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Slith-Skaar last won the day on November 16 2019

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About Slith-Skaar

  • Birthday 02/24/1992

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Miner (2/37)



  1. probably attempt to hiss and end up biting my tongue
  2. Heirophant staff is honestly, really weak and just used for intimidation. It does jackall damage with its spells, Xenos can ignore it, and just heal from the resin faster. Tspiders can just do the same in webs. The only good thing about (not counting the pretty lights it makes) the heirophant staff is, is for an emergency teleport out, but in saying that, that requires the user to stand still uninterupted for 5 seconds. Meathook is STRONG, yes I will admit. HOWEVER this requires you to actually aim at a target, and connect. if it misses, it has a HEAVY cooldown. Most of the stuff obtained from lavaland honestly isn't too bad, considering the risks. Dragon Transformation, again strong however very fragile at the same time, glass cannon and unrevivable should you die. Lavastaff and Staff of Storms, both I will admit are the VERY strong counters to biohazards such as Tspiders and xenos, but at the same time prove a risk to the crew so... I guess its a trade-off? In any sense, I don't see an issue with miners being able to counter biohazards considering they already go against giant man-eating skull-face-things and angry birds and dragons. They should be threatening to fauna such as Tspiders and Xenos. Play around it and play stratigically. They aren't immortal, just tougher than your regular folk.
  3. Aye the cloak looks great but sadly is shadowed by the Explorer Suit, which can be upgraded 3x chest and head, and doesn't even provide any immunity to ash storms. Its not worth making unless you are a Hermit, but even then you can be better off hunting legions for a better suit.
  4. Completely agree here, there seems to be way too much RNG involved when handling combat scenarios. I've been in cases when I was constantly whaled on by FOUR cultists, three with burning tomes, and one with a sword, which had removed my heart and lungs. My entire health doll was red. I was still able to stand because I didn't roll for shock. This feels incredibly unrealistic in many aspects. Another case is I have been hammered by a holoparasite as an officer, fairly recently too, while on fire, for about a minute straight. Rolling shock despite being in constant negative health seems too be too inconsistent or unrealistic. This is one of my key dislikes to the "Newcrit". I'll just refer to my previous statement, the amount of scenarios people have been in, bombing runs, fires, slash-fests.. people should have died in these scenarios but because of the lack of damage cap and reliability on braindeath is very high, it just really don't work for most antagonists sadly. This is a huge issue here that one core job is made redundant due to recipe removals and restocking of medvendors. All chemistry is in the current form is a Strange Reagent shop or Cryoxadone Cabin, don't really need much else apart from maybe Mitochloride. Vendors need a drastic nerf in my honest opinion. As much time and effort that is put into "NewCrit", I don't think it fits in a mediumRP server. The previous health and crit system was perfect in my honest opinion, simple but effective and gets the job done.
  5. I can one up this. Slime Powered Taxi. Step 1. Have Xenobiology produce Black Slime Extracts. Step 2. Find someone willing to behave as a sentient slime. Step 3. Have Research and Development construct a temperature gun. Step 4. Set the Temperature to the highest hot setting. Step 5. Have the sentient slime drag you as you fire them with the Hot Temperature gun. Step 6. ...help I am going too fast now. This probaby is faster than old meth speeds, it is absolutely hilarious and silly. Enjoy slime races.
  6. Good ol' DepuTea. Keep at these FoS, you do amazing work. Never fails to bring a smile whenever I am in Tea's presence. Its an aura of happiness and joy, not to mention the amount of adorableness it projects.
  7. Am loving this pixel art, keep it up.
  8. the toast got me, this is amazing
  9. Lit alcoholic shot glasses are also usable as pocket-sized flares.
  10. Damn, these are improving very nicely, keep up the good work!
  11. These are all really well done. Bravo.
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