I don't want to derail this thread too much, but tldr: The idea of SR is the corpse needs to be mostly intact or it freaking gibs you, a skeleton is the opposite of intact even if this isn't represented by actual damage.
EDIT: On double-checking, it appears that being a skeleton DOES prevent SR revival. makeSkeleton() gives you NOCLONE on top of SKELETON.
As for the Vox buff, dwarfism has been discussed before, I believe. At the time, people were against it since dwarfism is fairly strong mechanically, but it would definitely be very fitting. The speed burst idea might be too strong. Having even just a short burst of speed means getting away from any attacker since everyone else runs at the exact same speed.
They don't have NOCLONE, they "just" have NO_SCAN. NOCLONE prevents even things like SR or diona pods. It's rather confusingly named.