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Benjaminfallout last won the day on October 25

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About Benjaminfallout

  • Birthday 10/20/2001

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Atmospherics Tech

Atmospherics Tech (15/37)



  1. My tiny Medbay outside of Medbay The chemlab we had to reinforce the walls on because security kept breaking in My new mining record :) and the first of many maints SMs in my attempts to lean how it all works
  2. I love eating rocks and stones :)
  3. Screenshot dump from the last 2 months : )
  4. Poolbay lives again Fun cold room with Edgar A real pool with Sizzle Me kidnapping the captain for a tea party getting a silly medal and Miraviel being awesome :)
  5. My Final Escape TEG And an exceptionally good mining round I had
  6. The SM exploded pretty much right as the shift started. Told the captain I would try building a TEG. For the first time ever it both worked and didn't cause a plasma fire!
  7. Funny Poolbay
  8. Had a great mining round last night 30,000ish mining points, 10,000 credits, a mining drone friend named Ross and a very cool looking outfit.
  9. Had a nice round as security secretary with L.I.F.T.
  10. I walked up to a tunnel clown and asked to be told a joke
  11. Soylent meme Big game hunter
  12. I had my first NT Rep round in well over a year. It was pretty smooth tell I got this in the mail.
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