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shatterdcoyote last won the day on September 12 2018

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About shatterdcoyote

  • Birthday 08/27/1993

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Botanist (6/37)



  1. Welcome to Paradise station! I hope you have a wonderful time, feel free to use our help system in game to message our mentors when you have questions and Ahelp us on staff if you have problems!
  2. Esteemed employee/servant/menial, Don't know why this is getting released on a standard comms link, but I guess it's up for the boys in the legal department to handle it properly. Now, we can't give you the exact details, because just about anyone can be listening, so I would simply like to reiterate that both are applicable, and that you should always report suspected cases of XT-4885 Romeo to your nearest Chief Medical Officer or, barring that, Command Staff AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, given standard species limitations. Let's not have a repeat of the Sundown. Poor bastards. Signed, Communications Superintendent Brennan.
  3. Welcome to the forums! Take your time, don't need to learn all of the fancy bells and whistles in one go, hope you have fun on here. And belatedly, welcome to Paradise!
  4. Welcome to Paradise! Mining can be pretty calming, just keep an eye out for the local fauna and remember. Hugging the crystals can lead to some exciting, and deadly, results! Have fun out there!
  5. This is kidnapping, harassment, and abuse of an admin!
  6. what? This is totally up to good, this is baking soda. I'm getting it ready for cooking!
  7. Remember Kids, always update your ocular firewalls.
  8. One big flaw is the fact that if you are dealing with veteran officers this will never work, as there's a clear indication of when the holy water works. Text confirming that you have been deculted.
  9. @ZN23X Listen you shaved bald sister of a Monkey! Do it right, call them a snaggle toothed flea bitten walking rug!
  10. Unoriginal insults of just screaming furry or foxboi, there are so many more fun options!
  11. wait, HUMANITY? wouldn't it be Skrellmanity? I knew it, its all a lie.
  12. You should really work on that @ZN23X
  13. Zeke the Barbarian is the swolest of swole, you can not defeat such a master of the flex.
  14. The game is really fun, just don't turn you back on @Normalyman or you end up like Artie
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