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Posts posted by Bxil

  1. I originally had in plan to write a wall of text, including complains about your own wall of text. But. I must say... I cannot say anything against that. You are mostly correct. While I have some doubts (such as my original "HRPers don't ruin LRPers' rounds, but vice versa it's more than common." statement I think is still factual), overall I must agree that you see things as they are.

    PS: Just to clarify, I tend to LRP myself too. I think I should've said this earlier, and I thought I did. I also never had in intention to limit job knowledge.

  2. 21 hours ago, Birdtalon said:

    Oh? It's because they don't want the negatives which goes along with every server, they want to nitpick all the bits they enjoy and only those parts. But a little news to these people - no game or server is perfect.

    So, when we have a problem, we shouldn't try to solve it? There is actual context here, going much further than simply trying to shit on the server. Because this server is good. I do not want antag knowledge to be restricted and such. Normally, I don't care about LRP, but when it breaks those game who try to HRP...


    18 hours ago, tzo said:

    But, if we required you to give a reason for each karma point you awarded... and had someone moderating it to enforce this... we could do it.

    I disagree too.

    • If you can mindslave/convert someone then do so.
    • Never mindslave just to order them to suicide.
    • Read "Assasinate XY" objectives as "Torture/kidnap XY".
    • Read "Steal T" objectives as "Buy T".
    • Don't play to win. Before doing something think whenever those involved will have fun. If the answer is no, then do not do it.
    • Try finding your fellow antags and team up with them.
    • Monologue whenever you can. This tend to be the most fun over security channel.
  3. @Doukan

    I salute you. I completely agree with you. I would advise going against big plans, like that feudal thing; make a small plan and execute that.

    On the other hand I feel your pain.

    14 hours ago, SomeGuy9283 said:

    Without restricting antag knowledge or a major change(read:purge) of the playerbase, we're probably at the best we can get.

    Lynch me, but I wouldn't mind. I started playing here. I kept playing here and felt that something was wrong. Imagine my surprise when I played on another server for the first time and when I pulled out a gun people froze and panicked instead of lynching me instantly.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, McRamon said:

    I just want you to know that some shifts ago i discovered a strange object to be a mass producing dionas device, gave it to chef and supplied him with enough acid to cook them all. I hope that doesnt offend you or anybody else here =)

    You are a hero!

    • clown 1
  5. 8 hours ago, LordSplinter said:

    people will always metagame who killed them, that's fact

    This is no fact. This only applies if you fuck up their round; they will want to fuck up yours too.

    That's what I've been talking about until now: earn their respect with your antagonism, and not just blow them to kingdom come. I've tried, and I can say that most of the time it works.

    • Like 1
  6. 52 minutes ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    What I'm saying is if a few people have to die every round so it can be interesting for everyone else, that's a trade we should be making.  Plenty of servers do, and they do fine. 

    I agree with this completely. But hiding the body in such a way that the fact the murder happened never gets revealed I think does not count.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jovaniph said:

    What about objectives that require you to murder someone? How can you make that fun without permanently kicking someone out of the game? I would like to hear some suggestions (cause what I just thought was dumb).

    I generally abduct and torture them. Force them to have a tea party with you, anything works really.  Mindslave to force them marry you. Yes, I actually did that once.

    Also, do not worry if you get caught by security. Should you be good enough, security can provide some great roleplay - I got about 6 karma for my execution once, it was very dramatic. Preparing for escape with a storage implant is also good for that.

    1 hour ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    I want to be protected from being bored, and I will gladly accept the risk of dying for that.

    Dying in the first ten minutes will still make you bored, however I agree with this. It's not that hard to make your death fun; all it takes is more effort.


    I hate that Para handles antags like a reward. As an antag your task is to make the game fun for OTHERS, and not for yourself.

  8. I will say it once again, what I've said million times. Remove. Fuckin'. Greentext.

    This game is NOT about winning, and the pure existence of victory conditions is VERY misleading.



    "Steal a compact defib."

    What shitty antags see: GIB THE CMO

    What I see: Make the CMO's day miserable without him knowing about it's your fault, then offer him a lot of money in exchange for the defib. Revel in how much more fun this was than simply spacing him. He will even give you karma.



    • Like 1
    • explodyparrot 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, FeiH said:

    "I can't allow executions under my lawset" when the AI obviously wants a law change and is willing to be an obstructive asshole about it.

    Oh, this reminded me about something.

    Crewsimov AIs taking even the smallest things as harming the crew.

    "AI, door!" "You have a multitool and it's 100% you will use that to harm crew, you stay there."

    Validhunting at its best. The worst part is these asshole AIs find me only when I am not an antag.

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