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Posts posted by Bxil

  1. So, I do not know if such a thing like this have ever existed and got removed or something, but I just found this idea rather interesting so I thought I would share. Also, I am not sure how hard would it be to program this, but I imagine it wouldn't be too easy.

    Long story:

    So, first it would start like every normal shift. I am not entirely surely how or why, but about 15 minutes into the round the power would go off. If there are any engines online they would shut down. So no power at all. Mining, engineering, research and labor camp shuttles would also become powerless, therefore unusable.

    A few randomly selected people (about 5% of the station crew) would get transformed into some zombie-like creatures. They can force airlocks open and they must bite people to transform them also. Their ultimate task is to transform everyone onboard. The crew must survive without getting transformed.

    Around 2 hours into the round power would return (I don’t know how yet, but the crew maybe can make power return faster), and thus enabling them to call the shuttle. Alternate version is that no power comes back, but a shuttle arrives.

    Long story short:

    - No power

    - Zombie takeover: spread the virus vs protect the crew

    - Power comes back and/or shuttle arrives

    Victory conditions:

    - Crew major victory: all zombies die (nuking the station counts)

    - Crew minor victory: shuttle leaves with humans and no zombies on board

    - Stalemate: everybody dies

    - Zombie minor victory: shuttle leaves with no humans onboard

    - Zombie major victory: everyone is a zombie

    People in lockers and on other z-levels of course don’t count.


    - Shall the PDA servers go down?

    - Shall telecoms go down?


    Feel free to add anything, this is idea is... very experimental.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Shadeykins said:

    Nano. Tray. Sen.

    Nanotrasen full lowercase because "we must be different from Bay", though either works and both forms are floating around on the server and wiki.

    HoP, SoP, etc, stated letters. Aich-'Oh-Pee as opposed to "hop" or "sop". Some people deliberately call the HoP "hop" for the sake of punnery/wordplay though.

    Full lowercase? Liar! Baystation's main page has that written several times as full lowercase!

    9 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    I pronounce HOP and HOS as a word (so HOP would be hop and HOS is hauss)

    I pronounce CE, RD, CMO, SOP, and anything else I can't think of all letter by letter

    Sop? You can pronounce it something like soup. I do that.

  3. Thanks for your comment. Emphasis on semifinished. I first wanted to show this, so if the base is not good enough then I wouldn't continue. These obviously don't fit in anywhere, as there is no shading at all, and all walls are darkgray, making pure white on them kind of ugly. Probably HoP office can use the service sign, or the HoP line. Also, will add them to a few screenshots soon then. That's actually a pretty smart idea, I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

    If anyone has ideas (or critique; positive or otherwise) then don't hold it inside you.

    (Also, who is Kyet?)

  4. So, the thing is, that we should add a brothel area to service divison, along with a new job which one can unlock with 69 karma. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Imagine all the ERP possibilities!

    • Like 2
  5. On 2017. 03. 28. at 6:28 AM, JCasino said:


    Yeah, right, totally forgot about that somehow. I think in the original server, SS13 meant that it's the 13th station of NanoTrasen. So there are multiple stations.

  6. I am so glad someone made a topic like this. I also thought about writing something familiar, but eh, laziness, and I am not the one to compliment anyone. So, let me jump on the admin-fan-club train before it takes off.

  7. 11 hours ago, SomeGuy9283 said:


    I checked it out. Sadly, it is not promising. Thanks for sharing this nevertheless, as a programmer now I want to create my own SS13 game too...

    9 hours ago, Lightnn_Starky said:


    Who? Where? When?

    8 hours ago, JCasino said:


    My problem with this is that often every shift lefts the station in a catasthropic, unrepairable state. So we can't really integrate so many different shifts. Or we can retcon everything, but I am not a big fan of that idea.

  8. Have you ever imagined SS13 in an other medium? For example a movie ... No, this thing is not going to happen, nobody is going to create anything like that, just a question.

    What would you expect from something like that? What kind of plot? Soundtrack? Cast?

    My idea so far:

    Episode 1: The audience gets introduced to the station (location, plasma, major staff) and to the Status Quo (NanoTrasen, The Syndicate). Everything goes well so far, until somehow, somewhere a person turns up dead with a big red S drawn on the floor. Station command realizes that it's a warning from the Syndicate.

    Episode 2+: Parts dedicated to cultists, the SWF, blob etc and more "ordinary" episodes with simple traitors in them. Problems get bigger from episode to episode. Also the main antagonist (he, who coordinates the agents of the Syndicate) makes appearances multiple times, but only as a silhouette with a distorted voice.

    Pre-finale (or season 1 finale): Something very important gets stolen, for example the AI. The shuttle gets called for the first time by an unknown traitor, and it leaves with multiple armed Syndicate staff onboard and of course, the AI. Command starts to suspect that the person who called the shuttle is in fact among station command.

    (Season 2) Finale: Nuclear Operatives board the station. The station staff gets the upper hand but the main antagonist reveals himself (someone very influential, like the HoP or the HoS), takes the captain as hostage and claims the disk, then hands it over to the operatives. The nuke gets activated, they give the disk back to the captain, then they show him the airlock. Station staff calls the shuttle: But CentCom recalls it, regarding the recent events with the AI. People scream and run to the escape pods (but unlike in SS13, you can’t fit 40 people in there). The operatives with the main antagonist returns to their ship, and find the door forced open. Inside someone tries to start it, but he cannot without a Syndicate card. In anger he destroys the control console, trapping the operatives on the station. The nuke goes off, and the station meets its end in a gigantic explosion.

  9. The thing that I liked in oldmaint that it made sense. This one is just more spacious, which is of course a good thing. I would like to see a maint though, that makes sense in itself. These tunnels are supposed to have a feeling that they lead to somewhere. Oldmaint had places that was nonsensical, but this one is even worse.

    For this exact reason I like the area next to aft-starboard solars. That place has a reception, a lobby, and it just feels like it was a used area once. Then again those bridges make no sense. I would recommend thinking the whole maint area before designing it as:

    • the tunnels should lead somewhere.
    • dilapidated areas should feel like they aren't supposed to be dilapidated. They were used and fresh once, after all. Now it just feels like some evil engineer broke in, put blockades in places he felt like then someone else also broke in and cut through.

    It would be probably too time consuming but designing a normal, fresh area and then breaking that down would probably be a better idea.

  10. 4 hours ago, Shadeykins said:


    Sure, use them as you wish. These ain't copyrighted or anything...


    Everyone else, thanks, and I will try to turn them into sprites.

  11. I was rather bored, so inspired by System Shock (where each department has a unique logo, which is just the modified version of the station insignia) I made these.





    Station bureaucrats:


    "Fix this, upgrade that"-team:


    Those who let people bleed out in their lobby:


    Things explode™:




    • Like 5
  12. 16 minutes ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Nah, you were alright. 80% of psychs cryo in 15 minutes or spend the round with their snowflake meta-friend You've got a bright future ahead..

    Thank you, I am trying hard. My philosophy is that we shouldn't play to win, but to have fun. So I am really trying. Thanks for your kind words!

    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Does excellent couples counseling.

    Oh my God, I am so sorry for that! I was so clueless that round. I hope it wasn't that bad... That was my first time with a job in the MedBay. Soon after I was a geneticist, and that was similarly catastrophic. Ah, well.

  14. Good morning/day/evening, fellow employees. I am a kind of new player, but I already fell in love with this game. Also, nice server you have here. I will surely stick to this place for a longer peroid of time.

    Serve NT.

    (You will often find me on the server as Ryan Xovr. Before you break your tongue it's pronounced Zor.)

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