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Everything posted by Tatsumaki

  1. I've never had any lag or frame rate drop when using the camera console, but I think it be a little overpowered if you could jump between the cameras using only the directional controls. I think manually choosing the camera you want to view and then having to go back to the minimap and pick the next wouldn't change the balance of the item except for making it a bit more user friendly.
  2. Currently the camera bug traitor item is quite difficult to use and navigate. When you use the item you are presented with a small screen with the name of every single camera on the station in a scrollable list, this means you need to know the exact name of the camera you want to access and then find it in the list every time you use the bug. I would suggest that upon using the camera bug you are instead presented with a map of the station with clickable cameras, the same sort of layout that is used for the crew monitor or the atmospherics computer. This would mean the bug is a lot more user friendly an doesn't require meta-knowledge to use to it's full effect. Another improvement, although less important, would be to give an indication as to what the camera bug can be upgraded with. Currently it is just listed as being upgradable but there are no hints given as to the ways the bug can be upgraded. Thank you for reading and I hope these suggestions are considered as the camera bug could be a very useful tool but it is, at the moment, held back by it's design.
  3. I think the detectives agreeable shades could benefit with having a cool down, maybe 30 minutes, instead of being a one time use item. Sometimes I just have more than one one liner as a detective.
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