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Everything posted by Benjaminfallout

  1. Nothing makes me hate someone more then when I ask: Why are you bolting the teliporter? Why did you have the AI set the doors to max? Why did the suit sensors message talk about finding are mangled bodies? Why is Security going around maintenance on green at 12:02? Etc. And I get a response saying there "preparing." or it's "just in case." The only time any of this should ever have is with reason. Not the "I know there are going to be antags so I better do this."
  2. Well nothing is going to keep us down! Once more guys!
  3. Okay guys it's time to deal with the wiz-nerds. I have counted nine to far. We need a plan.
  4. "It takes seven... to make me regret walking into maintenance."
  5. Welcome to the station Mr. Black. Here is your complimentary fruit basket. On another note your first paycheck is going to be a bit lighter then the ones to come.
  6. I got about 5 minutes of sleep last night... Send help.
  7. Looks like saying sorry is not going to work this time... either that or it's an order from am administrators... I guess I'll try my luck one more time. Dear Ms. Vega, I'd like to apologise for my constant apologies. It's just that I get apologetic when apologies are in order. I'd also like to say sorry for taking up so much of your valuable time with my apology Sincerely and sorry-ly, Jessica Connor~
  8. I am now responsible for three setbacks... I'm sorry...
  9. Is the postal mans. As You can see he is a distant cousin of Mr. Stingray.
  10. My feelings :'( Two sorry notes to @R1f73r
  11. 11 is the natural number following 10 and preceding 12. It is the first repdigit. In English, it is the smallest positive integer requiring three syllables and the largest prime number with a single-morpheme name.
  12. Hark, hark! the lark at Seven's gate sings.
  13. In game photo and flavor text if you have then available.
  14. ...yes...
  15. "Logan and I had a baby. We named her after my mother."
  16. "I have my Logan and my Emily. Don't put words in my mouth." :) I have only seen him drunk once. Other then that he has been a great person. That and you don't need to be lewd to have a child.
  17. it's never too early to start a family Beer. You'd be a good father.
  18. Same round Turns out a locker of catfish does not count... Sparks...
  19. Sorry I've been gone I've had a five-ver.
  20. Taming of the shrew act one thing one
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