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Buford last won the day on August 28 2017

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  1. 1. Yep nerf them, shadowling rounds are boring and it ends up just being a conversion war in which shadowlings can convert easily where every single person who is a shadowling has to be put on a table in which there are only two and deconverted at a rate based on the skill of the doctor. Edit: Just replace that round it's boring and dumb to be honest. 2. have u no sec b4
  2. This topic is still valid right? It was not invalidated or validated as something that would be implemented in the game. Well ok, best thing to do in this circumstance is to remove civilian completely. Remove the limited availability of the clown job. Make clown the new citizen job with all it's privileges and items included. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. Once again, I know perma is meant to give prisoners some chance of escape, but when it gets to point in a round where shits hit the fan, you can barely focus on whats going on all at once, and the prisoners can either just destroy or die from lack of food in the hellhouse that is perma, it almost becomes easier to just permanently lock them in the standard cells in the sec lobby area. Hell im not even sure if thats against the SOP, should I just keep perma folk in the front cells so they can actually be interacted with more? Once again, I know perma is meant to give prisoners some chance of escape, but when it gets to point in a round where shits hit the fan, you can barely focus on whats going on all at once, and the prisoners can either just destroy or die from lack of food in the hellhouse that is perma, it almost becomes easier to just permanently lock them in the standard cells in the sec lobby area. Hell im not even sure if thats against the SOP, should I just keep perma folk in the front cells so they can actually be interacted with more? --- W0w your a genius, you actually know what it's like! Prepare for your boink Mr.
  4. Oh no I concur. You are wrong you can use an HIV/AIDS infected body and draw the blood to create a super aids virus that is air born. My solution to the problem is to merge pathologist and virologist and just use the name Aids Spreader. So you will have two title options for that job. Aids Spreader and Microbiologist. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  5. When prisoners cause a ruckus over a 5 minute sentence. When God doesn't answer prayers. When ERP isn't allowed.
  6. Welcome.
  7. Updated with being fired by nanotransen from security positions and his walk with the light bearer as a chaplain. Extended the story basically.
  8. Updated with more qualifications.
  9. Yea I've known about this for quite some time. Just didn't care to express my opinion. Law is something that is imposed off of how much you piss off security and what crimes you actually committed.
  10. Ok you forgot one thing. You gotta copy paste your ahelp and send it at least three times or more for maximum effectiveness.
  11. Every round of cult I've been security as, there have been massive amounts of holy water used and no one get's boinked. However I have seen it less common during vampire rounds because vampires do a pretty good job at being obvious. Yea I'm sure making the gap between death and dying 10-20u apart would cause over half of security to be permabrigged along with the only chaplain for manslaugher. Sounds like a pain in the ass. Don't think holy water should have negative effects on anyone because it's just like water and salt mixed together with prayers and shit said over it. If anything it should slightly heal people by like 2-3% oxygen and burn damage per 50u as that would make a lot more sense but I also think that shouldn't be added either I'm just speaking from a realistic perspective. It's kinda fail-rpish and a lore-killer if drinking holy water can put you in crit. Can also cause a lot of greytiding from chaplains killing people by feeding them the water randomly.
  12. Yea I retract my statement. No OP wheelchairs haha. Good point Rumiluntti.
  13. YESSSSSS. I remember seeing a security guard being roleplayed as an old lady in a wheelchair with grey hair and near sighted vision (Was wearing eye glasses) that was my biggest laugh ever in SS13.
  14. Playing security almost all the time with the occasional civilian/assistant I see holy water being used heavily. Like a hella lot of holy water. Honestly I don't see how we would be able to stand a chance against cultists if holy water was severely nerfed or made so it harms everyone. Also yes there is a downside because unlike cult rounds there is a risk of feeding a vampire holy water and it requires fire extinguishers and burn kits. If you manage to kill the vampire with holy water you could be charged with manslaughter or murder (Depending on who the heads are some dgaf since they are EoC) but I've seen someone get charged with battery for breaking a bottle of holy water over a vampire.
  15. Harmbaton people to death as there would be no admins to interfere in RL SS13.
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