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Everything posted by Mitchs98

  1. I didn't mean you, I meant the dude that posted the thread. Going utterly batshit for people using his name and running around being a tard the entire round due to it. I like your character a lot actually xD
  2. I was going to say something but...I have nothing nice to say. So I'll say this; Stop using lore to be a massive jackass IC. ^ Actually nicer than anything else I was thinking.
  3. That is absolutely amazing. xD. Definitely going in her profile. Nice work man~
  4. Could you do Goobina maybe :D?
  5. Welcome to the server. If ya mop medbay floors on code red when things are crazy with no reason I'll kick yer butt~!
  6. This also. It makes no good sense for someones husband/girlfriend/best friend/child/pet vulpakanin not to know who the other person is. I forgot to mention this...but yeah now that you mention it that.
  7. Not really familiar with the other races too much so I'll just go with a few things to do with slimes: 1. Make them able to change their hair anywhere at will. It would take a little of time and would be interrupted by moving same as if you used scissors. BUT this makes sense. Their hair is goo. 2. I know this has been suggested a lot, and I've suggested a lot, and it can be considered...OP for some reason? Dunno how really. Anyway. Let slimes be able to devour monkies, naera, farwa, etc. whole. It should take a bit of time for them to do it, but it would add for some interesting moments and RP. They would ONLY be able to do this for these species. Lizards and such can devour rats and crabs, why can't slimes devour monkies? Bonus points if you're able to spit the monkey up before it dissolves for the lols. 3. Light implants. They have no organs and are mostly see-through. Let them be able to have a light implanted into their chest. Have it dissolve after so long to balance it out. Sort of like a normal implant, but temporary. Would be cool. 4. Sticky feet/hands, sort of like magboots but not permanent. Allows slimes to stick in place for a bit after a breach, of course amount of time could be short but it would be something to get to somewhere a little safer/avoid being ragdoll'd immediately when a room is pressurized differently. Bonus points, you could have their feet/hands/legs/arms rip off if the pressure differential is too high. Basically all I got.
  8. Ehh. I dislike this. I feel it would lead to more sec trying to valid arrest people at random to search them. They'll always find some kind of excuse. Person not wearing the right clothes, etc. etc. Though it IS annoying and WOULD make sense for their name to AT-LEAST be the name on the ID(Or enforce the whole masked identity thing more), I don't really see this working in anyones' favor in the long run.
  9. Would be sorta neat if slimes' could pop their limbs back on if they could find them, and only their limbs...but that'd be a lil broken sorta I guess. That said, yay good IPC change.
  10. Pocket spiders. A growing threat to our glorious station.
  11. I'd agree even though I don't play an IPC at all. I might however play an IPC if this was added, at-least the limb thing. It makes no good sense that an IPC couldn't pop it's own limbs back on provided they have the adequate amount of appendages to do so. So long as a timer was added and a table was needed, I see no reason to disallow repairing internals too.
  12. Well. This was a thing; It gets worse. Lol you think that's it? Pebbl learned a lot this day.
  13. Welcome to the Jungle, we have forks and guns.
  14. Not even 30 minutes back on the server...10/10
  15. I like it! She has actually tried to free the xenobio slimes on multiple occasions xD.
  16. Clearly to toss at the enemy after firing at it in a 'FUCK YOU AHHH' sort of deal before dying horribly while contemplating the existence of a dinky pistol.
  17. Unfortunately was unable to capture the full thing. Imagine it with more fueltanks.
  18. Considering it was added to the wiki as Class-S. My guess is yes. *shrug*
  19. I was there with the giant burning man at one point. xD.
  20. Eh it's fine! I could still tell it was her, I saw the kitty tail from the kitty ears :p. Always next time if you decide to use her again I suppose~
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