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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Non-violent antags can be spicy if the player knows how to go about not being violent, while completing objects, and all the meanwhile being interesting. For example... I actually made a mime kill himself, without a word, by using words and other people, creating a web around him. Basically, if he was my target, boom, non-violent, and fun for everyone involved. Although, a great option as mentioned would be "options". So like. Yeah, a less violent antagonist option isn't necessarily bad. It can let people who are more RP based, and non-robust still be a fun role to play around and as. then again what do i know im just some lurker (edit: I actually once asked some admins if I could get no killing objectives. They instead gave me stealing objectives. From each head.)
  2. I like this a lot. I actually used to go straight to perma-brig at round start by asking the HoS to permabrig me. For no reason. If they said no, I'd start giving them reasons to arrest me in their line of sight, at the brig lobby. because i like gardening and being confined every now and then ok
  3. Anyways, some dude named Traveller or something, he is making a map apparently? Like a change to the current one. It's actually pretty decent from what I saw of screenshots, and the civilian roles have nothing to do besides run around, do stupid crap, or distract 2+ people to get a job. Also BUCKETS. I have a complaint formally to buckets. How about, if I close your lid, you can't be placed on the head slot? I can't take liquid out of you, why should I be allowed to pour the reachable liquids onto myself? Like. Buckets. Stop it, you are just being annoying. If I wanted that radium on me, I would've asked. If I wanted to run back to a sink to get more water, I wouldn't have lidded you, and instead splashed you on another botanist.
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