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Everything posted by VampyrBytes
Make Genetics a Karma Job, and enforce more rules about it.
VampyrBytes replied to sdtwbaj's topic in Suggestions
*antag geneticist gets hold of a syringe gun* Message from Centcomm As the majority of the crew are now monkeys, this shift's pay will be in the form of bananas. On the positive side, productivity is vastly increased -
Who are you calling a... *glances at his coder badge* ok, never mind -1 from me. The only people I hear use it irl are my pre teen kids, which kinda says it all
I know the dna code pretty well and play genetics, so time to weigh in With how the code is, both of these would be horrible to try and implement. Radiation =/= toxins. Increasing the toxins wouldn't help as often the first thing a geneticist does is head to robotics to get a medibot for the lab. Radiation had more potential, but unfortunately I figured out a work around in about 2 mins... namely start playing as Diona, as radiation doesn't mutate them, it heals them. Both causing random mutations and causing random disabilities each time you get a power over a certain number of powers are doable. I'm not sure which I prefer... random mutation seems far more natural, but would lead to (pretty rare) situations like finding xray and getting tk as a mutation
Make humans better at not getting shitfaced.
VampyrBytes replied to FlattestGuitar's topic in Suggestions
I'm busy over the weekend, but I'll take a look at this next week -
Legless crew spawn in with wheelchairs
VampyrBytes replied to Cupcakes_n_Hacksaws's topic in Suggestions
Actually haven't tried it recently, I just assumed that was the case since I've seen legless crew waltzing around without one. Oh well, ignore this then >.> The clown probably stole it -
Allow Starting Chem Machines to be Upgraded
VampyrBytes replied to ProperPants's topic in Suggestions
It's not that it's too much work... If I didn't enjoy the work I wouldn't have the coder badge I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't a reason not to do it - Whilst I used to play chemist a fair bit, I've very rarely played science so wouldn't know if there was another potential problem with gameplay. Fox doesn't see one, so I'll have a look at this on Monday As for increasing the patches/pills, it shouldn't be a problem but I'll have to double check the code to be sure -
Allow Starting Chem Machines to be Upgraded
VampyrBytes replied to ProperPants's topic in Suggestions
Ok, so turns out there's some fundamental differences between the preset ones and the manufactured ones - amount of energy, recharge time, initial chems available etc I could still make the preset ones upgradable, but it's more work so I'll wait for approval first -
Allow Starting Chem Machines to be Upgraded
VampyrBytes replied to ProperPants's topic in Suggestions
I'm not sure I counted as an active coder considering I haven't been here in over a year lol. But the email I got from the PM reminded me of the game, and the bug I hit in my first round (monkeys not turning human first time their genes were changed - now fixed) reminded me of the enjoyment of bug hunting So as a thank you, I've put in the pull request to address this. Bear in mind that it was a feature request not a bug, so I can't guarantee it will be pulled. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3347 -
To be fair, as any special character can be used here, I see this as a non-issue. However, / does indeed work, and I have tested this out already on both a server ran on my laptop and the paradise server, as AI. Perhaps NT Script was updated? As long as it works, that's fine. My main concern here was people that don't understand the code copying and pasting it into the server and finding it wouldn't work rather than it being difficult for you to fix. And yes, I would guess that NTSL has been updated. This is a good point, but with the script I wrote it would only be used by the AI, and not anybody else. This means that the situation you posted wouldn't come up. While what I just outlined is semantics, this can be easily solved by only running the script should the first character be a /, or an @ as in your example. However, I quite like it running whenever the script finds a /e or whatever as it means that messages not properly checked by the AI player (consider the message "sa /eBreach in atmos!", for example) will still retain their confidentiality. However the problem you outlined could easily be solved by not running the script should the AI player include another set of special characters. For example: if(find($content, '/u')) { //stop the script. } Ok, having it search the whole message to ensure a typo doesn't reveal a confidential message makes sense. If you want to do it that way I would however suggest you change the code that strips out the /e or whatever, as at the moment that always strips the first 3 characters. A tip to help you do this - find() doesn't just return a yes or no response, it returns the location in the string of the first character. Using that and a couple of substrs you can take it out from where it actually is rather than always at the beginning. Another great point, and one which could be semi-solved by running the code only if the special character is found. (@ is actually better for this purpose given that the AI is unlikely to use the character @ in their normal tasks.) So that would mean that every time the AI speaks, only one line of code is executed if no @ symbol is found. That would work. Something else that would help is after the first if using elseif so it only keeps searching if it hasn't already found the code and dealt with it. Although thinking about it, you may not want to do that... I've just realised there's a benefit to your code that I'm not sure if you realise... namely that you can actually broadcast over more than one channel at a time. So if the AI wants to say something to both command and security they can do '/c /s Intruder in the bridge'. That ability is probably worth the extra processing. the best documentation I've found is TG's wiki - http://www.tgstation13.org/wiki/NT_Script. However, I did find that some of the functions they have there don't work on our version.
Hi Citinited. Firstly, it's great to see someone else adding to this I'm going to make some comments about your code. Please take these in the spirit that they're given, namely constructive criticism in order to help you improve your coding, rather than an attack on your code. As I said, it's great to see someone else doing telecomms scripting. Firstly, and most importantly, have you tested the code? Because I don't think it'll work. When I did my code I ran into an issue, namely that I couldn't use / - it seems that the game strips the slashes from the start of AI talk before it reaches the telecomms script. That's why I used @ instead. The second problem I can see is that you're making an assumption about what the user will do, namely that the /e or whatever will be at the start of whatever they put in. Never make assumptions about how your user will act, because as soon as you do, they'll break your code. For example, if I was to use your code and try and say over general - 'to talk over engineering use /e' it would go over engineering as 'talk over engineering use /e' The third and final problem is one of efficiency. Every time the AI speaks, the content is searched through 7 times, whether or not the code has already found the /u or whatever. As a rule of thumb, you don't want code doing more work than necessary, especially on a platform like byond, which is far from efficient to start with (as an example, simply opening the ban list, which is a table with ~1000 entries lags the server for a good few minutes) Shorter code is great, but only if it does the job as well and as efficiently as the longer code.
I always got the impression that the room behind the kitchen, where the goat starts was meant to be a cold room
Welcome to Paradise You are the medical doctor You are a changeling! Your objectives are Absorb 3 genomes Assassinate Lynn Fea the geneticist Steal the HoP's jumpsuit Escape on the shuttle or a capsule alive and free I'm going to give you some ooc info as well, because it really added to the fun. Kiera Whiteman (me) and Lynn Fea (Social System) have worked together in genetics a fair bit in the past and had some fun rounds when one or both of us have been antags, so I was pleased when I saw my target. Ok, I start getting my medical gear together and doing the usual doc stuff while I think how I'm going to play this. 10 minutes in I've decided my first priority is to get death sting, cos I know I'm unrobust in combat. Ok, best source of genomes for the unrobust is genetics, which is also where my target is. Just about to head over when Social says in admin chat that they need to admin. Damn. So I ask if they want to change my target then. Social laughs and decides to keep playing So now Social knows I'm after him, but ofc Lynn doesn't... this is where the fun starts I stick to the plan and head to genetics to ask for a humanised monkey to practise surgery on. Whilst Lynn is fine with me, Social is telling me to fuck off (with a smile) in admin. Lynn checks if it's ok with the CMO, who green lights me getting the monkey. I'm fine with Lynn, even telling her I'll see her later :evil:, I take the monkey down to surgery and straight through to the maintenance tunnels. 1st genome absorbed, 2 to go until death sting. I wander off for a bit, not wanting to go back for another monkey too soon. CMO asks what happened to the monkey over medical... shit, time to think fast 'It didn't make it, I think I need more practice" "What were you doing to it?" Shit, what surgery is likely to kill the patient "Brain surgery" "Ah yes, you need a blood pack when doing brain surgery, but don't waste them on monkeys" Phew! So I head back to genetics to get another monkey. Get there and Lynn's found camouflage. Hmm, that's not great, could really do with getting that myself. CMO comes over and asks Lynn for it... ah. "yeah, could I get it as well?" Lynn ends up giving me another monkey and camouflage. My leaving comment this time was 'This'll come in handy" So that's genome number 2. Need one more for death sting. By this time there's been an announcement warning people that there's lings on board... Hmmm, that's not going to help Go and find Lynn in the fitness room. In admin chat Social says 'this is when I die'... ofc it wasn't, still needed another genome. Asked for another monkey, Lynn came back to medical and gave me one. Ah, got death sting Head back to genetics, but Lynn's not there. Head to the crew monitoring comp, ah, in the kitchen. I go across to the bar. Lynn enters from the kitchen. Wh chat for a minute, then she gives me a huig and I give her a death sting Over Admin comes 'Bitch XD' I act the concerned doctor and start rushing her to medbay... but ofc death sting puts them down, but lets them get back up for a bit before really kicking in... when she gets up she yells that I'm a ling over general. Fuck! Ok, ling's can deal with this... I leave Lynn where she is, head to maintenance and change into one of the humanised monkeys I fed on, hiding my ID in my backpack. Then head back to medbay. Sec's there putting Lynn into the cloner. I hang around outside and they disappear off once she's started cloning. In admin Social asks if I morphed into someone else, I answer ofc. I then head into genetics and act as any doc would, getting the corpse out of the cloner, putting it in a body bay. Lynn pops out of the cloner and staggers toward the cryotube. Quick death sting, put her in the bodybay, zip it up and stick it in the morgue. Job done. Ofc now I'm left without an ID that's safe to use. So think about it for a couple of minutes, then head back to the morgue and grab Lynn's ID. Pay a trip to the HoP's and explain that I'm Lynn, but I did an experiment on my UI and ended up with a new name. HoP buys it and changes Lynn's ID to my name. Ok, I'm now a ling with full access to genetics and the morgue I eat a few more monkeys, get lesser form and range sting, then start working out how to get the HoP Jumpsuit. Decide I'm going to have to kill him for it, so I start wandering around waiting for him to come out of his office. No joy. Then disaster strikes! Wandering along in medbay, minding my own business when suddenly I'm being targeted by a sec officer with a gun! I freeze. Another officer comes as backup. I'm asked why I'm not on the crew manifest. I explain that I'm Lynn and just changed my name genetically, and say they can check with the HoP. They say to put my backpack on the ground and I comply, realising as I do so that Kiera's ID ids still in there. Ofc, straight away they start accusing me of being a ling. I tried claiming that I killed Kiera, but they weren't buying it. One says into his radio that they're bringing me in for loyalty implanting. Fuck that. As the one's cuffing me I death sting him and run from the other. I get tazered down. He starts bashing me with his stun baton... I'm already in pain crit so can't tell if he's stunning or harm batoning, so I hit regenerate. While I'm down I'm handcuffed and dragged to the sec office in medbay... right next to the disposals unit... Hmm, this has to be worth a try. The Sec officer is still batonning me to keep me down, but it's doing nothing as I'm effectively dead. So I hit the return to life, hit lesser form to get rid of the cuffs, and dive into the disposals. I make it to cargo alive, but I'm in a bad state, so I stagger over to the vent, collapse and start rejuvinating again. By the time I'm ready to return to life the officer's arrived and has just got a cargo tech to open it for him. I revive, hit vent crawl, hit a random one and head down. I come out at arrivals. Ok, what the hell do I do now... They'll have the AI looking for a monkey, if I transform I'll have no clothes or equipment which will be a dead giveaway.. where can I get some clothes and equipment. I then spot the gateway above me... ah I head through and strip a clown soldier. Hmm, there's no way this disguise is going to work, if they spotted me just from not being on the manifest, they're going to get me like this.... (whatever my name was) as clown soldier isn't very subtle. But I've got no choice, I'll just have to hide out in a space pod until the shuttle's called and escape that way. I go back through the gateway, leave the gateway room and suddenly the emergency shutters come down everywhere and the air is searing my lungs... there'd been an anomaly explosion at customs. I stagger around for a bit trying to find a way out, eventually getting on the arrivals shuttle and regening. I wait a fair bit before returning to life. While I'm down there's a meteor shower and the shuttle is called.. When I revive I try to get on an escape pod, but can't get the airlocks to open. Ok, gonna have to try the main shuttle. At this point I notice that in the heat, my face had melted, so I'm now just Clown Soldier... ok, that's an improvement, but Sec's still going to be suspicious as hell. Seems I was giving Sec too much credit... I head over to escape and wait patiently. There were several sec officers waiting, but noone batted an eyelid at the clown soldier. With about 4 minutes to go till the shuttle docked I spot the HoP waiting there. Hmm, can I? gotta try. I stroll over to where he is, death sting him, then wander away, to wait for a chance to grab his suit off him. Unfortunately Someone dragged him off to cloning (who heads away from escape when there's 3 minutes till the shuttle???). I follow, thinking to grab it while he's being cloned, only to realise I don't have access anymore. Back to the shuttle. I sit next to the door, thinking maybe I'll get another chance. Just before the shuttle leaves, the HoP comes aboard... naked! Ah well, I got 3 out of 4, which isn't bad when so much went wrong, and the clown soldier lives to fight another day! Kudos to Social for doing a great job at keeping OOC knowledge out of IC
DayZ is the reason I found SS13. I've never played ArmA, I spotted the standalone on steam when it was first released and gave it a go. Then headed to the forums, where I found the twitch streams, started watching Sacriel and when browsing his Youtube channel I found some streams of this weird looking 2d spaceman game... haven't played DayZ since lol. I'll probably have another look when it's out of alpha, it was pretty broken when I tried to play
No, because it will take the easiest route out of your body, which is up your windpipe and out of your mouth/nose. Only if it couldn't get out that way would it expand and start doing internal damage. However, you have dissolved gases in your blood which don't have a way to get out and so would expand into bubbles. It's called decompression sickness (aka the bends) and is why deep sea divers come up slowly
The flag isn't to stop them having internal organs, they're meant to have robotic ones, it's to stop certain things happening to those organs (like brain damage). However, you're right, you shouldn't have been coughing up blood. Both the internal and external (bones) organs code is a mess. That's a big part of the reason I've been having so much trouble sorting out IPC's. So a couple of days ago I started cleaning it up. I finished internal organs this morning and put in the PR. I just double checked and it will fix you coughing up blood. When I clean up external organs I'll sort out slime people ending up with broken bones
Wish I'd seen that reply before making a fix Hopefully this will fix it anyway, I can't see anything wrong with the revival part of the code, so I'm guessing it just didn't trigger the death code again (which could be another problem but one thing at a time). The health will need to be got over -75 before it'll revive, so don't panic if you don't spring back to life as soon as they start welding you I've already got a PR in to fix some genetics stuff so I'll wait for Ponies to pull that first and then put this one on. Once it's live we can play 'How many times can we take B.U.P. apart and put him together again' - hmmm, that could be a fun event >:-)
Ok, that's good. You did come back to life, you just died again because of the damage. I'd have been more worried if it hadn't. I'm not keen on the idea of it being done through a verb, makes it feel like a conscious decision to switch back on. What I'll probably do is use the check you suggest but do it in the part of the code that deals with repairing the body so you come back to life while you're being repaired
Grrr Did your head fall off again?
Ok, should be sorted now. Let me know if there's any problems
K, I didn't realise their pressure sensitivity had been changed when the overheating was introduced Was the head reattachment working before my fix?
I couldn't sleep last night, so done, done, done and done Ponies has pulled it, so it'll all be up next time he patches. Enjoy
I'll be looking at sorting out the IPC bugs Streaky put above. Busy this weekend though, so there won't be a fix till sometime next week.
Traitor Suggestion (Objectiveless Traitors)
VampyrBytes replied to IamnotDave's topic in Suggestions
Coding it wouldn't be a problem - admin's can already set custom objectives and there's already methods for sending admins ic messages (prayers, faxes to centcom), it's just a case of editing the syndi page of the pda to check the round type and if it's this one add a message button that contacts the admins. I'm still fairly new to ss13 programming and I could handle that without too much difficulty. I'd want admin feedback on the idea before I did though, as it does put more work on them -
Traitor Suggestion (Objectiveless Traitors)
VampyrBytes replied to IamnotDave's topic in Suggestions
Yeah, first thing I thought when I saw objectiveless traitors was that'll lead to murderboning. But I can see where you're coming from and like the idea, so I gave it some thought. The only way around it I can see would be with admin involvement The way around it would be to start them off with a message along the lines of 'You have been planted on the station by the Syndicate in order to cause trouble for NT. You have some discretion in how to go about this, but confirm any plans with Syndicate HQ before proceeding'. You could have a feature in the syndie part of the pda that allows you to send a message to 'Syndicate HQ' (admins) which you use to send in your plans. The admins could then approve the plans and make them official objectives, or deny them and set objectives of their own. The one issue is the level of admin input required, would need to hear their opinions on it and whether it would be feasable