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Eler00 last won the day on September 27 2019

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  1. It's hard to tell, but would you actually be in space long enough to die when riding disposals? Disposals spits you out pretty quickly, and space takes some time to kill you. Overall though, I'd love a map that's radically different from what we have.
  2. Giving miners a secondary mining location is an idea I've floated around a bit in the past. I don't think we'd need to invent a new kind of EVA suit when we can just use mining hardsuits as we used on the old asteroid. I'm sceptical it makes sense as its own z-level, especially one accessible only via a single shuttle. That has performance impacts and having only one way to get there makes it really easy for antags to build a base there. Even lavaland can be reached via the labor camp shuttle on top of the mining shuttle. IMO, it would make more sense to put a mining asteroid in space somewhere, not even one taking up an entire z-level but maybe half of one. That way, it can be reached via space.
  3. To be clear, I didn't say tanks running out sooner is an issue, just that it wouldn't be the 'powergaming' thing to get a tank since, as mentioned, it wouldn't last you too long.
  4. I like this idea in theory. If the performance impact can be handelled/is small enough, I'd like to see it implemented. If people consume more oxygen, then tanks will run out much sooner as well. Except for people using full-sized tanks in their suit storage slot, they wouldn't last the round. In the past, I've seen people say that our current level of Oxygen consumption is 'realistic'. But realism doesn't really have to matter, compared to game balance, imo. Our characters can already starve to death in a 2 hour shift, so them breathing ten times as much oxygen as real humans really isn't a big stretch either.
  5. At that point, we might as well remove them, since they'd be pointless except for RnD.
  6. :l is already used, to speak into a handheld radio held in your left hand (just as .r is used for the right-hand radio). Believe me, we spent some time trying to find free letters when assigning the ERT channel a button.
  7. I kind of liked the suggestion of making the Psychologist perform some 'experiments' on the crew. It would take the role into a very different direction though, and might make crew ignore the annoying psych with his weird demands.
  8. Maybe if the issue is mass ordering mindshields, we should do something about those instead. Make the crates massively more expensive or just remove them entirely.
  9. If you really want to hide someone you've killed under the floor, you can just chop off their head/remove their brain and then hide the head/brain in a smuggler's satchel.
  10. What would be perfect is if there was a 'paperwork' pda cartridge/pda program that replaces the document editor function of modular laptops. You could have them come with pre-defined templates you can use or modify, the ability to print or scan documents, etc.
  11. I'm not sure I agree. You could probably do a busted-open borg, or a borg lying on its side or something. Though getting one for every possible borg sprite would be a lot of work.
  12. Even if transformations itself didn't heal lost limbs, clings could simply turn into a slimeperson and then regrow their limbs that way.
  13. On the other hand, the more specific the laws, the longer they are. Longer laws means more people going TLDR, skimming or just forgetting parts.
  14. I don't want to derail this thread too much, but tldr: The idea of SR is the corpse needs to be mostly intact or it freaking gibs you, a skeleton is the opposite of intact even if this isn't represented by actual damage. EDIT: On double-checking, it appears that being a skeleton DOES prevent SR revival. makeSkeleton() gives you NOCLONE on top of SKELETON. As for the Vox buff, dwarfism has been discussed before, I believe. At the time, people were against it since dwarfism is fairly strong mechanically, but it would definitely be very fitting. The speed burst idea might be too strong. Having even just a short burst of speed means getting away from any attacker since everyone else runs at the exact same speed. They don't have NOCLONE, they "just" have NO_SCAN. NOCLONE prevents even things like SR or diona pods. It's rather confusingly named.
  15. SR working on skeletons could probably stand to get changed, then.
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