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Posts posted by Singular

  1. 4 minutes ago, Vallidian said:

    This alone bothers me because ICly you'd think Central would use one baseline format for every type of fax and stick with it.

    You say that, Vallidian. But I can assure you that the sound of receiving a fax from CC, no matter how poorly formatted or written, is what Procedure players keep coming back for.

    That toner rattle is our victory fanfare, it's what makes all the paperwork worth it.

    • honk 1
  2. I was lurking the forums specifically looking to see if you made this thread, since it seems you are not in the Discord server.

    Those paperwork forms of yours are a joy to work with! I admit that it did take me a moment or two to understand the meaning behind the double negatives, but once it clicked, scrolling through your reports became a breeze, and the sheer attention to detail made me feel like I was breathing down the necks of every crewmember in every department, bureaucracy be scary like that sometimes.

    I meant what I said about you making a great NT Rep, looking forward to see the kind of paperwork you'd cook up there.

    • Thanks 1
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