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About Darth_Dangermouse

  • Birthday 11/04/1998

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Grey Tider

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  1. Saving this one for later, thanks!
  2. Maybe we should fourth-et, the admins are too strong!
  3. I think Virology needed a Deathsquad Janitor, this single room could have ruined the Station Score all on its own.
  4. I'm from down under, in Australia. G'day mates!
  5. I agree with this, the weight even trait just makes the chef useless and he may as well become another grey suit wondering the station when everyone has the Weight Even virus.
  6. One of my Pet Peeves is when people call the AI malf when it won't open a door for them, bonus points if it's on Code Red and The Nukie Ops is breaking into the bridge.
  7. While as of writing, I've never played as a changeling yet, I think the ability to escape from either Zip-ties and/or cable-cuffs with the Arm Blade would be neat! And it might make things easier for the changeling for when you are found out, and everyone starts hunting you down with their robust toolbox and screwdriver skills.
  8. "NO! LOCK THEM ALL DOWN, HURRY!" Yeah, I would like to see this.
  9. Hello, Paradise! I'm an experienced Roleplayer who is somewhat familiar with SS13 (still learning the ropes in some jobs), and I quite like being on the Paradise server, so I decided to join the forums. For those curious, here are the characters I play as of me writing this. Korresh Koresi: Red Unathi. Simon Lucky: Run of the mill Human, with a beard. I'll see you guys in game! (Hopefully!)
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