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  1. Though I don't play security a lot, the changes look good. Though, whilst reading it, I did notice that there is a mention of the brig physician as "himself" in bullet point eight. Maybe add updating that to a gender neutral term could be done as well.
  2. I also really like the this idea and the way it brings various departments into the process. Maybe for science some of the following could be included: - Cyborg bodies and inactive robot brains. - Ripley/Firefighter mechs with RCDs and other construction equipment - Various things that require research and the protolathe, experimental welding tools or such - Various slime extracts from xenobiology.
  3. I have only played cyborg a couple of times as a service bot, but had a few law changes, so I tried to change it up a little each time. Something nice and simple I did was change the way I asked if people wanted food or drink and what I said when I was leaving. Crewsimov: Ask if people are hungry or thirsty, said "stay safe" when leaving. Corporate: Tell people to stay in their places of work and that I will bring them food or drink so that they can keep working, said "stay productive" when leaving. NT Default: Didn't get this one, but maybe serve people and ask based on place in command structure, moving from high to low. P.A.L.A.D.I.N: Told people I would save them from the perils of hunger and thirst, said "stay noble" when leaving. Another thing that can be cool to do is change which HUD option you have enabled based on your lawset. For Crewsimov you top priority is crew health, so Medical HUD, for Corporate top priority is making sure you are functioning well, so Diagnostic HUD, P.A.L.A.D.I.N Sec HUD to alert security to the presence of criminals and easily see rank so that you can respect people's relevant authorities. The final way I will change my actions is how often I will go to get charged or repaired, Corporate degradation and damage is law 1, so ASAP, crewsimov, law 3, so it can wait until necessary. In regards to the clown asking to get into the Captain's Office that is a Law 2 command, if I were in this situation I would likely ask for a reason first to ensure that the clown will not endanger the crew, and if they give a reason that won't, let them in, but maybe watch them or notify someone. On this note of conflicting laws, maybe the first law of crewsimov should be split or clarified for the situations where you must either injure a crewmember or allow one to come to harm, though with the removal of secborg that is less likely to come up.
  4. Hi All, Once I borged a person who had asked for full body cybernetic augmentation. The borg then got security and I was put into perma with the crime of murder. I spent at least half an hour talking with IAA's and the Warden and the HoS about this. They were all very confused and had not had a case like that before. I argued that by definition borging someone is technically full body augmentation, however, they still called it murder because to borg someone they have to die during the procedure. My question is: Is borging someone who wanted full body augmentation a crime, and if so what is a decent punishment for it? Andromedus Rodrigo Jackson - Human, has a trouble with authority and works in most departments.
  5. I have no coding experience, so I can't do it; but I definitely support both ideas. Though maybe have the cooldown on the supply shuttle console only on the one outside? Or have the timer toggle-able by anyone with a cargo-tech or quartermaster ID.
  6. What if there was a special type of body armour in the armoury that had the camera but with less protection than body armour? It would be limited to two suits like the other suits in the armoury,
  7. Six survivors on the emergency shuttle.
  8. Four. Quick, someone [who is not an admin] say five!
  9. If I put down all the numbers one of them should be the next one, right? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
  10. 12, a dozen. As stated under ten, one of my favourites as an alternative to base ten. The number of months in a year. The number of hours on an analog clock. The number of signs on the zodiac. The largest number with just one syllable. I am sorry I don't have twelve facts.
  11. Ten, the base of our system. Can only be divided into two and five (as well as itself and one). I much prefer base 6 or 12 as the first can be divided by 2 and 3; and the second by, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Both of which are much easier to divide by and with than ten. Also the third triangle number (or fourth if you count one).
  12. 4 is the first non-prime number. With the exception of one which is a special case. That makes it one of my favourite numbers.
  13. The admins probably think it got two high.
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