning from an admin for arresting a fellow officer. I mean it's all good that admins jump in when they are requested to, but it really makes one stressed.

    I myself would like to have ahelping discouraged like that. Security officers always get harassed by the greytide, it's the way of the world. And of course it feels bad when they get arrested even though they are not guilty, but almost all the time it's their fault.

  14. I often make earlier shifts semi-canon in my head. If I had a drink with someone in the bar two shifts ago then I will mention it if it comes up, but if during the same shift the station got nuked I pretend the nuking itself did not happen. I always do this minimally. If someone was my friend once, then I will treat them as a friend again. And I will try to stay away from specifics.

    • Like 1
  15. My main issue with poweroutages are the fact that they go away like they've never happened. Even though I very much enjoy them! And yes, this inspired by shadowlings. Even though, shadowling rounds after ascension tend to be rather... Chaotic. And I want fear, not chaos.

    4 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    First time I ever experienced shadowlings I had such an intense level of paranoia and fear, it has not been replicated since then. I'd love anything to bring me to that place again. 

    (Remember that "PREPARE YOUR ANUS" shadowling yesterday? Well, I had that feeling what you are talking about for like one minute after ascension, then I ran into it... Into the shadowling I mean... Heh...)

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