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Rebel0 last won the day on May 6 2019

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  1. This is why everyone needs to bully Spark. Uno
  2. God I'm just remembering those old ORs at the bottom of medical that existed when I first started playing on Paradise. That and the change to chemistry since I recall a bug that was there at the time where you couldn't reach the welding tank or something. I don't think ANYONE should have to experience those.
  3. By overseeing I mean in the legal sense. He can overrule all of security's rulings with authority but cannot issue charges himself nor instruct them how to handle certain issue. He's the 'check' to securities' power. Not as in he instructs Security who to arrest, when and how to deal with situations.
  4. There is no real way to solve us v them mentality the moment you assign security to counter antags unless you are going to either curtail it or enforce some sort of 'strict' roleplay standards. HRP servers fall into that issue every time as well as any server. I do, however, see this as an aid in encouraging an actual value to both of them though. This is completely personal experience from a mix of servers. As sec when you offer a 'reward' you tend to get further. This can be the 'reward' instead of busting into perma to a person breaking everything for the 10th time because he knows he'll never get out and will be in there the rest of the round so his only means of even possibly getting out is trashing the place. The other experience was that I personally noticed a mild change in attitude with the us vs them mentality when parole was added to another server; albeit being an HRP server. It sounds fair to give the Captain a say in it; though I don't know about the HoS. The whole reason the Magistrate is usually the one chosen to handle over-seeing sec is because he's 'removed' from security, thus expected to be un-biased and be able to combat any bias Sec has. Captain is the over-all administrator so it would make sense he'd get a say and be able to remain at least partially impartial. In fact I can only see many of them accepting it if it benefits them/the station in some way. Currently parole can be given to a non-EoC exceptional criminal with only one approval. Depending how one interprets the regulations and the words 'should not' they already can with just one of them. Should just sounds.. passive and a 'suggestion' rather than a strong word like may only. Though the majority of people do play should not by the books.
  5. I don't think supporting strict 'turn yourself in or else' is exactly the best option, personally. But offering an incentive while someone is in perma such as giving Security holsters, showing exemplary behavior in some helpful way or some 'moral standing' in terms of roleplay, aiding in an investigation - ex giving the antag an 'out' if he turns in his friend and there's evidence on him. He then secures his own parole via his cooperation. And, sadly, you will always have the meta-friend issue with or without the change really.
  6. No one can say Hazard isn't cute now! Lies and slander! Are they bald? If no, then yes. Do they have a pulse? If so, yes. Do they not have a pulse? Probably no but hey, free punching bag. Bonus points if they're shorter than her because imagine being taller than a 7' plasma man whew.
  7. Roman numerals? Well then. I raise you... IV
  8. You used an item to learn Sleeping Carp. If you used a holoparasite implant, then took it out of yourself persay, you are still guilty of having used the implant. Using the scroll - which disintegrates after use - gives you Sleeping Carp. You knowing sleeping carp in it of itself is proof you used S-class contraband. This was answered twice now. Yes. Only people with uplinks can buy it - or get it from nullcrates. You are an EoC for USING the scroll in the first place - which is the only way to obtain knowledge on sleeping carp.
  9. Yes. The only ways that I know of obtaining Sleeping Carp is via syndicate equipment. Such as buying it via the uplink or buying a null crate through Cargo. (I know null crates carry CQC manuals but I believe they carry Sleeping Carp as well.) Sleeping Carp in both usage and the possession of the scroll counts as contraband. The only things similar to Sleeping Carp are CQC proper - which is S class as well - or 'CQC' aka Close Quaters Cooking. This should only be known by the chef and only usable in the kitchen and bar. An easy way to test that is if the user is able to use it outside of the kitchen or not. You can tell the difference between CQC and Carp easily. 1. Can the user deflect disablers/tasers/ranged weapons? If yes, Carp. If no, CQC. 2. Pay attention to the move combos. They have notably different combos. Carp prisoners are typically to be cloned as it is the only way to forget the use of carp. There is no way to make the user forget how to use it. Due to deflecting all ranged projectiles, making disarms do damage, allow for combat stuns and large amounts of damage it is not viable to throw someone in perma or elsewhere with knowledge of Carp. The usage of Carp designates that you used S class contraband to learn the skill - and are thus an EoC via the usage of that contraband.
  10. Is it possible to bring the count down to 11 for his crimes? No? Hell. Thirteen then, I guess!
  11. Uncool, bro. Why admin's gotta ruin the fun? Have a two instead.
  12. How to utterly DESTROY Nanotrasen's™ claim to owning you via contract in one sentence:
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