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Everything posted by GreenCactus

  1. Yes, that's something that I've started to realize, sometimes things just doesn't and you have to put up with it, last shift for example I survived the round on cup noodles because the chef was missing but oh well...
  2. Thanks for the tip Tayswift.
  3. I've checked out the guide to hydroponics and with the help of a kind soul ingame I have learned much more about botany, thanks for your answer
  4. Hello all, I discovered this game on reddit some days ago browsing random subreddits and decided to try it, so far I like it very much. I've been reading the wiki and getting familiar with the game playing as an assistant, later as a janitor and cargo tech and doing what I could with my limited knowledge. Yesterday round start placed me in the role of botanist and I tought I was doing well after looking up the wiki, being able to satisfy the chef demands growing some wheat, tomatoes and corn. Afterwards, looking at a guide on this forum I learned a lot more things the wiki does not cover like DNA splicing and such, and in a second round things went much more smoothly. Problem is, i do a third round as botanist and this guy comes and 15-20 minutes after, the trays are yellow not needing any water or fertilizer and there are nymphas all around taking care of plants giving them nutrients and the like. That leaves me dumbfounded: What else I don't know the wiki and user guides don't cover? So here I am, a new player with absolutely no idea how the game works and with a lot of questions requesting your help. I have not found an exhaustive guide with chat commands, I've looked in various wikis and I think I have some idea how it works, to use an emote is Say "*<emote>", is it correct? Where I can find everything I can do in each job? How is the correct way to report something to security? How do I request medical assistance when I need it? I go to the clinic front desk but far more times than not there's no one attending it or I'm just ignored. Those are my main concerns, I hope to not be a hassle to anyone and be a positive addition to this community, thanks.
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