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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Mayfox


    The above piece of art is the most beautiful thing I've seen from recent memory.
  2. What if... your character loses their hat one or two tiles before they lose their foothold?
  3. Only if you can do this
  4. When people roleplay a spoken accent and keep the accent when they write something in character such as a PDA direct message.
  5. You can either eat the mouse god and go to hell or not do that, what do you choose?
  6. Is it like Bladerunner, but with scenes of Harrison Ford slipping on banana peels? Because that would be perfect.
  7. When you join mid-shift as blueshield or detective just to discover that the guy before you went into cryo with the leather harness.
  8. I am just going to use this thread to shoehorn my own suggestion before making an entirely new thread. The only thing that does not sit right with me about the system is the name itself. "Karma" carries with it this idea of universal balance: do good things get good things, do bad things get bad things - but only half of it applies to the system. This is a system where you spend someones approval to get rewards, I think a more fitting name for the currency would be something like "Kudos".
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