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About SquidMaster

  • Birthday June 15

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  1. 16 executed by firing squad for non creativity
  2. Ah shiet. Miss spelled. Guess its six fuck ups now
  3. I applaud you my good sir *clapping sounds* *magistrate screaming something about getting back to work*
  4. Why not five while we are at it
  5. Man im so tired of admins reseting this once every day
  6. One bAdmin aint enough. At least two more need to be uh disposed of...
  7. Well. First of all welcome my dude. To answer your question, since this is a medium RP server IC knowledge and relations arent restricted (except in some cases). That means you could RP as a "fresh arrived" or a veteran that worked countless shifts and know lots of people. But anyways hope to see you preferably alive on-board the glorious workplace that is the NSS Cyberiad
  8. Welcome my dude. Hope to see you on-board. I mainly play as Jones E. Marshall. I agree on having a good and working relationship. See ya around
  9. Cant help it. Running in to fires is my thing you know. Well im off to do it a THIRD time
  10. Five people raged at a deathsquad. Hint: they died
  11. Nanotrasen budget cuts = Cram majority of the crew in to one pod
  12. me and a buddy Re-built the biohazard disposals in to a club thingy
  13. Casual Mushroom battle royale
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